Carbon isotope characteristics and organic matter development of the Ediacaran in the southeastern margin of the Huangling anticline, western Hubei
摘要: 通过在黄陵背斜东南缘部署实施的一口页岩气调查井(EYD5),获取了埃迪卡拉系碳同位素参数和相关有机碳数据,建立了该区埃迪卡拉系陡山沱组-灯影组蛤蟆井段碳同位素曲线,在陡山沱组识别出4次负漂移,2次正漂移区间,在灯影组蛤蟆井段识别出1次负漂移,1次正漂移区间,并可在区域范围内有效对比。探讨了该区陡山沱组四段至灯影组蛤蟆井段在区域上的对比标志,明确了该区陡山沱组碳同位素异常与有机碳含量无相关性,碳同位素的正、负漂移区间均可发育富有机质层段,持续的δ13C负值区间对应富有机质页岩层段发育。Abstract: The carbon isotope and TOC data of the Ediacaran in the southeastern margin of the Huangling anticline have been obtained by the testing analysis of core samples from the Well EYD5. The carbon isotope curves of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation to the Hamajing Member of the Dengying Formation have been established, and 4 negative excursions and 2 positive excursions are recongnized, as well as 1 negative excursion and 1 positive excursions interval in the Hamajing Member of the Dengying Formation. This can be compared with the reported curves from regional sections during this period. In this paper, the carbon isotope markers within the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation to the Hamajing Member of the Dengying Formation for stratigraphic correlation are summarized, and the TOC variation in the Doushantou Formation has no relationship with carbon isotope anomaly, but the organic-rich shale usually has continuous negative value of delta δ13C.
Key words:
- Huangling anticline /
- Ediacaran /
- carbon isotope /
- organic matter
图 6 黄陵背斜周缘埃迪卡拉系陡山沱组-灯影组蛤蟆井段地层划分对比图(据文献[49]修改)
Figure 6. Stratigraphic division and correlation of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation-Hamajing Member of the Dengying Formation in the perphery of the Huangling anticline
表 1 EYD5井埃迪卡拉系δ13C、δ18O值数据分析结果
Table 1. The δ13C and δ18O values of the samples in the Ediacaran from the Well EYD5(continues)
样品 井深/m δ13CPDB/‰ δ18OPDB/‰ 样品 井深/m δ13CPDB/‰ δ18OPDB/‰ 样品 井深/m δ13CPDB/‰ δ18OPDB/‰ YD5-4H 1 512.2 -3.48 -6.49 YD5-5H 1 511.7 -3.54 -6.57 YD5-5H* 1 511.7 -2.96 -6.17 YD5-6H 1 511.5 -3.03 -6.08 YD5-7H 1 511.2 -2.94 -6.54 YD5-8H 1 510.9 -2.88 -6.04 YD5-9H 1 510.7 -2.81 -5.91 YD5-10H 1 510.3 -2.95 -6.63 YD5-11H* 1 510.1 -2.90 -6.53 YD5-11H 1 510.1 -2.94 -6.55 