Resistance reduction by grouting to large diameter and long distance steel pipe jacking:A case study of pipe jacking project in the upstream water source area of Huangpu River
摘要: 黄浦江上游水源地通管工程C3标段采用DN4000钢顶管施工,单次顶进长度达到969.94m,如何降低顶力是整个工程成功的关键。为减少摩阻力从而降低顶力,对泥浆配制、注浆控制等方面进行了研究,并结合JB06~JB05及JB07~JB06顶进段的地层、顶进力变化状况,分析顶管摩阻力的变化规律。结果表明:①该工程注浆孔的合理布置、触变泥浆的配制与使用得到的减阻效果明显,可作为类似工程减阻技术的参考;②顶力与顶进距离近似呈线性关系,但地层本身的性质会造成顶力的突变,类似工程可先对地层性质进行研究以得到更准确的顶力预测,指导顶管施工;③已注入环空一定时间后的泥浆与刚注入的泥浆相比减阻效果更好,顶力增速过快时可降低顶进速度,待泥浆充分与地层反应后再以原速顶进;④适当增加注浆量可以有效地减小管周摩阻力;⑤高聚物膨润土泥浆比膨润土泥浆单价更高,但高聚物膨润土泥浆注浆量少,综合环境效益等多方面因素考虑,高聚物膨润土泥浆更有优势。Abstract: C3 section in the connecting pipe jacking project in the upstream water source area of Huangpu River is constructed by DN4000 steel pipe jacking with the length of 969.94m in a single jacking. As the reduction of resistance is the key aspect of the project, this paper studies the preparation and the use of slurry in order to reduce the resistance to decrease jacking force. Besides, based on the change of jacking force under the geological conditions of JB06-JB05 and JB07-JB06, the paper analyses the variation rule of resistance. The results show: ①The reduction effect is obvious with proper arrangement of grouting holes, the preparation and use of slurry. ②Jacking force is approximately linear with jacking distance but the character of geological condition may lead to sudden change of jacking force. ③The slurry which has been injected for some time performs better than freshly injected slurry. ④Friction can be effectively reduced by increasing the grouting volume properly. ⑤Polymer bentonite mud is more expensive but the grouting volume of it is less. Considering various kinds of factors, polymer bentonite mud is more favorable than bentonite mud.
Key words:
- large diameter /
- long distance /
- steel pipe jacking /
- grouting resistance reduction
表 1 浆液配比
Table 1. Proportion of two kinds of mud
顶进段 泥浆 膨润土 纯碱 CMC 聚合物材料 水 m/kg JB06~JB05 膨润土泥浆 100 5 1.2 0 780 JB07~JB06 高聚物泥浆 350 5 0 1.2 780 表 2 泥浆性能参数
Table 2. Technology parameters of two kinds of mud
顶进段 泥浆 漏斗黏度/ mPa·s 失水量/mL 比重/ (g·cm-3) JB06~JB05 膨润土泥浆 1′19″ 12.6 1.048 JB07~JB06 高聚物泥浆 0 10 1.4 表 3 各顶进段总顶力
Table 3. Jacking force of each section
顶进段 设计采用总顶力/kN 实际监测总顶力/kN JB06~JB05 41 096 16 673 JB07~JB06 52 403 21 250 表 4 泥浆的用量
Table 4. Dosage of slurry
泥浆类型 注浆量/ (m3·节-1) 补浆频率/ (次·100 m-1) 稳定时单位面积平均摩阻力/(kN·m-2) 膨润土泥浆 42 10 1.44~1.66 高聚物膨润土泥浆 24 2 1.54~1.75 -
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