Engineering geological interface: From multivariate characterization to evolution mechanism
工程地质界面是地层中两种或多种介质间的接触面, 以及对三相介质迁移、物态变化和岩土体稳定性起控制作用的转换面, 它们受自然营力和工程活动的共同作用, 在地质灾害的孕育、发展和发生过程中具有控制性作用。如何准确获取界面的多场演化信息, 厘清界面的灾变动力学机制和相互作用, 是工程地质防灾减灾领域的核心科学技术问题。在回顾工程地质界面研究领域发展历程的基础上, 梳理和归纳了工程地质界面的基本概念、分类体系和主要特征, 并以长江三峡库区典型滑坡为例, 结合本团队的研究工作对界面多元表征与演化机理方面的最新研究进展进行了详细的阐述, 最后对该领域未来的发展趋势进行了展望。上述综述表明, 工程地质界面是诱发地质灾害的关键带, 可分为物质界面、状态界面和运动界面3类。通过引入光纤传感等尖端感测技术, 初步实现了工程地质界面多元信息的智能表征。在对库岸滑坡长期原位监测的基础上, 系统总结了滑坡灾变的演化机理和界面控制模式。根据新时代学科发展趋势和国家重大需求, 今后应进一步关注如何结合工程地质界面的特征, 研发并构建空-天-地-内立体化监测网络, 实现关键界面热-水-力多场耦合信息的实时获取和表征, 并结合大数据及人工智能等技术研发相应的预警预报系统, 以提升对各类重大地质灾害的防范水平和应对能力。
Abstract:The engineering geological interface is defined as the contact surfaces between two or more media in strata, as well as the transition surfaces that control the migration of three-phase matter, the change in physical states and the stability of rock and soil masses. Under the combined action of natural loads and engineering activities, they play a controlling role in the emergence, propagation, and triggering of geological disasters. How to accurately capture multifield evolution information, understand the catastrophic dynamics, and clarify the interaction mechanism of the interface are key scientific issues in the research field of geohazard mitigation and prevention. On the basis of reviewing the development history of engineering geological interface-related research areas, this paper summarizes the basic concepts, classification systems, and critical characteristics of the interface. Taking the landslides in the Three Gorges reservoir area of the Yangtze River as an example and combined with the research works of our team, we elaborated the latest research progress in multivariate characterization and evolution mechanism of engineering geological interfaces, and finally prospected the future development trends in this paper. The above review shows that the engineering geological interfaces is the critical zone inducing geological hazards, which can be divided into three types: material interface, state interface, and motion interface. By introducing fiber optic sensing and other technologies, the intelligent characterization of multivariate of engineering geological interfaces is preliminarily realized. On the basis of long-term in-situ monitoring of reservoir landslides, the disaster evolution mechanism and interface control modes are systematically summarized. According to the discipline development trend and national demand, more attention should be given to developing and building an integrated three-dimensional space-sky-surface-body monitoring network in the future, considering the characteristics of engineering geological interface. In this way, real-time acquisition and identification of thermal-hydrologic-mechanical multifield coupling information of key interfaces will be realized. By combining big data and artificial intelligence technologies, corresponding early warning and forecasting systems will be developed, so as to improve the prevention level and response capability of major geological disasters.
图 8 滑坡关键界面热-水-力时空分布[47]
Figure 8. Spatio-temporal distribution of thermo-hydro-mechanical responses of key landslide interfaces
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