YD5-12H 1 509.9 -3.09 -6.87 YD5-13H 1 509.5 -2.95 -6.45 YD5-14H 1 509.2 -2.95 -7.20 YD5-16H 1 508.3 -3.40 -7.03 YD5-17H 1 508.1 -3.28 -6.79 YD5-19H 1 507.4 -3.67 -6.55 YD5-23H* 1 506.6 -3.33 -5.85 YD5-23H 1 506.6 -3.30 -5.87 YD5-24H 1 506.2 -3.55 -5.90 YD5-26H 1 505.5 -3.22 -5.96 YD5-28H 1 505.3 -3.23 -5.83 YD5-29H 1 505.0 -3.75 -6.06 YD5-31H 1 504.7 -3.41 -6.72 YD5-33H 1 504.3 -3.13 -6.69 YD5-35H* 1 504.0 -3.36 -5.95 YD5-35H 1 504.0 -3.35 -6.01 YD5-37H 1 503.5 -3.55 -6.36 YD5-39H 1 503.1 -3.35 -6.77 YD5-41H 1 502.7 -3.61 -6.20 YD5-42H 1 502.5 -3.95 -6.68 YD5-43H 1 502. 2 -3.25 -6.19 YD5-45H 1 501.7 -3.82 -7.08 YD5-46H 1 501.4 -3.94 -7.05 YD5-47H 1 501.1 -4.76 -6.30 YD5-49H* 1 500.8 -1.20 -5.29 YD5-49H 1 500.8 -1.21 -5.29 YD5-50H 1 500.6 -2.17 -7.01 YD5-51H 1 500.1 -1.06 -7.20 YD5-52H 1 499.9 -1.13 -7.27 YD5-53H 1 499.4 -1.01 -7.12 YD5-54H 1 499.1 -1.35 -7.23 YD5-55H 1 498.5 -0.82 -6.98 YD5-56H 1 498.0 -1.78 -8.39 YD5-56H* 1 498.0 -1.87 -8.46 YD5-57H 1 497.2 -2.47 -6.67 YD5-58H 1 496.8 -3.57 -6.21 YD5-59H 1 496.4 -1.74 -5.30 YD5-60H 1 495.8 -4.27 -5.98 YD5-61H 1 494.9 -0.52 -6.09 YD5-62H 1 494.6 0.11 -5.53 YD5-63H 1 494.4 -0.04 -7.47 YD5-63H* 1 494.4 -0.08 -7.31 YD5-76H 1 485.3 -1.50 -10.72 YD5-81H 1 481.1 -1.85 -11.40 YD5-84H 1 478.8 -1.42 -9.82 YD5-86H 1 477.4 -1.52 -11.19 YD5-89H 1 475.2 -2.11 -10.96 YD5-91H 1 474.0 -1.02 -9.60 YD5-91H* 1 474.0 -1.09 -9.70 YD5-93H 1 473.1 -0.34 -7.93 YD5-99H 1 470.3 0.83 -4.15 YD5-100H 1 469.6 0.74 -2.71 YD5-100H* 1 469.6 0.74 -2.60 YD5-102H 1 468.8 1.46 -2.45 YD5-103H 1 468.0 0.30 -2.53 YD5-105H 1 466.8 0.05 -5.02 YD5-107H 1 466.0 -0.60 -5.17 YD5-107H* 1 466.0 -0.64 -5.25 YD5-109H 1 465.1 0.39 -5.50 YD5-110H 1 464.1 1.70 -4.46 YD5-112H 1 462.9 2.54 -4.75 YD5-114H 1 461.8 3.09 -4.68 YD5-117H 1 460.1 1.09 -4.06 YD5-119H 1 458.5 3.02 -4.29 YD5-121H 1 457.1 3.96 -3.90 YD5-122H 1 456.0 4.51 -4.63 YD5-125H 1 454.6 4.42 -3.88 YD5-126H 1 453.6 3.66 -4.45 YD5-128H 1 452.5 2.10 -4.33 YD5-128H* 1 452.5 2.16 -4.20 YD5-129H 1 451.6 0.97 -5.82 YD5-130H 1 450.5 4.14 -6.08 YD5-131H 1 450.0 4.84 -4.56 YD5-132H 1 448.8 4.58 -5.31 YD5-133H 1 448.1 5.02 -5.31 YD5-133H* 1 448.1 5.02 -5.29 YD5-134H 1 447.6 5.95 -2.53 YD5-135H 1 446.9 4.96 -3.28 YD5-136H 1 446.0 4.95 -3.17 