Porosity prediction by geophysics technology at low-porosity and low-permeability reservoir of the Yinggehai Basin
莺歌海盆地乐东区中深层是南海西部海域勘探的重要区域, 其中, L10区钻遇储层表现为低孔-特低渗特征, 优质储层是制约该区下一步勘探与开发的主要问题。通过区域岩石物理规律分析, 建立了上覆泥岩速度及本身孔隙度变化的AVO关系模板, 提高利用AVO分析技术预测储层物性的有效性。针对本区薄层发育及薄层孔隙度预测误差大难题, 研发基于阻抗校正公式的孔隙度预测方法, 提高了薄层孔隙度预测的精度。数值模拟及实际钻井均证实了方法的有效性和可靠性, 为乐东区中深层优质储层勘探部署指明方向。
Abstract:The moderate deep and deeplayers of the Ledong area in the Yinggehai Basin is regarded as the main districts in recent exploration. The reservoirs in L10 zone are generally characterized by low-porosity and low-permeability, suggesting that the high-quality reservoir is the main focus restricting the further research and exploration. Through the analysis of regional petrophysical features, we established AVO template of velocity of overburden mudstones and porosity, to improve the effectiveness of AVO technology in predicting reservoir physical properties. Aiming at the large errors of porosity predicting in thin reservoirs, a new porosity prediction method based on impedance correction formula was proposed, which improved the prediction accuracy of thin layers. Numerical simulation and drilling data verified the validity and reliability of this new method and provided new directions for subsequent high-quality reservoir exploration in the Yinggehai Basin.
Key words:
- Yinggehai Basin /
- low-porosity and low-permeability /
- high-quality reservoir /
- thin layer /
- porosity /
- geophysics
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