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阳宏 刘成林 王飞龙 汤国民 李国雄 曾晓祥 吴育平

阳宏, 刘成林, 王飞龙, 汤国民, 李国雄, 曾晓祥, 吴育平. 渤中凹陷西南洼东营组烃源岩地球化学特征及环境指示意义[J]. 地质科技通报, 2023, 42(1): 339-349. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2021.0077
引用本文: 阳宏, 刘成林, 王飞龙, 汤国民, 李国雄, 曾晓祥, 吴育平. 渤中凹陷西南洼东营组烃源岩地球化学特征及环境指示意义[J]. 地质科技通报, 2023, 42(1): 339-349. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2021.0077
Yang Hong, Liu Chenglin, Wang Feilong, Tang Guomin, Li Guoxiong, Zeng Xiaoxiang, Wu Yuping. Geochemical characteristics and environmental implications of source rocks of the Dongying Formation in southwest subsag of Bozhong Sag[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(1): 339-349. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2021.0077
Citation: Yang Hong, Liu Chenglin, Wang Feilong, Tang Guomin, Li Guoxiong, Zeng Xiaoxiang, Wu Yuping. Geochemical characteristics and environmental implications of source rocks of the Dongying Formation in southwest subsag of Bozhong Sag[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(1): 339-349. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2021.0077


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2021.0077

国家自然科学基金项目 41872127

中海油天津分公司2020-2022年重大科研计划项目 CCL2020TJX0NST1266


    阳宏(1998-), 男, 现正攻读地质资源与地质工程专业硕士学位, 主要从事石油地质勘探、资源评价与油气地球化学研究工作。E-mail: 2305591359@qq.com


    刘成林(1970-), 男, 教授, 博士生导师, 主要从事油气资源评价与非常规油气地质方面研究工作。E-mail: liucl@cup.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TE121.3

Geochemical characteristics and environmental implications of source rocks of the Dongying Formation in southwest subsag of Bozhong Sag

  • 摘要:

    东营组烃源岩在渤中凹陷广泛分布, 明确该套烃源岩特征及其形成的古环境对于推动渤中凹陷常规-非常规油气勘探具有重要意义。通过对渤中凹陷西南洼东营组烃源岩样品进行有机、无机地球化学实验, 分析该套烃源岩品质、有机质来源和古沉积环境, 并与凹陷内主力烃源岩沙河街组进行对比分析。结果显示: ①东营组不同层段烃源岩特征差异显著, 且与沙一二段烃源岩呈现明显不同。东二下段与东三段有机质丰度高, 已达到成熟-高成熟阶段, 东营组整体有机质类型均以Ⅱ型为主; ②通过Pr/nC17-Ph/nC18等图版以及干酪根类型判断东营组有机质来源为混合型, 与沙一二段的低等藻类输入明显不同; ③综合Sr/Cu、Mn/Fe等16种元素含量或比值以及Pr/Ph、伽马蜡烷指数分析烃源岩形成时期的古环境, 与沙一二段烃源岩干旱气候下强还原咸化湖盆的形成环境所不同, 东营组整体形成于温湿气候下, 伴随较强陆源输入, 受控于弱氧化淡水环境; 纵向上, 从东三段-东一段古气候变化不大, 水体盐度基本一致, 但水深逐渐变浅, 水体氧化条件呈现逐渐增强的趋势; ④利用Co、La含量定量恢复东营组沉积时的古水深, 认为东三段(50.4m)>东二段(35.7m)≈沙一二段(33.2m)≈东一段(31.7m), 计算结果与前面的古水深定性结果保持一致。东营组独特成源条件的揭示, 将大大促进针对该组为烃源灶的油气勘探。


  • 图 1  研究区构造位置图

    Figure 1.  Structural location of the study area

    图 2  渤中凹陷西南洼东营组烃源岩有机碳含量与岩石热解生烃潜量相关图

    Figure 2.  Relationship diagram between (S1+S2) and TOC in the source rocks of the Dongying Formation in southwest subsag of Bozhong Sag

    图 3  渤中凹陷西南洼东营组烃源岩有机质丰度指标频率分布图

    Figure 3.  Frequency distribution of organic matter abundance of the source rocks from the Dongying Formation in southwest subsag of Bozhong Sag

