Automatic matching of ore body contour line based on equal-angle and variable proportion projection
摘要: 详细讨论了基于矿体轮廓线的三维建模方法中涉及的匹配对应、分支和构面建模等主要问题。针对轮廓线匹配问题提出了一种以矿体整体走向为投影方向,以相邻剖面中轮廓线总面积之比为缩放比例的等角度变比例投影算法,将不共面的轮廓线投影到同一平面中以完成共面轮廓线的匹配拓扑分析,从而解决轮廓线的对应问题。为了解决轮廓线的分支问题,设计了一种距离反比加权平均和样条函数相结合的自适应插值算法。最后通过采用实际矿山数据建模,对本文所提出的方法进行了有效性验证。Abstract: The main problems such as matching correspondence, branching and surface reconstruction in ore body three-dimensional modeling method based on contour lines are discussed in detail in this paper.To solve the problem of contour matching, an equal-angle variable proportion projection algorithm is proposed, which takes ore body trend as projection direction and takes ratio of contour total area of adjacent sections as scaling proportion.Contour lines of different sections are projected into a same plane to complete topological analysis of coplanar contour lines, so as to solve the matching correspondence problem of contour lines.In order to solve the branching problem of contour lines, an adaptive interpolation algorithm combining inverse distance weighted average and spline function is designed and implemented in this paper.Finally, the method proposed in this paper is validated effectively by using actual mine data modeling.
表 1 人工匹配与自动匹配的对比
Table 1. Comparison ofmanual matching and automatic matching
匹配率单轮廓线矿体块段数 376(117) 250 250 66.49% 多轮廓线矿体块段数 26 26 24 92.30% 矿体块段数 402 276 274 68.16% -
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