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彭伟 舒逸 陈绵琨 刘皓天 肖雄 管文静

彭伟, 舒逸, 陈绵琨, 刘皓天, 肖雄, 管文静. 四川盆地复兴地区侏罗系凉高山组致密砂岩储层特征及其主控因素[J]. 地质科技通报, 2023, 42(3): 102-113. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220282
引用本文: 彭伟, 舒逸, 陈绵琨, 刘皓天, 肖雄, 管文静. 四川盆地复兴地区侏罗系凉高山组致密砂岩储层特征及其主控因素[J]. 地质科技通报, 2023, 42(3): 102-113. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220282
Peng Wei, Shu Yi, Chen Miankun, Liu Haotian, Xiao Xiong, Guan Wenjing. Tight sandstone reservoir characteristics and main controlling factors of Jurassic Lianggaoshan Formation in Fuxing area, Sichuan Basin[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(3): 102-113. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220282
Citation: Peng Wei, Shu Yi, Chen Miankun, Liu Haotian, Xiao Xiong, Guan Wenjing. Tight sandstone reservoir characteristics and main controlling factors of Jurassic Lianggaoshan Formation in Fuxing area, Sichuan Basin[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(3): 102-113. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220282


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220282

中国石油化工股份有限公司“十条龙”科研项目 P21078-2

中国石油化工股份有限公司科研项目 P23077


    彭伟(1984—), 男, 副研究员, 主要从事油气勘探开发和石油地质综合研究工作。E-mail: yjypw.jhyt@sinopec.com


    舒逸(1992—), 男, 副研究员, 主要从事非常规油气沉积储层方面的研究工作。E-mail: cugsy@sina.com

  • 中图分类号: P618.130.2

Tight sandstone reservoir characteristics and main controlling factors of Jurassic Lianggaoshan Formation in Fuxing area, Sichuan Basin

  • 摘要:

    四川盆地复兴地区侏罗系凉高山组致密砂岩储层近期表现出良好的勘探潜力,以X井和Z井为代表,均获得测试工业油气流。为了进一步明确复兴地区侏罗系凉高山组致密砂岩储层发育特征及控制因素,以该套砂岩为研究对象,通过岩心观察、普通薄片鉴定、扫描电镜观察及综合多种分析测试结果,从岩石学特征、沉积相、物性特征和成岩作用类型等多个方面对研究区目的层进行了精细刻画。研究结果表明,凉高山组致密砂岩储层总体表现为低孔低渗储层,储集空间以原生残余粒间孔发育为主,孔隙半径为10~50 μm,喉道宽度为2~10 μm。根据成岩作用对储层物性的影响,将压实作用、部分胶结作用归为破坏性成岩作用,溶蚀作用、构造作用和绿泥石的膜状胶结作用归为建设性成岩作用。本次研究明确了三角洲前缘水下分流河道微相最利于凉高山组砂岩储层的发育,而长石的溶蚀作用、构造成因的微裂缝和以绿泥石为胶结物的胶结作用对凉高山组致密砂岩储层的物性具有改善作用,沉积-成岩综合作用是四川盆地复兴地区凉高山组致密砂岩优质储层发育的重要条件。


  • 图 1  四川盆地复兴地区构造单元划分图(A)和凉高山组地层划分综合柱状图(B)

    Figure 1.  Structural unit division map of Fuxing area, Sichuan Basin (A) and comprehensive histogram of Lianggaoshan Formation stratigraphic division (B)

    图 2  X井侏罗系致密砂岩岩石类型三角图

    1. 石英砂岩; 2. 长石质石英砂岩; 3. 岩屑质石英砂岩; 4. 长石岩屑质石英砂岩; 5. 长石砂岩; 6. 岩屑质长石砂岩; 7. 长石质岩屑砂岩; 8. 岩屑砂岩

    Figure 2.  Triangle diagram of Jurassic tight sandstone rock types in Well X

    图 3  X井凉三段井壁取心砂岩储层黏土矿物质量分数分布直方图

    Figure 3.  Distribution histogram of absolute content of clay minerals in sandstone reservoir with sidewall coring in Member 3 of Lianggaoshan Formation of Well X

    图 4  X井凉高山组砂岩岩心实测孔隙度、渗透率交会图

    Figure 4.  Crossplot of measured porosity and permeability of sandstone core in Lianggaoshan Formation of Well X

    图 5  凉高山组致密砂岩储集空间类型

    A.Z井, 2 685.51 m,凉二段,原生粒间孔、粒内孔(普通薄片);B.Z井,2 491.22 m,凉三段,原生粒间孔(扫描电镜);C.X井,2 454.3 m,凉三段,微裂缝(普通薄片);D.Z井,2 491.22 m,凉三段,长石粒内溶孔(扫描电镜)

    Figure 5.  Type of tight sandstone reservoir space in Lianggaoshan Formation

    图 6  凉高山组凉二段(A)和凉三段(B)致密砂岩高压压汞测试曲线

    Figure 6.  High pressure mercury injection test curves of the tight sandstone in the second (A) and third (B) Members of Lianggaoshan Formation

    图 7  凉高山组致密砂岩储层不同成岩作用类型镜下观察

    A.Z井,2 511.02 m,凉二段,片状云母被压实作用压弯(扫描电镜);B.Z井,2 510.1 m,凉二段,矿物呈线接触和凹凸接触(普通薄片);C.X井,2 456.6 m,凉三段,长石粒内溶孔(扫描电镜);D.Z井,2 491.22 m,凉三段,长石粒内溶孔(扫描电镜);E.Z井,2 485.22 m,凉三段,微裂缝(扫描电镜);F.X井,2 452.2 m,凉三段,石英加大边(扫描电镜);G.X井,2 473.27 m,凉二段,方解石胶结(普通薄片);H.X井,2 447.3 m,凉三段,绿泥石薄膜(扫描电镜);I.X井,2 449.1 m,凉三段,绿泥石薄膜(扫描电镜)

