Geochemical characteristics, zircon U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotope composition of gabbro in Gushanping area, north Qinling
摘要: 北秦岭孤山坪地区辉长岩的研究程度较低,而辉长岩通常是下地壳或上地幔玄武质岩浆结晶的产物,可以在一定程度上反映特定地质时代壳幔演化格局。为了研究其成因和形成机制,对其锆石U-Pb年代学、岩石地球化学及锆石Hf同位素进行了研究。结果表明:辉长岩的侵位结晶年龄为(457.4±1.4)Ma,即形成于晚奥陶世;总体上富集轻稀土元素和大离子亲石元素K、Rb、Ba、Sr,相对亏损高场强元素Nb、P、Ti、Zr,指示其可能形成于活动陆缘弧环境;锆石εHf(t)=6.4~9.1,一阶段模式年龄(tDM1=822~708 Ma)和二阶段模式年龄(tDM2=1 268~1 025 Ma)均大于锆石结晶年龄。综合研究认为,孤山坪地区辉长岩原始岩浆应来源于受俯冲流体交代作用改造的富集型地幔,可能形成于二郎坪群早期岛弧与秦岭地块之间的弧陆碰撞所导致的增生造山作用过程,代表了晚奥陶世二郎坪群由岛弧向弧后盆地转化的初始岩浆记录。本研究可以为北秦岭早古生代构造演化的厘定提供进一步的约束资料。Abstract: The gabbros, which are usually the product of the basaltic magma crystallization in lower crust or upper mantle, and to a certain extent, can reflect the specific geological era crust-mantle evolution history, are not well documented in Gushanping area, North Qinling. In order to confirm its petrogenesis and mechanism of formation, this study carried out zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb chronology, petrogeochemistry and zircon Hf isotope studies. The results indicate that emplacement crystallization age of the gabbros in Gushanping area is (457.4±1.4) Ma, indicating that the gabbros were formed in Late Ordovician. A geochemical study suggests the gabbros are generally enriched in LREE, rich in K, Rb, Ba, Sr, and relatively depleted in HFSE, Nb, P, Ti and Zr, which indicat the gabbros may form in an island arc setting of active continental margin. The εHf(t) values vary from 6.4 to 9.1, the single model age tDM1 is 822-708 Ma and the two model age tDM2 is 1 268-1 025 Ma, both of which are older than the crystallizational age of zircon. Comprehensive studies suggest that the magma of the gabbros in Gushanping area originated from an enriched mantle which may be modified by subduction metasomatic fluids, and may have been formed in accretionary orogenesis caused by arc-continent collision between the early island arc of Erlangping Group and Qinling geolgogical block. The authors thus infer that the gabbros in Gushanping area ought to be initial magmatism records of the transition from island arc to back-arc basin in Erlangping Group in Late Ordovician. And this study can provide a new basis for the research on the Early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of North Qinling.
Key words:
- north Qinling /
- Gushanping area /
- Erlangping Group /
- gabbro /
- zircon U-Pb dating /
- Hf isotope
图 1 北秦岭构造带地质简图(a)(据文献[9]修改)和孤山坪地区地质简图(b)
Figure 1. Sketch geological maps of the north Qinling (a) and Gushanping aera (b)
图 7 辉长岩稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分模式图(a)和微量元素原始地幔标准化蛛网图(b)(标准化数据据文献[65])
