Structure failure and rehabilitation technologies of the cable tunnel
摘要: 我国城市地下电缆通道结构,在其设计寿命周期内容易受到复杂的环境和人类工程活动的影响而发生失效破坏,并造成巨大的社会经济损失和影响,因此需要针对其结构的破坏规律和加固修复方法展开研究,进而有效避免工程灾害的发生。为了探究电缆通道的结构失效问题及其加固修复方法,参考地下管道结构特点,采用工程实例与数值模拟相结合的方法,研究了电缆通道本体结构破坏的类型、分级,结构的应力应变分布及其裂缝的分布规律。工程实例表明其结构损伤形式通常有8种,4个级别;数值模拟结果显示该类结构损伤大都集中在结构失效的危险区域。从适用范围、修复效果和成本等方面对相关的结构加固修复方法——明挖修复、注浆加固修复和非开挖喷涂修复方法进行了对比和分析,对比结果表明非开挖喷涂修复方法适用性较强,施工便捷,安全高效。通过结合对结构破坏和加固修复方法的研究,可以为解决我国的地下电缆通道中可能存在的结构失效问题提供参考。Abstract: The urban underground municipal tunnels such as cable tunnel and underground pipeline are usually affected complex load conditions and working environment, and are also highly susceptible to human engineering activities, and thus problems or even failures occur during their design life. Although such failures, not only have caused huge casualties and property losses but also aroused great social attention, the structural failure and rehabilitation method of the cable tunnel have been rarely studied at present. This paper mainly focused on the failure of the cable tunnel's main structure. The damage form and hazard area of the failure are studied based on the numerical study, case investigation, and reference to structural characteristics of the underground pipelines. The results showed that most of the structural damage was concentrated in the hazard area of the failure. Moreover, different structural rehabilitation technologies were compared and analyzed in terms of the scope of application, cost, and the effect of rehabilitation, and the trenchless spraying rehabilitation method was found to have good applicability and workability, and it was safe and efficient. Therefore, references could be provided for solving the problems that might happen in the cable tunnel structure in China by combining the research on relevant structural failure and rehabilitation methods.
Key words:
- cable tunnel /
- structure /
- failure /
- rehabilitation technology
表 1 不同结构模型的几何结构参数
Table 1. Geometric structure parameters of different models
几何参数 横截面尺寸 纵向长度/m 参考标准 圆形通道结构 外径/m 1.2 1 GB50332,GB50838 壁厚/m 0.2 矩形通道结构 长度/m 6.4 3 宽度/m 3.5 单舱宽度/m 3.2 壁厚/m 0.2 拱形通道结构 长度/m 1.2 1 宽度/m 1.2 上拱外径/m 1.2 壁厚/m 0.2 表 2 素填土性能参数
Table 2. Property parameters of the plain fill
密度/(kg·cm-3) 弹性模量/MPa 泊松比 摩擦角φ/(°) 膨胀角/(°) 屈服强度/MPa 黏聚力/kPa 1 720 7.77 0.39 8 0 0.01 10 表 3 结构裂缝数量统计表
Table 3. Statistics of the structural crack
裂缝位置/(°) 裂缝数量/条 裂缝平均宽度/cm 360(a1) 13 >2 21 33 <0.5 45 21 <1 90(b1) 9 >2 168 28 <0.5 180(c1) 7 >2 192 25 <0.5 270(d1) 10 >2 315 17 <1 339 29 <0.5 其他 10 <0.5 表 4 几种加固修复工法对比分析
Table 4. Contrastive analysis of different rehabilitation methods
对比项目 明挖法 注浆加固法 非开挖喷涂法 适用性 ☆ ☆☆ ☆☆☆ 修复速度 ☆ ☆☆☆ ☆☆ 安全性 ☆ ☆ ☆☆☆ 成本 ☆ ☆☆ ☆☆☆ 注:☆表示在对比项目中的评价,越多的☆表示适用性越广,速度越快,安全性越强以及成本越经济 -
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