    图 4  渤中凹陷西南洼东营组烃源岩有机质类型划分图

    Figure 4.  Classification of kerogen pyrolysis organic matter types in source rocks of Dongying Formation in southwest subsag of Bozhong Sag

    图 5  渤中凹陷西南洼东营组烃源岩Pr/nC17-Ph/nC18交会图(a)和C27-C28-C29规则甾烷分布三角图(b)

    Figure 5.  Crossplot of Pr/nC17vs Ph/nC18(a) and triangle of regular sterane distribution of C27-C28-C29(b) in source rocks of the Dongying Formation in the southwest subsag of the Bozhong Sag

    图 6  渤中凹陷西南洼东营组各层段镜质体反射率Ro(a)及甾烷成熟度参数图(b)

    Figure 6.  Ro (a) and sterane maturity parameters (b) of the source rocks from the Dongying Formation in southwest subsag of Bozhong Sag

    图 7  渤中西南洼东营组各层段烃源岩古环境元素比值交会图

    Figure 7.  Ratio of palaeo-environmental parameters of the source rocks from the Dongying Formation in southwest subsag of Bozhong Sag

    图 8  渤中凹陷西南洼东营组烃源岩古环境参数纵向分布


    Figure 8.  Longitudinal distribution of palaeo-environmental parameters of the source rocks from the Dongying Formation in southwest subsag of Bozhong Sag

    表  1  渤中凹陷西南洼东营组烃源岩有机质丰度评价

    Table  1.   Organic matter abundance of the source rocks from the Dongying Formation in the southwest subsag of the Bozhong Sag

    层段 w(TOC)/% “A”/% HC/10-6 (S1+S2)/(mg·g-1) 评价
    东一段(E3d1) $\frac{\text { 范围}}{\text { 平均值}}$ $\frac{0.1 \sim 0.83}{0.33}$ $\frac{0.01 \sim 0.14}{0.07}$ $\frac{78 \sim 856.6}{413.8}$ $\frac{0.24 \sim 2.37}{0.98}$
    东二上段(E3d2U) $\frac{0.13 \sim 1.18}{0.5}$ $\frac{0.01 \sim 0.47}{0.134}$ $\frac{48.58 \sim 2681.42}{734.22}$ $\frac{0.14 \sim 3.79}{1.42}$ 差-中等
    东二下段(E3d2L) $\frac{0.2 \sim 2.1}{0.78}$ $\frac{0.025 \sim 0.59}{0.15}$ $\frac{104.8 \sim 3966.6}{826.6}$ $\frac{0.26 \sim 11.46}{2.67}$ 中等-好
    东三段(E3d3) $\frac{0.6 \sim 6.15}{2.37}$ $\frac{0.05 \sim 1.06}{0.39}$ $\frac{316.8 \sim 6857.66}{2 \ 560.5}$ $\frac{1.03 \sim 45.08}{9.79}$ 好-优质
    沙一二段(E3s1-2) $\frac{1.28 \sim 6.9}{2.9}$ $\frac{0.02 \sim 1.43}{0.44}$ $\frac{331 \sim 6943.1}{2354.5}$ $\frac{1.47 \sim 59.8}{21.14}$ 好-优质
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    表  2  渤中凹陷西南洼东营组烃源岩有机质类型划分

    Table  2.   Classification of kerogen pyrolysis organic matter types of the source rocks from the Dongying Formation in southwest subsag of Bozhong Sag

    层段 氢指数 H/C原子比 O/C原子比 KTI指数 干酪根类型
    东一段(E3d1) $\frac{\text { 范围}}{\text { 平均值}}$ $\frac{30 \sim 382.1}{207.7}$ $\frac{0.85 \sim 1.09}{0.95}$ $\frac{0.13 \sim 0.25}{0.18}$ $\frac{35 \sim 54}{42.2}$ 1-Ⅱ2
    东二上段(E3d2U) $\frac{34.1 \sim 419}{211.6}$ $\frac{0.7 \sim 1.39}{1.02}$ $\frac{0.1 \sim 0.75}{0.21}$ $\frac{20 \sim 72.9}{40.3}$ 1-Ⅱ2
    东二下段(E3d2L) $\frac{55.6 \sim 581.8}{242.1}$ $\frac{0.67 \sim 1.47}{1.02}$ $\frac{0.1 \sim 0.75}{0.21}$ $\frac{15 \sim 80}{42.8}$ 1-Ⅱ2
    东三段(E3d3) $\frac{22.5 \sim 774.5}{344.18}$ $\frac{0.38 \sim 1.46}{0.97}$ $\frac{0.08 \sim 0.49}{0.16}$ $\frac{22 \sim 85.7}{45.9}$ 1-Ⅱ2为主,少量Ⅰ型
    沙一二段(E3s1-2) $\frac{90 \sim 1 325}{572}$ $\frac{1.31 \sim 1.89}{1.28}$ $\frac{0.1 \sim 0.2}{0.18}$ $\frac{44 \sim 86}{63}$ Ⅰ-Ⅱ1
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    表  3  渤中凹陷西南洼东营组烃源岩有机质类型划分

