Sedimentary process and accumulation mechanism of traction fluidization gravity flow: An example from Qikou Sag, Bohai Bay Basin
摘要: 以具备牵引流特色的重力流沉积体为载体的高效储集体,是陆相湖盆沉积学研究与勘探突破的重要领域。渤海湾盆地歧口凹陷沙一段发育的大规模多期次陆相重力流具有其沉积特征的独特性(面积约940 km2,纵向分布厚度约1.1 km)。依据水动力条件及沉积过程机制,存在层级递进继承型、渐进过渡型、兼并融合型3种牵引流与重力流动力学过程,细分为泥质碎屑流、砂质碎屑流、过渡型同生流、(高密度-低密度悬浮)似涌浪浊流、(高密度-低密度)准稳态浊流5种机制类型,并依据其发育背景识别出了滨海地区中央隆起带上以重力流水道为主导特征的水道型重力流沉积体系和受次洼地貌控制的面流型重力流。本研究细化了沉积动力学过程-堆积机制-沉积相-岩相一体化的关联性,确定了牵引流化重力流发育的关键控制因素。作为极具潜力的优质储层目标,陆相牵引流化重力流沉积体的研究成果在丰富理论体系的同时,对油气勘探新领域的拓展与突破具重要意义,具备生产实践价值,对于其他陆相湖盆油气勘探具有重要的借鉴作用。Abstract: The high efficiency reservoir in gravity flow deposits with traction flow features is one of the most important aspects in sedimentary research and exploration. The large-scale and multi-stage lacustrine gravity flow deposits developed in the first member of Shahejie Formation in Qikou Sag of Bohai Bay Basin exhibit their unique sedimentary features (The dimensions of gravity flow deposits are about 940 km2 in transverse area and 1.1 km in vertical scale). According to the hydrodynamic conditions and sedimentary process mechanism, the large-scale lacustrine gravity flow depositional system shows three types of relationships between tractive currents and gravity currents, which are identified as ①hierarchical progressive inheritance type, ②progressive transition type, ③merger fusion type. The sedimentary mechanism of gravity flow is divided into five types: muddy debris flow, sandy debris flow, transitional contemporaneous flow, high/low-density turbidity flow and high/low-density quasi-steady turbidity flow. The channelized gravity flow depositional system with gravity flow channel is the dominant feature in the central uplift zone of coastal area in the west, as the sheet-flow pattern is controlled by the sub-sag morphology in the east. This study aims to realize and refine the integration and relevance among sedimentary dynamic process, accumulation mechanism, sedimentary facies, and lithofacies, as well as determine the dominant control factors for the traction fluidized gravity flow. As a potential efficient reservoir target, the research results of traction fluidized gravity flow deposits can improve the theoretical system of lacustrine gravity flow, and at the same time, are significant for frontier breakthrough in petroleum exploration.It has practical production value and important reference for other continental lake basin oil and gas exploration.
表 1 沉积相带半定量化划分标准
Table 1. Standard for semi-quantitative division of sedimentary facies
亚相 微相 砂岩
厚度/m沉积过程机制 岩性特征 曲线特征 内扇 主水道 >30 >10 泥质碎屑流 泥质漂砾 正旋回、薄箱型曲线 水道侧缘 砂质碎屑流 砂质漂砾 高幅指状曲线 水道间 过渡型同生流 多级颗粒支撑砾岩 低幅指状曲线、锯齿状曲线 越岸席状砂 多级颗粒支撑细砂岩 低幅指状曲线 中扇 分流水道 30~10 3~10 砂质碎屑流 砂质漂砾 正旋回、薄箱型曲线 水道侧缘 过渡型同生流 多级颗粒支撑砾岩 高幅指状曲线 水道间 (高密度-低密度悬浮)似涌浪浊流 多级颗粒支撑细砂岩 低幅指状曲线、锯齿状曲线 越岸席状砂 多级颗粒支撑粉砂岩 多旋回低幅指状曲线 外扇 浊积席状砂 <10 <3 (高密度-低密度悬浮)似涌浪浊流 多级颗粒支撑细砂岩 多旋回高幅指状曲线 (高密度)准稳态浊流 深湖泥 (低密度)准稳态浊流 多级颗粒支撑粉砂岩 低幅指状曲线 细粒悬浮 泥岩 锯齿状曲线 表 2 沉积过程机制、沉积相、岩相之间对应关系与识别标志
Table 2. Correspondence between sedimentary process mechanism, sedimentary facies and lithofacies and identification marks
沉积过程机制 沉积相(亚相+微相) 岩相 泥质碎屑流 内扇主水道 泥质漂砾 砂质碎屑流 砂质漂砾 多级颗粒支撑砾岩 泥质碎屑流 内扇水道侧缘 泥质漂砾 砂质碎屑流 砂质漂砾 过渡型同生流 多级颗粒支撑砾岩 内扇水道间 多级颗粒支撑细砂岩 砂质碎屑岩 内扇越岸席状砂 多级颗粒支撑砾岩 过渡型同生流 多级颗粒支撑细砂岩 砂质碎屑岩 中扇分流水道 砂质漂砾 过渡型同生流 多级颗粒支撑砾岩 (高密度-低密度悬浮)似涌浪浊流 多级颗粒支撑细砂岩 过渡型同生流 中扇水道侧缘 (高密度-低密度悬浮)似涌浪浊流 多级颗粒支撑粉砂岩 过渡型同生流 中扇水道间 多级颗粒支撑细砂岩 (高密度-低密度悬浮)似涌浪浊流 多级颗粒支撑粉砂岩 中扇越岸席状砂 外扇浊积席状砂 多级颗粒支撑细砂岩 (高密度)准稳态浊流 多级颗粒支撑粉砂岩 (低密度)准稳态浊流 细粒悬浮 外扇深湖泥 泥岩 -
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