Analysis of high-fluoride groundwater formation mechanisms and assessment of health risk in Baxia region, Zhangjiakou
摘要: 为了明晰张家口坝下地区高氟地下水的成因,探究其对当地居民饮用水安全的潜在影响,采集了391组潜水样品(井深≤ 100 m),通过水化学分析法、图解法、离子比例法、饱和指数计算法等对高氟地下水的分布与成因进行了分析,并利用美国EPA非致癌健康风险评价模型对四类受体人群进行健康风险评价。结果表明,研究区高氟地下水(ρ(F-)>1.5 mg/L)主要分布在地势低洼、高氟岩浆岩下游的山前地带、封闭式小盆地、沿河两侧的径流滞缓区等地区,其主要机制主要包括矿物风化溶解作用、碱性环境下的晶格置换作用和阳离子交换作用;盐效应会影响研究区地下水中F-富集,但不是高氟地下水的主要成因;农业活动与地下水中F-的富集无关。此外,坝下地区分布的电厂、钢铁厂等是永定河水系的潜在污染源,对高氟地下水形成的影响不容忽视。研究区婴儿、儿童、成年男性和成年女性的平均健康风险指数依次为1.20,0.74,0.69,0.56,呈现出受体年龄越小,风险越高;女性对含氟地下水的抗风险能力优于男性的特征。建议针对高风险区发展多水源联合供水模式,提升退氟改水工程效率,保障区域供水安全。Abstract: Totally, 391 unconfined groundwater samples(depth ≤ 100 m) were collected in order to investigate the high-fluoride groundwater formation causes, and explore the potential impacts on drinking water safety to local residents in Baxia region, Zhangjiakou.Hydrochemical analysis, graphical method, ions ratio method and saturation index calculation method were applied in this study to analyze the spatial distribution and formation mechanisms of high-F- groundwater.Meanwhile, the non-carcinogenic human health risk assessment model recommended by US EPA was also used to evaluate health risk of four groups of receptors.The results indicate that high-F- groundwater(F->1.5 mg/L) mainly distribute in the low-lying and piedmont zone of the downstream of high-F- magmatic rock, enclosed basin, runoff stagnant area along the river and other areas.The dissolution and precipitation of the minerals, crystal lattice replacement under alkaline environment, ion exchange are the major mechanisms for high-F- groundwater formation in the study area.Salt effect can affect F- enrichment in groundwater, but it is not the principal mechanism.There is no correlation between agricultural activities and F- enrichment in groundwater.Additionally, the power plants, steelworks and other factories distributed in Baxia region are the potential pollution sources of the Yongding River system.The impacts of these industrial contamination sources on high-F- groundwater formation cannot be ignored.The hazard index values of infants, children, adult males and adult females were 1.20, 0.74, 0.69 and 0.56, respectively, demonstrating the younger people are more susceptible to fluoride contamination.Moreover, the adult females are more resistant to fluoride contamination than the adult males in the study area.Thus, it is suggested to develop the multi-source combined water supply mode for high risk areas and improve the efficiency of defluorination, in order to ensure water supply safety.
Key words:
- high-fluoride groundwater /
- water-rock interaction /
- ion exchange /
- health risk /
- Baxia region
表 1 坝下地区各地下水系统的补、径、排条件差异分析
Table 1. Analysis of differences of recharge, runoff and discharge conditions of different groundwater systems in Baxia region
地下水系统 补给条件 径流条件 排泄条件 永定河 ①大气降水入渗补给
②山区侧向径流补给、地表渗漏补给、灌溉回归水补给等地下水径流方向基本和地形一致,由西北向东南径流 ①分散小泉或沿沟谷潜流渗透(基岩山区裂隙水)
⑤人工开采潮白河 ①大气降水入渗补给
③人工开采(沟谷地带)大清河 ①大气降水入渗补给
②井灌回归补给地下水径流方向与地表水一致,沿地势自北向南沿沟谷及河道径流 ①人工开采
③泉水溢出排泄表 2 健康风险评价参数取值
Table 2. Parameter values for health risk assessment
表 3 研究区地下水水化学参数统计
Table 3. Statistics of groundwater hydrochemical parameters in the study area
水化学参数 pH值 K+ Na+ Ca2+ Mg2+ HCO3- ρB/(mg·L-1) 最大值~最小值 9.31~7.06 36.1~0.01 588.8~2.30 197.19~3.16 145.34~0.05 949.43~52.44 平均值 7.85 2.36 62.05 53.70 27.71 291.63 水化学参数 Cl- SO42- NO3- F- TDS ρB/(mg·L-1) ρB/(g·L-1) 最大值~最小值 1 323.11~2.84 428.27~1.42 835.4~3.20 8.28~0.02 4.07~0.09 平均值 43.11 38.21 64.27 0.77 0.72 表 4 研究区地下水中典型矿物的饱和指数统计
Table 4. Statistics of saturation indices of the typical minerals in groundwater in the study area
典型矿物饱和指数 SIfl SIcal SIdol SIgyp SIhal 最大值~最小值 -0.09~-4.06 1.42~-0.73 3.44~-1.24 -1.11~-3.65 -5.31~-9.69 平均值 -2.16 0.49 1.37 -2.27 -7.68 注:SIfl.萤石饱和指数;SIcal.方解石饱和指数;SIdol.白云石饱和指数;SIhal.石盐饱和指数;SIgyp.石膏饱和指数 表 5 研究区含氟地下水健康风险评价结果
Table 5. Results of health risk assessment for F-bearing groundwater in the study area
受体人群 健康风险指数HI HI > 1样品数 超标率/% 最小值 最大值 平均值 婴儿 0.00 12.93 1.20 174 44.5 儿童 0.00 7.99 0.74 77 19.7 成年男性 0.00 11.20 0.69 75 19.2 成年女性 0.00 6.01 0.56 38 9.7 -
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