Paleovegetation and paleoclimate in the Baise Basin during Oligocene
为恢复百色盆地渐新世古植被面貌并重建古气候, 对该盆地伏平组孢粉化石进行了采样、分析、鉴定, 共获得孢粉化石34属, 并划分为2个组合: (Ⅰ)
Abietineaepollenites-Quercoidites-Polypodiaceaesporites 组合; (Ⅱ)Abietineaepollenites-Pinuspollenites-Pediastrum 组合。组合Ⅰ时代为渐新世Rupelian中期; 组合Ⅱ时代为渐新世Rupelian晚期至Chattian早期。植被面貌变化为: 针阔混交林, 底部生长着蕨类植被→针叶林。通过孢粉组合属性特征的研究得出孢粉组合Ⅰ代表了亚热带湿润性气候, 湿度相对较大; 孢粉组合Ⅱ代表了亚热带较湿润性气候。通过共存因子分析得出: 在渐新世Rupelian中期至Chattian早期时间段内百色盆地年均降雨量(MAP)在797.5~1 293.7 mm之间, 年均温度(MAT)在11.3~22.6℃之间, 为北亚热带气候特征。而现在的百色盆地位于南亚热带(年均温度: 22.0℃, 年均降雨量: 1 070.5 mm), 二者的差异可能与新生代印度板块与亚洲板块碰撞所造成的亚洲板块"右旋"有关。Abstract:To reconstruct the palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate in the Baise Basin during the Oligocene, in this work, we analyzed sporopollen fossils from the Fuping Formation in this region. Thirty-four genera sporopollen fossils are found and divided into two assemblages: (Ⅰ)
Abietineaepollenites-Quercoidites-Polypodiaceaesporites Assemblage and (Ⅱ)Abietineaepollenites-Pinuspollenites-Pediastrum Assemblage. The age of assemblage Ⅰ and Ⅱ are mid-Rupelian to Oligocene, and late-Rupelian to early-Chattian to Oligocene, respectively. The paleovegetation changed from conifer-broad leaf forest with fern vegetation growing at the bottom to coniferous forest. Through the study of the characteristics of the palynological assemblages, assemblage Ⅰ represents a subtropical humid climate condition with relatively high humidity, while assemblage Ⅱ represents a humid climate condition in the subtropical zone. The coexistence approach of the nearest living relatives of the palynomorphs shows that during the period of the mid-Rupelian to the early Chattian of the Oligocene, the mean annual precipitation (MAP) was 797.5-1 293.7 mm, and the mean annual temperature (MAT) was 11.3-22.6℃ in the Baise Basin. The characteristics of this basin were a northern subtropical climate during the mid-Rupelian to the early Chattian. However, the present Baise Basin is located in the southern subtropics(MAT: 22.0℃, MAP: 1 070.5 mm). The difference between the Oligocene and today may be related to the "right-rotation" of the Asian Plate caused by the collision between the Cenozoic Indian Plate and the Asian Plate.-
Key words:
- Baise basin /
- Oligocene /
- sporopollen assemblage /
- paleoclimate /
- coexistence approach
图 3 百色盆地田东剖面渐新统伏平组部分典型孢粉
Figure 3. Major representatives of spores and pollens from the Oligocene Fuping Formation at the Tiandong section in the Baise Basin
1, 2.Polypodiaceaesporites; 3, 5.Tsugaepollenites; 4.Abietineaepollenites; 6.Pterisisporites; 7, 8.Betulaceoipollenites; 9. Quercoidites; 10.Pinuspollenites; 11.Cicatricosisporites; 12.Lonicerapollis; 13.Piceapollis; 14.Tricolpites; 15.Juglanspollenites; 16.Retitricolpites; 17.Polypodiisporites; 18.Ulmipollenites; 19.Graminidites
图 4 百色盆地各气候期古植被面貌变迁示意图
Figure 4. Paleovegetation evolution of each climate stage during the Oligocene in the Baise Basin