YD5-137H 1 444.8 5.06 -2.94 YD5-138H 1 444.0 5.46 -3.57 YD5-139H 1 443.3 5.33 -3.71 YD5-140H 1 442.6 5.53 -4.22 YD5-140H* 1 442.6 5.62 -4.13 YD5-141H 1 441.5 5.63 -3.57 YD5-142H 1 440.5 5.25 -4.40 YD5-142H* 1 440.5 5.19 -4.29 YD5-143H 1 439.6 5.02 -5.02 YD5-144H 1 438.5 5.21 -4.77 YD5-145H 1 437.5 5.32 -4.83 YD5-146H 1 436.7 5.28 -4.56 YD5-147H 1 435.6 5.27 -4.86 YD5-148H 1 434.5 5.42 -4.24 YD5-149H 1 433.8 5.30 -4.40 YD5-150H 1 432.9 5.63 -3.67 YD5-151H 1 431.9 5.40 -4.27 YD5-151H* 1 431.9 5.38 -4.29 YD5-152H 1 431.2 6.37 -3.29 YD5-154H 1 429.4 5.62 -3.44 YD5-156H 1 427.9 5.68 -3.04 YD5-157H 1 426.9 5.73 -2.77 YD5-158H 1 425.9 6.17 -2.78 YD5-159H 1 424.9 6.08 -2.45 YD5-161H 1 422.6 5.66 -2.63 YD5-161H* 1 422.6 5.61 -2.63 YD5-162H 1 421.7 5.83 -2.16 YD5-163H 1 420.8 5.98 -2.08 YD5-165H 1 418.9 5.86 -2.33 YD5-167H 1 417.7 6.90 -2.07 YD5-168H 1 416.1 5.77 -2.27 YD5-170H 1 414.3 6.33 -2.70 YD5-171H 1 413.5 6.11 -4.17 YD5-171H* 1 413.5 6.22 -4.05 YD5-172H 1 412.1 5.09 -4.46 YD5-173H 1 411.2 6.09 -4.49 YD5-174H 1 409.7 5.76 -4.29 YD5-175H 1 409.0 6.10 -4.36 YD5-176H 1 407.7 5.98 -3.37 YD5-177H 1 406.1 5.53 -3.21 YD5-179H 1 404.5 6.41 -2.61 YD5-180H 1 403.5 5.72 -3.42 YD5-181H 1 402.1 4.67 -2.37 YD5-181H* 1 402.1 4.64 -2.35 YD5-183H 1 400.1 6.55 -2.43 YD5-184H 1 398.7 5.42 -3.21 YD5-184H* 1 398.7 5.36 -3.16 YD5-185H 1 397.4 6.34 -3.56 YD5-186H 1 396.4 5.96 -4.55 YD5-187H 1 395.8 5.61 -4.14 YD5-187H* 1 395.8 5.60 -4.32 YD5-189H 1 394.2 5.92 -4.14 YD5-190H 1 393.2 6.03 -3.94 YD5-191H 1 391.9 5.70 -4.09 YD5-192H 1 390.1 5.92 -3.70 YD5-193H 1 388.2 6.46 -3.38 YD5-195H 1 387.2 6.19 -2.81 YD5-196H 1 386.3 6.22 -2.58 YD5-197H 1 385.2 6.09 -2.48 YD5-198H 1 383.3 6.38 -2.45 YD5-198H* 1 383.3 6.45 -2.53 YD5-200H 1 381.5 6.67 -2.14 YD5-201H 1 380.2 5.18 -3.11 YD5-202H 1 378.4 6.01 -2.46 YD5-203H 1 376.8 5.83 -2.43 YD5-204H 1 375.5 5.96 -2.68 YD5-205H 1 373.9 6.21 -2.33 YD5-205H* 1 373.9 6.34 -2.30 YD5-206H 1 372.4 6.53 -2.18 YD5-207H 1 371.2 5.71 -2.87 YD5-208H 1 369.9 5.66 -2.42 YD5-209H 1 367.9 5.57 -2.82 YD5-210H 1 366.3 5.60 -2.84 YD5-210H* 1 366.3 5.54 -2.89 YD5-211H 1 364.8 5.46 -2.46 YD5-212H 1 363.7 4.99 -2.48 YD5-213H 1 362.2 5.56 -2.27 YD5-214H 1 360.8 5.15 -2.45 YD5-215H 1 359.2 4.40 -2.49 