Rock constitutive model based on damage partition and unified strength theory
摘要: 自然界中岩石内部均存在一定程度的损伤,损伤的持续演化过程对岩体的稳定性极为不利。为了研究岩石的损伤演化过程,将岩石分为未损伤部分、闭合裂隙部分与张开裂隙部分,采用统一强度理论与统计损伤理论分析岩石微元强度的分布,通过分析变形协调条件下各部分的应力-应变特征得到岩石的损伤本构模型与损伤演化模型,与巴东组紫红色泥岩三轴压缩试验结果对比验证后将模型应用于某反倾层状岩质边坡的破坏深度分析。分析结果表明:提出的损伤本构模型可以较好地模拟巴东组紫红色泥岩的三轴压缩应力-应变特性,提出的损伤演化模型可以较好地分析巴东组紫红色泥岩的损伤演化过程,且模型参数具有明确的物理意义;此外,根据基于损伤演化模型的反倾层状岩质边坡破坏深度修正模型计算得到的结果偏保守,用于岩土工程设计偏安全。Abstract: Almost all the rocks in a nature internally contain damage to a certain extent. The proceeding of damage evolution will lead unstability of rocks because of crack coalescence. In this paper, the rocks are divided into three parts, e.g., the undamaged part, the closed crack part and the open crack part. Then, a compatibility analysis of deformation was conducted, and the damage constitutive model and the damage evolution model were proposed based on unified strength theory and statistical damage theory. The models were verified by tested results of triaxial compression test of purple mudstone in Badong formation. Finally, the models were applied to analyse the damaged depth of one anticlinal bedded rock slope. Results indicate that the damage constitutive model corresponds with tested results, e.g., the triaxial stress-strain feature. Also, the damage evolution model well reflects the damage process of samples and the model parameters process distinct physical meanings. Besides, the modified damaged depth model of anticlinal bedded rock slope is more conservative and will bring safety to geotechnical engineering design.
Key words:
- rock /
- damage constitutive model /
- damage evolution model /
- unified strength theory /
- damaged depth
表 1 模型参数计算结果
Table 1. Calculated results of model parameters
围压/MPa 2 4 8 m 55.97 46.59 31.73 w 272.46 291.22 349.60 -
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