The ore-body No.L8 of Dunbasitao gold deposit is one of the most important ore-bodies in this area.By analyzing its primary halos characters and establishing the model of the overlapped primary halos,it can provide some valued evidence for the deep prospecting.This paper chooses the No.0,No.8,No.7,and No.11 exploration lines and sampling where the drill exposed the ore-body.It is resulted that the sequence of No.0and No.8exploration lines and No.7and No.11 exploration lines are Mo-Cu-Au-As-SbAg-Zn-Hg-Co-Pb and Hg-Zn-Mo-As-Au-Ag-Pb-Cu-Co-Sb.It shows that the ore-body both extends into the deep at the No.0,No.8,No.7and No.11 exploration lines,but it may extend deeper at the No.7,No.11 than the No.0,No.8exploration lines.It is advised the later exploration work should at the depth of lower than 800 min the No.7and No.11 exploration lines.In addition,the later exploration engineering had verified the opinions above.