Characteristics of Water Temperature Based on Fractal and R/S Method in Bangong Co and Dagze Co
摘要: 拟根据2012-2013年青藏高原地区班公错、达则错不同深度水温的连续监测数据还原湖泊动态变化过程。不同时期水温数据的系统分析结果表明:(1)在横向上,两湖水温日变化不明显,变幅在1℃以内;水温随季节性变化更为明显,均在8月水温达到最大值,5m深度处季节性水温差可达17℃。(2)在纵向上,班公错在夏季存在明显分层,分层深度在20m左右,属于双季对流湖;达则错在16m深度处具明显分层,属于不完全混合湖。通过分形理论对2012-2013年水温时间序列进行了R/S分析,发现两湖在水温结构格局上均存在长程正相关,与湖泊分层的结果吻合,且班公错在未来一段时间内仍将持续。Abstract: According to the 24 hour water temperature data from Bangong Co and Dagze Co,both located in the Tibetan Plateau,during August,2012 to August,2013,we discussed the characteristics of water temperature and dynamic processes of the two lakes.The analysis of the water temperature during different periods shows the following results.(1)Laterally,the water temperature of two lakes reached maximum in August with an obvious seasonal change,varying from a minimum 0℃to a maximum 17℃.Meanwhile,it showed an unapparent daily change varying below 1℃.(2)Longitudinally,Bangong Co just stratified at the depth of 20 min summer but Dagze Co stratified at the depth of 16 mduring the whole year.This indicated that Bangong Co is a dimictic lake and the Dagze Co is a typical meromictic lake.Based on the theory of fractal and R/S method,the time series of water temperature from 2012 to 2013represented longrange positive correlation and the structure of Bangong Co would persist in the future.
Key words:
- lake dynamic /
- spatial variations of water temperature /
- R/S analysis /
- time series

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