Figure 7. Chondrite-normalized REE distribution patterns (a) and primitive mantle-normalized spider diagram(b) for the gabbro
图 10 孤山坪地区辉长岩Hf/3-Th-Nb/16图解(a)和Th/Yb-Ta/Yb图解(b)(底图据文献[71])
Figure 10. Hf/3-Th-Nb/16 (a) and Th/Yb-Ta/Yb (b) discrimination diagrams of the gabbro in Gushanping area
表 1 样品Y1310/1 LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果
Table 1. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating results for sample Y1310/1
测点 Pb U Th Th/U 206Pb/238U 207Pb/235U 207Pb/206Pb 206Pb/238U 207Pb/235U 207Pb/206Pb wB/10-6 U-Th-Pb同位素比值±1σ U-Th-Pb同位素(年龄±1σ)/Ma 1 26 338 306 1.11 0.734±0.007 0.559 6±0.008 6 0.553±0.008 456.5±4.7 451.3±6.9 424.9±33.0 2 18 249 210 1.19 0.728±0.008 0.564 2±0.008 9 0.562±0.008 453.0±4.7 454.2±7.2 460.3±33.5 3 17 179 208 0.86 0.722±0.008 0.561 8±0.009 4 0.564±0.009 449.4±4.7 452.7±7.6 469.5±36.2 4 23 271 258 1.05 0.728±0.008 0.579 7±0.008 8 0.578±0.008 452.7±4.7 464.3±7.1 521.7±32.1 5 12 97 142 0.68 0.737±0.008 0.569 8±0.012 2 0.561±0.012 458.6±4.9 457.9±9.8 454.7±45.8 6 14 164 165 0.99 0.732±0.008 0.578 4±0.010 4 0.573±0.010 455.3±4.8 463.4±8.3 504.0±38.5 7 19 175 235 0.75 0.732±0.008 0.566 5±0.009 2 0.561±0.009 455.6±4.8 455.7±7.4 456.4±34.6 8 18 210 200 1.05 0.733±0.008 0.567 7±0.009 4 0.562±0.009 456.0±4.8 456.5±7.6 459.0±36.1 9 19 222 215 1.03 0.740±0.008 0.574 0±0.009 5 0.563±0.009 460.2±4.9 460.6±7.6 462.6±34.8 10 42 454 458 0.99 0.734±0.008 0.570 1±0.008 1 0.563±0.008 456.8±4.8 458.0±6.5 464.1±30.2 11 18 173 202 0.86 0.739±0.008 0.575 1±0.010 8 0.565±0.010 459.4±4.9 461.3±8.7 470.8±40.5 12 15 116 146 0.79 0.858±0.010 0.689 6±0.012 9 0.583±0.010 530.5±6.2 532.6±9.9 541.3±37.1 13 17 195 190 1.02 0.734±0.008 0.570 3±0.009 5 0.563±0.009 456.8±4.8 458.2±7.6 465.1±36.1 14 14 162 158 1.02 0.728±0.008 0.582 1±0.010 4 0.580±0.010 453.3±4.7 465.8±8.3 528.2±37.9 15 12 116 145 0.80 0.733±0.007 0.571 3±0.010 6 0.565±0.010 455.9±4.6 458.9±8.5 473.5±40.5 16 20 259 220 1.18 0.733±0.007 0.568 9±0.010 3 0.563±0.010 455.7±4.6 457.3±8.2 465.2±39.3 17 14 177 161 1.10 0.742±0.008 0.562 2±0.010 6 0.549±0.010 461.6±4.7 453.0±8.6 409.3±41.7 18 31 418 350 1.19 0.734±0.007 0.566 3±0.008 1 0.560±0.008 456.4±4.5 455.6±6.5 451.8±31.3 19 24 300 265 1.13 0.734±0.008 0.570 1±0.010 9 0.563±0.010 456.7±4.7 458.1±8.8 465.0±38.0 20 20 245 232 1.06 0.736±0.007 0.580 6±0.010 0 0.572±0.010 457.5±4.5 464.8±8.0 501.0±37.5 21 13 115 162 0.71 0.742±0.007 0.567 7±0.018 3 0.555±0.018 461.3±4.6 456.5±14.7 432.4±72.2 22 19 219 218 1.01 0.742±0.007 0.577 0±0.009 6 0.564±0.009 461.3±4.6 462.5±7.7 468.8±36.0 23 53 634 564 1.12 0.745±0.007 0.577 3±0.007 8 0.562±0.007 463.3±4.6 462.7±6.2 460.1±29.4 24 10 90 116 0.78 0.741±0.008 