Research progress of carbonate rock diagenesis
成岩作用是碳酸盐岩储层的重要成因之一, 也是控制碳酸盐岩储层评价和预测的重要地质因素。首先概括了碳酸盐岩成岩研究的技术方法, 重点剖析了溶蚀作用、白云石化作用、胶结作用、新生变形作用、硅化作用、压实作用和压溶作用的成岩机理及最新认识, 归纳总结了生物扰动、构造破裂、烃类充注及微生物等成岩作用的辅助因素。碳酸盐岩成岩作用研究对象从礁滩和微生物岩逐步拓展到潟湖、混积岩及冷水沉积等领域。分析了构造-层序控制下成岩环境和成岩作用的演变, 根据沉积能量和成岩性质划分出5种沉积环境-成岩作用组合。碳酸盐岩成岩作用研究存在问题包括: 成岩模拟系统与真实地层环境差异大; 成岩术语不规范、成岩模式理想化和单一化; 潟湖、深水和冷水等非常规碳酸盐岩研究程度低; 成岩作用的双刃性及对储层改造的定量化研究不足。指出了碳酸盐岩成岩作用研究的发展趋势: 通过结合地层埋藏史, 实验模拟方法将逐步趋向真实埋藏环境, 成岩模拟软件不断实现模块集成化和智能化; 成岩模式更加精细且更具针对性, 成岩作用对储层的改造实现定量化研究; 非常规碳酸盐岩成岩机理研究更加健全。
Abstract:Diagenesis is one of the important genesis of carbonate reservoirs, and it is also an important geological factor for the evaluation and prediction of carbonate reservoirs. First, the research methods of carbonate diagenesis were summarized, and the diagenesis mechanism and latest understandings of dissolution, dolomitization, cementation, neomorphism, silicification, compaction and pressolution were analyzed, and the auxiliary diagenesis factors such as bioturbation, tectonic disruption, hydrocarbon charging and micro-organisms were summarized. The evolution of the diagenetic environment under the control of tectonic-sequence were analyzed, and five sedimentary-diagenetic combinations were classified according to the sedimentary energy and diagenetic properties. Several issues needed to be improved in diagenetic research of carbonate reservoirs, which include: the diagenesis simulation system was different from the real stratigraphic environment; Diagenesis terminology was not standardized, and diagenesis mode was idealized and simplified; Lagoon, deep water and cold water and other unconventional carbonate diagenesis were in a low research degree; The double-edged influence of diagenesis on reservoirs and the quantitative research on reservoir reforms are insufficient. The development trend of carbonate diagenesis research include: by combining the history of stratum burial, the experimental simulation method will gradually move towards the real burial environment, and the diagenesis simulation software will continue to achieve modular integration and intelligence; The diagenesis model will be more refined and targeted, and the diagenesis can achieve quantitative research on the transformation of the reservoir; Research on the diagenesis mechanism of unconventional carbonate rocks will be more complete.
Key words:
- diagenesis /
- carbonate rock /
- dissolution /
- dolomitization /
- microbial rock
图 2 塔里木盆地多类储集层孔隙建造机理与分布模式图[54]
Figure 2. Pore formation mechanism and distribution pattern of various types of reservoirs in the Tarim Basin
图 3 不同成岩环境中胶结作用特征[6]
a.海水成岩环境,针状文石质胶结物;b.海水成岩环境,纤状文石质胶结物;c.大气淡水淋滤环境,等轴粒状低镁方解石质胶结物,接触胶结;d.大气淡水潜流环境,等轴粒状低镁方解石质胶结物,致密胶结; e.埋藏成岩环境压实作用和致密胶结作用,孔隙不发育;f.埋藏成岩环境,等轴粒状胶结物向孔隙中部生长,残留部分孔隙
Figure 3. Cementation characteristics in different diagenetic environments
图 4 北京西山地区下苇甸寒武系张夏组鲕粒硅化模式图[16]
Figure 4. Oolitic silicification pattern of the Cambrian Zhangxia Formation in the Xishan area of Beijing
图 6 中东哈法亚油田Mishrif组喀斯特岩溶模式图[114]
Figure 6. Karst model of Mishrif Formation in Halfaya Oilfield, Middle East
图 7 中东白垩系生物碎屑灰岩沉积-成岩组合特征
a.R油田,R-028井,2 327.05 m,台缘滩,溶蚀作用;b.R油田,R-033井,2 248.99 m,潮道,溶蚀作用;c.M油田,M-46井,2 890.95 m,圆笠虫滩,溶蚀作用; d.M油田,M-29井,2 529.89 m, 台内滩, 胶结作用;e.H油田,H-161井,3 011.15 m,台缘滩,胶结作用;f.W油田,WQ1-020井,台内滩,胶结作用;g.H油田,H316井,2 931.15 m,潟湖,选择性溶蚀作用;h.H油田,H316井,2 943.15 m,潟湖,白云石化作用;i.H油田,H316井,2 945.15 m, 潟湖,生物潜穴中发生白云石化作用
Figure 7. Characteristics of bioclastic limestone sedimentary-diagenetic assemblages of Cretaceous in Middle East
图 8 低能环境+破坏性成岩组合和低能环境+弱成岩组合
a.M油田,M-29井,2 963.93 m,潟湖,地层暴露遭受风化淋滤,岩石破碎成角砾岩,饱和流体在缝隙中胶结,岩石呈致密状;b.H油田,N137井, 3 030.7 m,潟湖,岩石遭受强烈的压实作用和压溶作用,岩心呈致密状,薄片上可见压溶缝;c.W油田,W-017井,2 439.52 m,潟湖,岩石以灰泥为主,成岩改造程度较低;d.M油田,M-46井,2 970.05 m,深水斜坡,岩石以灰泥为主,含栗孔虫,壳壁发生泥晶化作用,结构保存比较完好
Figure 8. Low-energy environment & destructive diagenesis and low-energy environment & weak diagenetic combination
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