Application of certainty factor and random forests model in landslide susceptibility evaluation in Mangshi City, Yunnan Province
摘要: 编制科学的滑坡易发性分区图,可以有效降低灾害带来的损失。以云南省芒市为研究区,利用确定性系数模型(certainty factor,简称CF)方法计算各个因子的敏感值,作为随机森林(random forests,简称RF)的分类数据,选取合适的训练数据和最优化的模型参数进行模型预测,从而对研究区进行滑坡易发性评价分区。采用频率比方法将连续性因子离散化,从而通过确定性系数计算因子不同区间的滑坡易发性,同时利用CF先验模型,对研究区负样本进行选取。通过计算袋外误差得到最优化的RF参数,随后利用RF模型对研究区模型进行训练及预测。绘制ROC曲线和三维遥感影像对预测模型结果分别进行定量和定性评价,结果表明,所得到的模型精度为91%,优于随机抽样得到的结果。最后,采用平均基尼不纯度减少和平均准确度下降两种计算方法计算、评价了研究区各个因子的重要性。基于以上对研究区进行的滑坡易发性评价结果,可以为该区灾害风险评估和管理提供依据。Abstract: Drawing up scientific zoning maps of landslide susceptibility can effectively reduce the loss caused by disasters.Taking Mangshi City, Yunnan Province as the research area, the researchers used certainty factor (CF) method to calculate the sensitive values of each factor, and used them as classified data of random forests (RF), selected appropriate training data and optimized model parameters, and finally established the prediction model of susceptibility in the research area.In this paper, the frequency ratio method is adopted to discretize the continuity factor, so as to calculate the landslide susceptibility of different sections of the factor through the deterministic coefficient.Meanwhile, CF prior model is used to select negative samples in the research area.The optimized RF parameters are obtained by calculating the out-of-pocket errors, and then the RF model is used to train and predict the research area model.ROC curve and 3D remote sensing image were drawn to evaluate the prediction model results quantitatively and qualitatively, and the results showed that the accuracy of the model was 91%, which was better than that of random sampling Finally, the importance of each factor in the study area was calculated and evaluated by using two calculation methods of average Gini impurity reduction and average accuracy reduction.Based on the above, the landslide vulnerability assessment is carried out in the study area to provide a basis for disaster risk assessment and management in this area.
表 1 数据类别及特性
Table 1. Data categories and features
数据类型 空间分辨率和比例尺 数据用途 GF-1 多光谱8 m,全色2 m 对道路进行补充和校正 Landsat 8 多光谱30 m,全色15 m 通过计算NDVI,计算植被覆盖度 地形图 1:50 000 生成数字地形高程(digital elevation model,简称DEM),计算坡度、坡向等 地质图 1:50 000 提取地层岩性 构造纲要图 1:50 000 提取断层 地貌图 1:50 000 提取研究区地貌 表 2 各因子离散化结果
Table 2. Discretization results of factors
因子 离散化 地貌类型 湖积台地地丘地形、火山锥地形、垄背槽谷地形、山间河谷冲积平原、岩溶中山峡谷地形、中山中切割地形、中山中切割陡坡地形、中山中切割垄状地形 岩性 薄-中层状较坚硬碎屑岩岩组、薄-中层状弱风化碳酸盐岩岩组、薄-中层状较软中等风化碎屑岩岩组、薄层状强风化变质岩岩组、块状较软强风化花岗岩岩组、块状弱风化花岗岩岩组、松散类土体、中厚层状弱风化变质岩岩组、中厚层状坚硬碳酸盐岩岩组 坡度/(°) [0, 9],(9, 18],(18, 21],(21, 30],(30, 68] 坡向 北、东北、东、东南、南、西南、西、西北 高程/m [528,900],(900, 1 200],(1 200, 1 600],(1 600, 2 000],(2 000, 2 865] 断层缓冲距/m [0, 300],(300, 600],(600, 900],(900, 1 200],(1 200, 1 500],(1 500, +∞] 道路缓冲距/m [0, 300],(300, 600],(600, 900],(900, 1 200],(1 200, +∞] 剖面曲率 [-3, -1.5],(-1.5, -0.5],(-0.5, 0],(0, 1],(1, 3] 植被覆盖度 [0, 0.3],(0.3, 0.5],(0.5, 0.75],(0.75, 0.9],(0.9, 1.0] 地形起伏度/m [0, 10],(10, 30],(30, 40],(40, 70],(70, 170] 表 3 多重共线性检查
Table 3. Multicollinearity check
因子 坡度 地质构造 岩性 地貌 海拔 坡向 剖面曲率 植被覆盖度 地形起伏度 道路 容忍度T 0.776 0.934 0.711 0.665 0.743 0.831 0.969 0.810 0.752 0.988 方差膨胀因子VIF 1.289 1.071 1.407 1.505 1.346 1.204 1.032 1.234 1.331 1.012 表 4 混淆矩阵
Table 4. Confusion matrix
数量/个 预测 分类误差/% 0 1 实际 0 316 1 3 1 15 91 14 表 5 易发性结果分区统计
Table 5. Regional statistics of susceptibility results
易发性等级 滑坡点/个 分级栅格数 分级滑坡比例/% 分级栅格比例/% 滑坡比率 低易发区 4 141 923 1.13 47.74 0.023 7 较低易发区 38 64 075 10.76 21.55 0.499 4 中易发区 95 46 742 26.91 15.72 1.711 6 较高易发区 99 28 904 28.05 9.72 2.884 5 高易发区 117 15 639 33.14 5.26 6.300 5 -
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