Distribution rule and main controlling factors of crude oil from different sources in Bonan Sag
摘要: 为揭示渤南洼陷沙三段、沙四段烃源岩来源原油的分布规律及主要控制因素,通过族组分分离、气相色谱(GC)、气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)等测试分析原油和烃源岩地球化学特征,进行原油成因分类,确定不同来源原油的分布规律,进而探讨影响油气分布的主要因素。研究表明,沙三段、沙四段烃源岩对原油的贡献程度不同。依据生物标志化合物指标将原油划分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ 3类,其中Ⅱ类油细分为Ⅱ1和Ⅱ2 2个亚类。油源对比结果表明:Ⅰ类油来源于沙三段烃源岩,主要分布在洼陷中心;Ⅱ1类油来源于沙四段膏岩层间的泥岩,Ⅱ2类油来源于沙四段盐层下部的泥岩,此类油主要分布在洼陷边缘部位;Ⅲ类油为混合来源,且以沙三源为主,其分布与断层的展布有关。结合洼陷地质特征分析,认为断层及沙四段上部存在的膏盐岩是影响不同来源原油分布的主要因素。Abstract: In order to reveal the distribution rule and main controlling factors of crude oil from the Es3 and Es4 source rocks in Bonan Sag, group separation, gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and other means were used to analyze the geochemical characteristics of crude oil and source rock, carry out the genetic classification of crude oil, determine the distribution rule of crude oil from different sources, and then explore the main factors of oil distribution.The results show that the contribution of source rocks in Es3 and Es4 intervals to crude oil is different.Based on the biomarker parameters, crude oil is classified into three groups (Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ), of which group Ⅱ oil is subdivided into group Ⅱ1 and group Ⅱ2 oil. Oil-source correlation suggests that group Ⅰ oil originates from the Es3 source rock; group Ⅱ1 oil is derived from mudstone interlayer between the gypsum rock of the Es4 interval, group Ⅱ2 oil is from mudstone of the lower part of gypsum layer of the Es4 interval; group Ⅲ oil is from mixed source rocks in both of the Es3 and Es4 intervals, mainly from Es3 source rocks, and its distribution is related to faults.Combined with the analysis of geological features of Bonan Sag, it is considered that fault and gypsum salt rocks of the upper Es4 interval are the main factors affecting the distribution of crude oil from different sources.
Key words:
- biomarkers /
- oil-source correlation /
- oil distribution /
- controlling factors /
- Bonan Sag
图 7 渤南洼陷沙三段、沙四段典型烃源岩饱和烃质谱图(符号含义同图 5)
Figure 7. Saturated hydrocarbon mass spectrometry of typical source rocks in the Es3 and Es4 intervals of Bonan Sag
图 10 渤南洼陷义171井-义160井剖面原油类型分布(剖面位置见图 1-b)
Figure 10. Distribution of crude oil types of profile Yi171-Yi160 wells in Bonan Sag
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