    Table  3.   Classification of kerogen pyrolysis organic matter types in the source rocks of the Dongying Formation in southwest subsag of Bozhong Sag

    层段 Ro/% Tmax/℃ C29 20S/(20S+20R)甾烷 C29ββ/(ββ + αα) 甾烷 成熟度
    东一段(E3d1) $\frac{\text { 范围}}{\text { 平均值}}$ $\frac{0.3~0.63}{ 0.5}$ $\frac{304~437}{ 404}$ $\frac{0.15~0.26}{ 0.22}$ $\frac{0.18~0.28}{ 0.24}$ 未熟-低熟阶段
    东二上段(E3d2U) $\frac{0.42~0.84}{ 0.59}$ $\frac{387~445}{ 428}$ $\frac{0.11~0.36}{ 0.31}$ $\frac{0.27~0.39}{ 0.33}$ 低熟-成熟阶段
    东二下段(E3d2L) $\frac{0.49~1.2}{ 0.7}$ $\frac{387~445}{ 437}$ $\frac{0.17~0.48}{ 0.36}$ $\frac{0.23~0.53}{ 0.38}$ 成熟阶段
    东三段(E3d3) $\frac{0.53~1.48}{ 1.0}$ $\frac{407~449}{ 440}$ $\frac{0.17~0.56}{ 0.42}$ $\frac{0.25~0.7}{ 0.49}$ 成熟-高成熟阶段
    沙一二段(E3s1-2) $\frac{0.61~1.67}{ 1.1}$ $\frac{423~450}{ 445}$ 成熟-高成熟阶段
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    表  4  渤中凹陷西南洼东营组烃源岩古水深计算

    Table  4.   Paleo water depth of the Dongying Formation in southwest subsag of Bozhong Sag

    层段 井名 w(Co)/10-6 w(La)/10-6 水深h/m 单井平均水深h/m 层段平均水深H/m
    E3d1 BZ13-A 11.7~21.8 22.2~48.4 23.4~35.1 38.3 31.7
    BZ13-B 14.5~16.4 39.2~45.9 21.4~26.0 23.4
    BZ19-B 15.7~17.5 32.2~42.9 20.7~38.8 31.6
    E3d2U CFD17-A 9.88~13.2 30.7~48.4 12.15~25.12 26.9 34.2
    BZ19-A 14.4~16.3 33.9~36.8 27.8~36.9 31.7
    BZ19-B 10.5~15.8 31~37.8 25~32.6 34.6
    E3d2L CFD17-A 11.2~15.9 34.5~46.4 16.1~41.8 32.6 37.3
    CFD18-A 11.6~14.4 41.2~47.4 14.7~32.0 26.9
    BZ13-C 14.7~24.6 36.5~53.1 28.2~67.1 41.4
    E3d3 CFD17-A 11.9~17.5 39.2~48.4 12.9~34.8 27.4 50.4
    BZ13-C 21.2~22.9 44.4~48.8 51.8~63.5 57.7
    BZ13-D 13.8~17.9 36.8~48.0 23.6~35.9 30.4
    BZ19-A 16.8~31.7 22.8~41.6 35.4~109.4 76.2
    BZ19-B 16.6~32.9 32.2~45.4 34.5~121.3 65.9
    E3s1-2 CFD23-A 13.1 20.8 29.8 29.8 33.2
    BZ19-A 6.35~16.7 36.3~51.5 11.23~39.63 36.67
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