Sedimentary facies characteristics and accumulation systems of Albian-Turonian at the outer shelf-slope area of MSGB Basin
摘要: 近几年来,多个大型油气发现使得毛塞几比盆地成为国际油气勘探的热点区域。基于地震资料和钻测井资料系统开展了沉积相以及沉积模式研究、储层物性分析、烃源岩评价以及成藏体系分析工作。研究结果表明:①盆地中南部外陆架广泛发育多期强制海退三角洲沉积体系,受基准面旋回控制,强制海退三角洲顶积层遭受剥蚀,砂体被搬运到三角洲前部,形成强制海退砂,砂体在陆架边缘附近广泛分布;陆坡类型控制了深水扇差异分布模式,南部断控型陆坡控制了深水扇的分布,深水扇主体发育在陆坡坡脚,距离陆架边缘较近,北部平缓型陆坡下重力流搬运较远,深水扇主体远离陆架边缘,据此建立了南部断控型陆坡控砂模式和北部缓坡型陆坡富砂模式。②外陆架强制海退三角洲和北部缓坡型深水扇储层条件好,测试产能高,受胶结作用和滑塌碎屑影响,南部陡坡型深水扇储层物性差。③油源对比表明,油气主要来自下白垩统阿普第阶-阿尔比阶与上白垩统赛诺曼阶-土伦阶海相烃源岩,阿普第阶-阿尔比阶烃源岩以Ⅱ2型干酪根为主,主要生气;赛诺曼阶-土伦阶海相烃源岩以Ⅰ型干酪根为主,主要生油。④研究区发育3套有利成藏体系,分别为阿尔比阶陆架边缘成藏体系、阿尔比阶-土伦阶陆坡坡脚成藏体系以及赛诺曼阶陆坡远端成藏体系,其中陆架边缘成藏体系与陆坡远端成藏体系勘探潜力更大,是下一步勘探的重点。Abstract: In recent years, several large oil and gas discoveries have made the MSGB Basin a hot spot for international oil and gas explorations. Based on seismic data and drilling and logging data, this paper studies sedimentary facies and sedimentary models, and analyses reservoir physical properties, source rock evaluation and hydrocarbon accumulation models. The results show first that the multi-stage forced regressive delta is widely developed at the southern outer shelf of the basin. Controlled by the base surface cycle, the topset of delta is eroded, and the sand body is transported to the front of the delta to form forced regressive sands. The sand body is widely distributed near the edge of the shelf. Slope type controls the distribution patterns of deep-water fans, and southern faulted slope controls the distribution of the deep-water fans. Fans mainly develop in continental slope foot, close to the shelf edge. Gravity flow is carried far on the northern gentle slope, deep-water fans away from the shelf edge. We established two types of sedimentary models. Then, the results indicate the forced regressive deltas at the outer shelf and northern deep-water fans at gentle slope have good reservoir properties and high test productivity. Southern deep-water fan has poor reservoir properties due to cementation and slump debris. Also, oil-source correlation shows that oil and gas mainly come from Lower Cretaceous Aptian to Albian and Upper Cretaceous Cenomanian to Turonian marine source rocks. Aptian to Albian source rock with Ⅱ2 kerogen type tends to generate gas and Cenomanian to Turonian source rocks with I kerogen type tends to generate oil. Lastly, there are three favorable hydrocarbon accumulation systems in the study area, namely Albian accumulation system at shelf margin, Albian to Turonian hydrocarbon accumulation system at slope foot and Cenomanian hydrocarbon accumulation system at distal slope. Hydrocarbon accumulation system at shelf margin and distal slope have greater exploration potential, a favorable direction for the next exploration.
Key words:
- shelf margin /
- delta /
- deep-water fan /
- hydrocarbon accumulation model /
- MSGB Basin
图 2 毛塞几比盆地综合地层柱状图(据文献[15])
Figure 2. Generalized stratigraphic chart in MSGB Basin
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