Geotechnical Slope Stability Analysis and the Design of Anti-Slide Pile Based on Strength Reduction FEM
摘要: 基于有限元强度折减系数法原理,应用具有折减分析功能的ANSYS软件,以暴雨工况为最不利控制工况,采用平面应变条件下Drucker-Prage关联流动屈服准则(DP4)和边坡失稳破坏综合判据,分别对龙胜县城桑江北区不稳定高切边坡自然状态和削坡及抗滑桩加固状态进行了强度折减数值模拟。确定了这2种状态边坡最危险滑动面位置、形状并给出了极限状态坡体强度储备安全系数,通过所建桩-土共同作用连续介质模型及ANSYS后处理路径分析功能,求得极限状态滑坡设计推力和桩身内力及其分布,且将该法分析结果与传统分析方法作对比,发现误差很小且该法更接近边坡实际情况。综合分析表明,该法在岩土边坡滑坡灾害防治方面是可行且有效的新途径,有其自身的优越性和广阔的发展前景。Abstract: This article,based on strength reduction FEM,combined with the ANSYS software with strength reduction analysis function,treats rainstorm condition as the most disadvantaged control condition,and uses the Drucker-Prage associated flow rule under plane strain condition(DP4)and the comprehensive criterion of instability and failure of slope,and takes on the strength reduction simulation for the natural state of high cutting slope and the reinforcement state of cutting slope respectively in Sangjiangbei district,Longsheng.This paper has obtained each state's the most dangerous sliding surface location,shape and the strength reserve safety factor of slope in the critical state.Through the continuum model of pile-soil interaction and the path operations function of ANSYS software,the article has got the design thrust of landslide and the internal force and distribution of anti-slide pile in the critical state.When compared the analysis results with the traditional limit equilibrium method,we find that the difference is small and this method is more fitted with the actual situation of slope.The comprehensive analysis shows that the method is a feasible and effective new way in terms of geotechnical landslide disaster prevention,and it has own special advantages and broad development prospects.

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