Estimation method of recharge area based on hydrograph simulation of karst water
岩溶水系统补给面积的确定是岩溶水文地质调查与研究中的一个难点。基于水均衡原理与水文脉冲函数, 介绍了求取补给面积的计算方法, 并探讨了模型参数的物理意义。选取了广西桂林丫吉试验场岩溶泉、湖北兴山雾龙洞地下河、沪蓉高速峡口隧道集中涌水点3个典型的南方岩溶水系统, 对其水文过程进行模拟, 利用最优模型参数分别求得补给面积, 与其他方法综合确定的补给面积得到了较好的验证。基于岩溶水文过程模拟的补给面积计算方法是对岩溶水系统补给面积求取方法的一种新的补充, 在中小尺度规模的南方岩溶水系统中具有较好的应用前景。
Abstract:The determination of the recharge area of karst water systems is difficult in karst hydrogeological investigations and research. Based on the principle of water balance and hydrological impulse function, this work introduces the calculation method to estimate the recharge area and discusses the physical meaning of the model parameters. Three typical karst water systems in South China were tested, namely, the Yaji experimental site in Guangxi, the Wulongdong underground river in Xingshan, Hubei, and the water inrush point of the Xiakou Tunnel near the Hu-Rong highways, which are well verified with the recharge area comprehensively determined by other methods. The estimation method of the recharge area based on karst hydrograph simulation proposed in this paper is a new supplement to the methods for calculating the recharge area of karst water systems and has a good application prospects in small and medium scale karst water systems in South China.
Key words:
- karst water /
- hydrograph simulation /
- recharge area /
- estimation method
图 3 桂林丫吉试验场S31岩溶泉水文地质剖面图(图例同图 2)
Figure 3. Hydrogeological section of the S31 karst spring at the Yaji experimental site, Guilin
表 1 模型最优参数及补给面积估算值
Table 1. Optimal model parameters and estimated recharge areas
名称 地貌类型 排泄类型 τ/d M/(10-3m2·s-1) 补给面积/km2 丫吉S31岩溶泉 峰丛洼地 天然 0.16 0.013 8 1.1 雾龙洞地下河 溶丘洼地 天然 0.85 0.019 5 8.0 峡口隧道涌水点 岩溶峡谷 人工 0.45 0.075 0 16.3 -
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