    Figure 7.  Microscopic observation of different types of diagenesis in tight sandstone reservoirs of Lianggaoshan Formation

    图 8  X井凉高山组沉积相柱状图

    Figure 8.  Lianggaoshan Formation sedimentary facies histogram of Well X

    图 9  复兴地区凉高山组沉积微相识别标志

    Figure 9.  Identification mark for sedimentary microfacies of the Lianggaoshan Formation in Fuxing area

    图 10  凉高山组砂岩薄片照片及扫描电镜照片

    A.X井,2 485.1 m,凉三段,矿物的线接触、凹凸接触和点接触;B.X井,2 489.18 m,凉三段,刚性颗粒破裂(普通薄片);C.X井,2 477.03 m,凉三段,云母颗粒被挤压变形(扫描电镜)

    Figure 10.  Thin section and scanning electron microscope photos of sandstone in Lianggaoshan Formation

    图 11  凉高山组砂岩原始孔隙被方解石充填薄片照片和扫描电镜照片

    A.X井,2 487.54 m,凉三段,方解石充填(普通薄片);B.X井,2 577.15 m,凉二段,方解石晶粒分布于黏土质间(扫描电镜);C.X井,2 563 m,凉二段,方解石充填(扫描电镜)

    Figure 11.  Thin section photos and scanning electron microscope photos of original pores of sandstone in Lianggaoshan Formation filled with calcite

    图 12  X井凉高山组砂岩岩心实测孔隙度和方解石体积分数相关性分析图

    Figure 12.  Correlation analysis diagram of measured porosity and calcite content in core of Lianggaoshan Formation sandstone of Well X

    图 13  凉高山组砂岩扫描电镜照片(溶蚀作用形成的次生孔隙)

    A.Z井,2 491.22 m,凉三段,原生粒间孔(扫描电镜);B.X井,2 456.6 m,凉三段,长石粒内溶孔(扫描电镜);C.Z井,2 491.22 m,凉三段,长石粒内溶孔(扫描电镜)

    Figure 13.  Scanning electron microscopy photos of sandstone in Lianggaoshan Formation (secondary pores formed by dissolution)

    图 14  凉高山组砂岩微裂缝扫描电镜照片

    A.X井,2 587.75 m,凉二段,微裂缝发育(扫描电镜);B.Z井,2 485.22 m,凉三段,微裂缝(扫描电镜);C.X井,2 589.93 m,凉二段,被炭质充填的微裂缝(扫描电镜)

    Figure 14.  Scanning electron microscopy photos of micro fractures in sandstone of Lianggaoshan Formation

    图 15  Z井凉高山组致密砂岩不同黏土矿物成分与物性相关性分析

    a, b. 绿泥石质量分数与砂岩物性呈明显正相关性;c, d. 高岭石质量分数与砂岩物性呈弱相关性;e, f. 伊利石质量分数与砂岩物性无明显相关性

    Figure 15.  Correlation analysis of different clay minerals compositions and physical properties of tight sandstone in Lianggaoshan Formation of Well Z

    表  1  X井凉三段砂岩压汞测试数据统计

    Table  1.   Statistics of mercury injection test data for sandstone in the third Member of Lianggaoshan Formation in Well X

    深度/m 排驱压力/MPa 最大孔喉半径/μm 平均孔喉半径/μm 分选系数 最大汞饱和度/% 退汞效率/%
    2 448.0 0.484 1.548 0.075 0.080 0 19.650 71.610
    2 450.5 49.987 0.015 0.005 0.002 0 17.650 69.690
    2 452.4 3.331 0.225 0.032 0.028 8 60.350 35.120
    2 453.8 2.228 0.337 0.052 0.045 4 70.350 40.590
    2 455.2 1.885 0.398 0.072 0.060 3 87.410 37.820
    2 456.6 1.644 0.456 0.083 0.065 7 82.000 35.490
    2 458.0 2.461 0.305 0.046 0.040 7 57.880 31.500
    2 459.4 2.009 0.373 0.066 0.055 1 76.120 35.310
    2 460.8 1.738 0.432 0.075 0.060 5 69.060 36.860
    平均值 7.307 0.454 0.056 0.049 0 60.052 43.777
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    表  2  X井凉二段砂岩压汞测试数据统计

    Table  2.   Statistics of mercury injection test data for sandstone in the second Member of Lianggaoshan Formation in Well X

    深度/m 排驱压力/MPa 最大孔喉半径/μm 平均孔喉半径/μm 分选系数 最大汞饱和度/% 退汞效率/%
    2 508.9 3.429 0.219 0.049 0.031 46.706 38.88
    2 509.4 32.567 0.023 0.007 0.002 11.412 40.38
    2 514.4 1.103 0.680 0.043 0.034 19.288 60.51
    2 517.3 12.715 0.059 0.015 0.006 16.824 34.15
    2 521.2 0.272 2.759 0.161 0.243 37.790 61.59
    2 526.7 2.426 0.309 0.073 0.045 41.294 45.88
    2 528.7 37.274 0.020 0.006 0.002 29.647 63.64
    2 537.1 0.429 1.748 0.082 0.098 27.167 61.44
    2 540.1 34.418 0.022 0.006 0.002 28.471 63.86
    平均值 13.848 0.649 0.049 0.051 28.733 52.26
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