Intelligent data acquisition and visualization technology of field geology based on mobile devices
摘要: 野外地质数据来源繁多、类型繁杂、数量巨大,但数据采集手段数字化程度不高、效率低,导致野外地质数据采集成为地学大数据获取的一个瓶颈。基于移动智能手机、平板电脑等移动设备的野外地质数据采集是一个趋势。基于移动设备的野外地质大数据智能采集技术,采用搭载Android系统的移动设备,利用传感器辅助编录、语音识别辅助编录、可定制字典辅助编录、界面自定义、相关联数据辅助编录等手段辅助野外数据快捷及智能化采集工作,并在野外利用采集的数据直接在Android设备上进行地质图件的绘制,实现数据的现场制图及可视化表达。重点针对野外钻孔数据在该系统上进行了数据采集测试和地质编录本的绘制,结果表明利用本方法,能够提高数据采集的工作效率和质量,并可以在现场直接进行地质图件的绘制。Abstract: There are many sources, complicated types and huge quantity of field geological data, but the low digitization degree of data acquisition method and poor efficiency lead to the bottleneck of field geological data acquisition by big data. Field geological data acquisition based on mobile smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices is a trend. This paper studies the intelligent acquisition technology of field geological big data based on mobile devices. This technology adopts the mobile device with Android system, uses such methods as sensor-assisted cataloging, speech recognition-assisted cataloging, customizable dictionary-assisted editing, interface customization and associated data auxiliary cataloging, to assist the field data fast and intelligent collection work. In the field, this technology also can use the collected data on the Android to directly draw the geological map, and make the data visual on-site. Using the field drilling data, the study tested functions of data collection and geological catalog drawing. The results show that the method proposed in this paper can improve the efficiency and quality of data collection, and can directly draw geological map in the field.
Key words:
- big data /
- Android system /
- data acquisition /
- visualization
表 1 本地字典示例
Table 1. Local data dictionary example
中文 拼音 石英 shi ying 蚀变 shi bian 闪长岩 shan chang yan 片岩 pian yan 花岗岩 hua gang yan 大理岩 da li yan 砂岩 sha yan -
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