0.588 0±0.014 8 0.576±0.014 460.6±4.7 469.6±11.8 513.9±54.4 25 24 291 274 1.06 0.735±0.008 0.574 2±0.009 1 0.567±0.008 457.3±5.0 460.7±7.3 478.1±32.7 26 14 169 160 1.06 0.743±0.008 0.576 2±0.010 4 0.562±0.010 462.2±4.8 462.0±8.3 461.2±39.2 27 25 182 318 0.57 0.739±0.007 0.568 9±0.008 3 0.559±0.008 459.4±4.6 457.3±6.7 446.9±31.6 28 15 180 173 1.04 0.732±0.008 0.574 6±0.009 7 0.569±0.010 455.7±4.7 461.0±7.8 487.6±36.9 29 21 132 277 0.48 0.732±0.008 0.590 0±0.008 8 0.585±0.008 455.4±4.8 470.8±7.0 546.7±31.0 30 11 115 127 0.91 0.734±0.008 0.571 0±0.021 6 0.565±0.019 456.4±4.9 458.7±17.4 470.2±75.6 31 24 153 307 0.50 0.738±0.008 0.598 4±0.008 8 0.588±0.008 458.9±4.9 476.2±7.0 560.3±30.7 32 31 342 343 1.00 0.728±0.008 0.571 4±0.009 1 0.569±0.008 453.3±4.9 458.9±7.3 487.2±32.6 33 25 180 325 0.55 0.735±0.008 0.574 5±0.008 4 0.567±0.008 457.4±4.8 461.0±6.8 478.6±31.1 34 15 116 84 0.63 0.735±0.008 0.585 6±0.010 0 0.578±0.010 457.3±4.8 468.1±8.0 521.4±36.1 35 21 129 261 0.49 0.747±0.008 0.569 8±0.008 7 0.553±0.008 464.3±4.8 457.9±7.0 425.7±32.3 36 23 262 258 1.02 0.738±0.007 0.582 7±0.008 8 0.572±0.008 459.1±4.6 466.2±7.1 501.1±32.4 37 19 104 246 0.42 0.730±0.008 0.589 2±0.011 2 0.585±0.011 454.1±4.7 470.3±8.9 550.2±40.8 38 20 189 245 0.77 0.733±0.008 0.585 6±0.009 1 0.580±0.009 455.9±4.7 468.1±7.2 528.2±33.0 39 37 276 459 0.60 0.740±0.008 0.582 6±0.008 2 0.571±0.008 460.3±4.8 466.1±6.6 494.6±29.6 40 25 309 284 1.09 0.733±0.007 0.590 3±0.008 8 0.584±0.009 456.2±4.6 471.1±7.0 544.0±32.4 41 12 126 142 0.89 0.730±0.008 0.578 7±0.012 2 0.575±0.012 454.1±4.9 463.7±9.8 511.4±44.9 42 13 128 142 0.91 0.739±0.008 0.566 6±0.012 0 0.556±0.011 459.6±4.7 455.8±9.6 436.4±45.3 43 8 74 99 0.75 0.739±0.008 0.567 8±0.012 9 0.557±0.012 459.5±4.8 456.6±10.4 442.2±49.6 44 26 320 290 1.10 0.736±0.008 0.583 5±0.008 9 0.575±0.008 458.1±4.9 466.7±7.1 509.4±31.0 表 2 样品Y1310/1锆石的LA-MC-ICP-MS Lu-Hf同位素分析结果
Table 2. LA-MC-ICP-MS zircon Lu-Hf isotopic compositions for sample Y1310/1
测点 176Hf/177Hf ±2σ 176Lu/177Hf ±2σ 176Yb/177Hf ±2σ 年龄/
177Hf)iεHf(t) 2σ fLu/Hf tDM1 /
Ma2σ tDM2/
Ma2σ 1 0.282 752 0.000 016 0.000 950 0.000 004 0.029 3 0.000 1 457.4 0.282 744 9.1 0.6 -0.97 708 45 1 025 63 2 0.282 688 0.000 016 0.002 035 0.000 006 0.065 8 0.000 2 457.4 0.282 671 6.5 0.6 -0.94 821 46 1 259 63 3 0.282 687 0.000 017 0.001 717 0.000 005 0.055 6 0.000 1 457.4 0.282 672 6.5 0.6 -0.95 816 49 1 254 67 4 0.282 689 0.000 016 0.001 027 0.000 005 0.033 2 0.000 1 457.4 0.282 680 6.8 0.6 -0.97 798 45 1 229 63 5 0.282 722 0.000 016 0.001 196 0.000 007 0.038 6 0.000 2 457.4 0.282 712 7.9 0.6 -0.96 755 45 1 128 63 6 0.282 700 0.000 017 0.001 286 0.000 016 0.041 3 0.000 5 457.4 0.282 689 7.1 