Grading evaluation of deep reservoir in Xihu Depression, East China Sea Basin
摘要: 西湖凹陷是东海盆地最有油气潜力、最有勘探难度的沉积盆地,储层类型多样且致密化严重是目前制约资源评价的重点难题之一。现有的储层评价标准并没有充分考虑到多样性储层并存的特征,对于储层的评价依然依托的是常规储层评价标准,并没有系统开展过多类型储层的分类、分级评价。在充分讨论西湖凹陷储层控制因素的基础上,遴选出储层发育的主要控制要素,建立了"微相-成岩-温度"三要素联控下的储层三元分级方案,并在此基础上,对主要目的段储层开展了分级评价,认为花港组储层以低渗特低渗储层为主,占总储层的35%以上,是未来主要的勘探类型。平湖组以常规和低渗储层为主。研究成果为后期资源量分级评价奠定了基础,也为国内外同类型盆地储层评价提供了借鉴。Abstract: Xihu Depression is a sedimentary basin with the most oil and gas potential and exploration difficulty in the East China Sea Basin. The existing reservoir evaluation standard cannot fully take into account the characteristics of reservoir diversity, so the reservoir evaluation relies on the conventional standard, and the systematic reservoir classification and grading evaluation are constrained. This paper, on the basis of discussion reservoir control factors, takes the "Microfacies-Diagenesis-Temperature" as the main evaluation parameters of reservoir classification and evaluates the main reservoirs on this basis. The results show that the Huagang Formation is mainly composed of low-permeability and super-low permeability reservoirs, accounting for more than 35% of the total reservoir, and thus is the main exploration type in the future. The Pinghu Formation is mainly composed of conventional and low-permeability reservoirs. The research results establish a foundation for the later stage of resource quantity grading evaluation and, also to provide some help for same type reservoir in others basin.
Key words:
- grading evaluation /
- principle /
- deep reservoir /
- Xihu Depression /
- East China Sea Basin
图 1 西湖凹陷区域位置示意图(a)与地层充填序列图(b)(a据文献[9]修改)
Figure 1. Location map (a) and formation filling sequence diagram (b) of Xihu Depression
图 6 西湖凹陷中北部花港组储层酸碱成岩环境发育序列(据文献[15]修改)
Figure 6. Development sequence of diagenetic environment of Huagang Formation in the north-central part of Xihu Depression
图 10 西湖凹陷储层分级大剖面(剖面位置见图 1)
Figure 10. Great profile of reservoir classification in Xihu Depression
表 1 “相-岩-温”三元分级方案
Table 1. Reservoir classification program of "Microfacies-Diagenesis-Temperature"
分级 常规储层 低渗储层 特低渗储层 致密储层 分级参数 沉积微相 心滩砂坝和滞留沉积、河口坝 河道边缘与砂坝顶部 废弃河道与河漫沉积 湖、海相细粒沉积 成岩 成岩阶段 早B-中A1 中A1-中A2 中A2-中B 中B-晚 成岩相 弱压实+绿泥石胶结相+强溶蚀(AAA) 中压实+弱胶结相+强溶蚀(BAA) 强压实+中胶结相+中溶蚀(CBB) 强压实+弱胶结相+中强溶蚀(CBC)(CCC) 温度场/℃ < 140 [140, 160) [160, 180) ≥180 物性特征 渗透率/10-3 μm2 ≥10 (10, 1] (1, 0.1] < 0.1 孔隙度/% ≥15 (15, 12] (12, 6.5] < 6.5 注:压实分为弱(A)、中(B)、强(C)压实; 胶结分为弱胶结(绿泥石)(A)、中胶结(高岭石)(B)、强胶结(钙硅质)(C); 溶蚀分为弱(A)、中(B)、强(C)溶蚀 表 2 西湖凹陷主要目的层段储层分级评价结果
Table 2. Reservoir classification evaluation results of main targets in Xihu Depression
层位 常规储层 低渗储层 特低渗储层 致密储层 总面积/ km2 面积/km2 占比/% 面积/km2 占比/% 面积/km2 占比/% 面积/km2 占比/% H3 1 259.00 2.9 9 958.2 22.96 10 379 23.93 21 774 50.21 43 370.67 H4 1 159.62 3.62 5 174 16.15 8 356.7 26.08 17 351 54.16 42 041.320 H5 852.75 3.49 6 460.2 26.43 6 877.5 28.14 10 250 41.94 24 440.45 花下 2 153.04 5.32 11 191 27.65 3 152.6 7.79 24 057 59.43 40 553.64 平上HST 94.26 0.44 632.62 2.93 1 204.9 5.58 19 661 91.05 21 592.3 平上TST 7 306.78 13.02 7152.7 12.75 3 737.2 6.66 37 909 67.57 56 105.68 平中 4 284.27 6.41 6 867.3 10.28 2 059.3 3.08 53 611 80.23 66 821.87 平下 888.28 2.53 3 956.9 11.28 3 088 8.8 27 158 77.39 35 091.18 -
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