YD5-216H 1 357.1 5.60 -2.69 YD5-217H 1 355.9 5.09 -2.02 YD5-217H* 1 355.9 5.08 -1.97 YD5-218H 1 354.6 4.63 -2.42 YD5-220H 1 351.4 4.69 -3.34 YD5-221H 1 350.0 5.21 -3.02 YD5-222H 1 348.6 5.12 -2.82 YD5-223H 1 347.5 5.07 -2.69 YD5-224H 1 346.0 4.97 -2.72 YD5-225H 1 344.5 5.58 -2.84 YD5-226H 1 342.9 5.19 -1.83 YD5-227H 1 342.6 5.00 -2.03 YD5-227H* 1 342.6 4.91 -2.19 YD5-228H 1 341.7 5.44 -2.93 YD5-229H 1 340.1 5.78 -3.24 YD5-230H 1 338.7 6.39 -1.41 YD5-231H 1 337.1 5.90 -2.98 YD5-232H 1 335.8 5.73 -2.88 YD5-233H 1 333.8 5.96 -2.00 YD5-234H 1 332.7 5.14 -3.90 YD5-235H 1 331.0 5.59 -3.77 YD5-236H 1 329.8 6.15 -2.93 YD5-236H* 1 329.8 6.21 -3.05 YD5-237H 1 328.2 6.59 -2.18 YD5-238H 1 326.7 5.86 -2.97 YD5-239H 1 324.7 6.40 -2.30 YD5-241H 1 323.1 3.95 -1.31 YD5-242H 1 321.5 2.15 -1.23 YD5-243H 1 320.6 4.92 -6.41 YD5-244H 1 319.7 4.41 -6.59 YD5-245H 1 318.5 6.11 -7.16 YD5-246H 1 317.0 6.67 -6.84 YD5-247H 1 315.2 5.22 -6.51 YD5-248H 1 313.1 6.29 -6.48 YD5-249H 1 310.9 6.69 -7.27 YD5-250H 1 309.9 6.90 -7.58 YD5-251H 1 308.3 6.83 -8.50 YD5-252H 1 306.9 7.03 -7.32 YD5-252H* 1 306.9 6.89 -7.53 YD5-253H 1 305.2 6.29 -8.80 YD5-254H 1 303.6 6.12 -8.78 YD5-255H 1 301.9 6.29 -7.72 YD5-255H* 1 301.9 6.27 -7.71 YD5-256H 1 300.6 6.95 -2.78 YD5-257H 1 299.5 7.08 -3.61 YD5-258H 1 297.6 7.09 -4.39 YD5-259H 1 295.2 5.76 -5.97 YD5-260H 1 293.1 4.78 -5.84 YD5-261H 1 291.4 4.20 -6.02 YD5-262H 1 290.4 3.69 -4.93 YD5-263H 1 289.7 4.07 -2.96 YD5-263H* 1 289.7 4.09 -2.94 YD5-264H 1 289.0 3.19 -1.74 YD5-266H 1 286.9 4.02 -2.32 YD5-267H 1 285.4 2.65 -3.95 YD5-268H 1283.9 2.39 -2.33 YD5-269H 1 282.3 1.38 -0.94 YD5-271H 1 279.7 0.08 -0.61 YD5-271H* 1 279.7 0.02 -0.65 YD5-273H 1 278.6 -0.99 -0.68 YD5-274H 1 277.0 -1.62 -0.54 YD5-275H 1 275.4 -1.25 -1.69 YD5-277H 1 273.3 -0.67 -1.31 YD5-279H 1 272.2 -1.24 -2.03 YD5-280H 1 271.1 0.08 -0.41 YD5-282H 1 269.6 1.82 -0.91 YD5-283H 1 268.3 2.09 -0.56 YD5-283H* 1 268.3 2.07 -0.61 YD5-284H 1 267.7 2.00 -1.09 YD5-286H 1 266.0 1.46 -1.71 YD5-288H 1 264.4 2.96 -1.74 YD5-290H 1 262.9 3.54 -1.87 YD5-292H 1 261.7 2.79 -1.43 YD5-294H 1 260.2 4.12 -1.29 YD5-296H 1 258.7 4.68 -3.37 YD5-297H 1 257.4 4.22 -3.45 YD5-299H 1 255.7 5.56 -1.52 YD5-299H* 1 255.7 5.56 -1.61 YD5-301H 1 254.6 5.79 -2.31 