0.6 -0.96 788 48 1 200 67 7 0.282 691 0.000 017 0.001 170 0.000 004 0.037 0 0.000 1 457.4 0.282 681 6.9 0.6 -0.96 798 48 1 226 67 8 0.282 711 0.000 021 0.002 889 0.000 005 0.093 6 0.000 0 457.4 0.282 686 7.0 0.7 -0.91 807 62 1 209 83 9 0.282 682 0.000 017 0.001 658 0.000 005 0.050 2 0.000 1 457.4 0.282 668 6.4 0.6 -0.95 822 49 1 268 67 10 0.282 733 0.000 018 0.001 516 0.000 009 0.048 1 0.000 3 457.4 0.282 720 8.2 0.6 -0.95 746 52 1 101 71 11 0.282 736 0.000 018 0.002 045 0.000 002 0.059 9 0.000 1 457.4 0.282 718 8.2 0.6 -0.94 752 52 1 106 71 12 0.282 730 0.000 020 0.001 941 0.000 003 0.057 2 0.000 0 457.4 0.282 713 8.0 0.7 -0.94 759 58 1 123 79 表 3 孤山坪地区辉长岩主量元素和微量元素分析结果
Table 3. Major and trace elements data of the gabbros in Gushanping area
元素 Y1310/1 Y1310/2 Y175/226 Y172/122 Y327/21 元素 Y1310/1 Y1310/2 Y175/226 Y172/122 Y327/21 SiO2 47.76 49.27 50.28 50.41 50.91 Be 0.47 0.26 0.41 0.27 0.64 TiO2 0.79 0.73 0.46 0.42 1.21 Th 2.28 0.63 4.10 1.13 2.36 Al2O3 17.75 16.20 13.04 15.41 15.89 U 0.50 0.16 0.63 0.27 0.41 Fe2O3 3.98 3.31 2.89 2.02 3.43 Ba 309.94 179.26 288.37 214.54 294.80 FeO 6.80 7.02 5.28 4.88 6.52 Cr 44.69 237.19 604.90 357.71 53.40 MnO 0.20 0.18 0.15 0.15 0.21 Ni 23.02 80.57 171.50 124.00 17.80 MgO 5.91 8.16 11.57 9.16 5.78 Sr 561.76 347.89 183.54 293.61 45.00 CaO wB/% 10.86 9.70 11.06 12.33 10.19 V 385.70 320.64 209.01 156.73 267.90 Na2O 2.12 2.81 2.40 1.78 3.25 Sn 0.74 0.62 0.53 0.69 0.96 K2O 0.53 0.34 0.35 0.44 0.79 La 18.46 10.39 14.33 5.11 8.34 P2O5 0.24 0.10 0.09 0.06 0.14 Ce wB/10-6 35.16 19.04 24.47 10.10 17.65 烧失量 0.10 0.36 1.56 2.15 0.72 Pr 4.50 2.69 3.28 1.55 2.71 总和 97.05 98.19 99.14 99.21 99.04 Nd 18.48 11.38 12.27 6.68 12.20 FeOT 10.37 9.99 7.87 6.69 9.60 Sm 3.68 2.46 2.66 1.73 3.33 Mg# 50.37 59.30 72.37 70.94 51.77 Eu 1.34 0.90 0.78 0.67 1.18 K2O/Na2O 0.25 0.12 0.15 0.25 0.24 Gd 3.40 2.52 2.46 1.91 3.87 K2O+Na2O 2.65 3.16 2.75 2.22 4.04 Tb 0.49 0.39 0.38 0.33 0.71 Sc 41.24 41.37 47.12 42.86 33.79 Dy 3.34 2.70 2.34 2.04 4.32 Co 29.27 36.38 46.11 41.28 28.14 Ho 0.63 0.52 0.46 0.46 0.88 Ga 15.10 13.55 10.29 11.38 16.85 Er 1.78 1.60 1.30 1.34 2.53 Rb 21.30 12.25 25.08 17.37 20.82 Tm 0.27 0.23 0.20 0.20 0.37 Zr 32.74 27.85 36.20 31.30 71.80 Yb 1.79 1.52 1.24 1.24 2.25 NbwB/10-6 2.55 1.31 1.64 0.96 3.01 Lu 0.29 0.25 0.18 0.20 0.34 Mo 0.15 0.12 0.10 0.16 0.65 Y 15.51 12.56 12.19 11.78 20.76 Cs 2.21 2.07 6.38 3.30 3.72 ΣREE 93.62 56.58 66.35 33.56 60.69 Hf 1.70 1.10 1.30 1.10 2.00 (La/Yb)N 7.40 4.89 8.28 2.96 2.66 Ta 0.66 0.35 0.37 0.20 0.44 δEu 1.16 1.11 0.93 1.13 1.01 W 0.86 1.16 0.59 0.43 0.82 δCe 0.95 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.91 -
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