YD5-302H 1 252.7 5.49 -2.62 YD5-303H 1 251.5 5.40 -1.45 YD5-303H* 1 251.5 5.44 -1.34 YD5-304H 1 249.2 5.55 -3.97 YD5-305H 1 248.2 5.40 -2.32 YD5-306H 1 246.9 5.07 -3.03 YD5-307H 1 246.2 4.90 -2.37 YD5-309H 1 245.1 5.76 -1.21 YD5-310H 1 243.9 5.08 -3.63 YD5-312H 1 242.7 5.43 -2.69 YD5-312H* 1 242.7 5.43 -2.68 YD5-314H 1 241.3 6.50 -5.46 YD5-316H 1 239.6 6.64 -2.68 YD5-317H 1 238.7 7.19 -5.79 YD5-319H 1 236.4 5.12 -3.89 YD5-321H 1 234.5 4.88 -4.23 YD5-322H 1 233.2 4.08 -5.60 YD5-324H 1 232.2 4.99 -3.97 YD5-326H 1 231.1 5.10 -5.97 YD5-328H 1 230.0 4.84 -6.14 YD5-328H* 1 230.0 4.91 -6.05 YD5-330H 1 228.7 4.61 -5.74 YD5-332H 1 227.1 2.78 -6.14 YD5-333H 1 226.2 -0.87 -5.56 YD5-334H 1 225.3 -1.60 -4.85 YD5-336H 1 223.9 4.52 -6.61 YD5-337H 1 222.9 1.62 -3.67 YD5-339H 1 221.7 -4.57 -7.46 YD5-339H* 1 221.7 -4.43 -7.33 YD5-340H 1 221.0 1.51 -7.52 YD5-341H 1 220.0 0.93 -8.20 YD5-342H 1 217.3 1.83 -5.38 YD5-343H 1 213.3 2.63 -4.04 YD5-344H 1 209.6 2.85 -3.16 YD5-345H 1 206.9 5.16 -3.04 YD5-346H 1 205.9 5.77 -4.59 YD5-347H 1 205.0 7.13 -6.11 YD5-348H 1 204.4 7.56 -5.40 YD5-349H 1 204.4 7.58 -5.48 YD5-350H 1 200.1 7.90 -3.69 *为重复样 表 2 EYD5井埃迪卡拉系样品有机碳分析结果
Table 2. TOC values of samples from the Ediacaran in the Well EYD5
送样号 深度/m w(TOC)/% 送样号 深度/m w(TOC)/% YD5-341H 1220.7 2.17 YD5-113H 1220.7 1.62 YD5-335H 1224.9 0.86 YD5-108H 1224.9 2.02 YD5-329H 1229.6 0.52 YD5-104H 1229.6 0.76 YD5-325H 1231.8 0.36 YD5-98H 1231.8 0.21 YD5-320H 1235.6 0.28 YD5-94H 1235.6 1.20 YD5-313H 1242.2 0.30 YD5-90H 1242.2 1.24 YD5-308H 1245.6 0.28 YD5-85H 1245.6 1.26 YD5-295H 1259.6 0.28 YD5-82H 1259.6 1.26 YD5-289H 1263.6 0.42 YD5-79H 1263.6 1.20 YD5-285H 1266.7 0.35 YD5-77H 1266.7 1.15 YD5-278H 1272.8 2.05 YD5-73H 1272.8 1.74 YD5-272H 1279.0 0.89 YD5-70H 1279.0 1.12 YD5-265H 1288.3 0.77 YD5-65H 1288.3 3.48 YD5-219H 1351.9 1.78 YD5-64H 1351.9 2.29 YD5-194H 1387.6 2.16 YD5-48H 1387.6 0.20 YD5-182H 1401.2 1.53 YD5-40H 1401.2 0.21 YD5-169H 1415.3 1.64 YD5-36H 1415.3 0.22 YD5-164H 1419.6 1.45 YD5-32H 1419.6 0.26 YD5-155H 1428.7 1.68 YD5-27H 1428.7 0.24 YD5-127H 1453.1 1.16 YD5-22H 1453.1 0.23 YD5-123H 1455.7 1.97 YD5-20H 1455.7 0.23 YD5-118H 1459.1 1.76 YD5-15H 1459.1 0.19 -
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