1.Abietineaepollenites; 2.Pinuspollenites; 3.Piceapollis; 4.Abiespollenites; 5.Dacrydiumites; 6.Podocarpidites; 7.Tsugaepollenites; 8.Quercoidites; 9.Ulmipollenites; 10.Juglanspollenites; 11.Caryapollenites; 12.Alnipollenites; 13.Ostryoipollenites; 14.Herbs; 15.Ferns; 16.Pediastrum
图 6 渐新世深海温度变化曲线[1]与百色盆地气候期对比图(注:该曲线与全球温度变化趋势大体一致)
Figure 6. Comparison of deep sea temperature curves with climate stages in the Baise Basin during the Oligocene
图 7 印度板块与亚洲板块碰撞前后古纬度图(据文献[26]修改)
Figure 7. Paleolatitude maps before and after the collision of the Indian plate and the Asian plate
表 1 百色盆地伏平组孢粉及生态习性统计
Table 1. Ecological habits of the spores and pollens from the Fuping Formation in the Baise Basin
孢粉类型 科 属 组合Ⅰ/% 组合Ⅱ/% 气候带类型 干湿度类型 NG-1 NG-3 NG-5 NG-6 裸子植物 松科 Pinuspollenites 2.4 7.2 5.1 14.8 温带-亚热带 中生 Abietineaepollenites 20.6 22.6 62.2 64.3 温带-亚热带 中生 Piceapollis 0.8 1.0 3.2 5.1 温带 湿润 Abiespollenites 1.4 温带 湿润 Tsugaepollenites 4.0 3.6 3.2 2.3 热带-亚热带 湿润 罗汉松科 Podocarpidites 2.4 3.1 0.5 1.3 热带-亚热带 湿润 Dacrydiumites 0.8 1.0 0.3 温带-亚热带 湿润 杉科 Taxodiaceaepollenites 0.5 温带-亚热带 湿润 被子植物(木本) 桦科 Betulaceoipollenites 0.5 亚热带-温带 湿润 Carpinipites 0.9 温带 中生 Ostryoipollenites 1.6 3.1 0.5 温带 中生 Alnipollenites 1.6 2.1 温带-亚热带 湿润 胡桃科 Juglanspollenites 2.4 1.0 2.3 0.6 亚热带-温带 中生 Caryapollenites 2.4 2.1 0.5 1.6 热带-亚热带 中生 Engelhardtioidites 0.5 0.3 热带-亚热带 中生 榆科 Ulmipollenites 0.8 0.5 1.4 0.6 温带-亚热带 中生 槭树科 Aceripollenites 0.3 温带-亚热带 中生 壳斗科 Quercoidites 10.3 6.2 5.5 1.0 温带-亚热带 中生 漆树科 Rhoipites 0.8 1.5 热带-亚热带 中生 蕈树科 Liquidambarpollenites 4.1 0.5 0.6 热带-亚热带 中生 忍冬科 Lonicerapollis 0.3 温带-亚热带 中生 被子植物(草本) 禾本科 Graminidites 0.5 热带-亚热带 旱生 唇形科 Labitricolpites 1.4 广温 中生 百合科 Liliacidites 0.3 广温 中生 科未定 Tricolpopollenites 0.8 0.5 0.5 1.6 亚热带 中生 Retitricolpites 0.8 0.5 4.1 0.6 广温 中生 Tricolpites 1.4 1.3 热带-亚热带 中生 蕨类植物 凤尾蕨科 Pterisisporites 7.9 7.7 1.4 0.6 热带-亚热带 湿润 水龙骨科 Polypodiisporites 9.5 9.2 0.9 0.6 热带-亚热带 湿润 Polypodiaceaesporites 16.7 7.7 0.9 热带-亚热带 湿润 Monolites 11.9 12.8 0.5 0.3 热带-亚热带 湿润 Polypodiaceoisporites 2.6 热带-亚热带 湿润 海金砂科 Lygodiumsporites 0.8 热带-亚热带 湿润 Cicatricosisporites 0.3 热带-亚热带 湿润 科未定 Deltoidospora 0.8 0.6 热带-亚热带 湿润 藻类 水网藻科 Pediastrum 708(粒) 142(粒) 表 2 百色盆地伏平组孢粉植物群和其现存最近亲缘类群以及其参数
Table 2. Palynofloras from the Fuping Formation in the Baise Basin and their nearest living relatives and their climatic amplitudes
孢粉类型 现存最近亲缘类群 年均温度/℃ 年均降雨量/mm 最小值 最大值 最小值 最大值 裸子植物 Pinuspollenites Pinus[17] -5.2 24.7 170.5 2 822.7 Abietineaepollenites Abies[18] 2.8 23.0 170.5 1 785.2 Piceapollis Picea[17] -4.9 22.7 291.6 1 815.6 Tsugaepollenites Tsuga[19] -0.4 23.8 279.4 2 394.5 Podocarpidites Podocarpus[17] 8.5 24.7 797.5 1 653.5 Taxodiaceaepollenites Taxodiaceae[19] 5.7 24.7 459.5 2 447.1 被子植物 Betulaceoipollenites Betula[19] -4.9 23.2 291.6 1 815.6 Carpinipites Carpinus[18] 2.3 25.5 570.3 1 785.2 Ostryoipollenites Betulaceae[18] -4.9 23.2 291.6 1 815.6 Alnipollenites Alnus[19] -5.2 23.8 355.2 2 394.5 Juglanspollenites Juglans[19] -1.6 23.0 257.5 2 074.4 Caryapollenites Carya[19] 11.3 22.6 601.1 1 942.5 Engelhardtioidites Juglandaceae[19] -1.6 24.7 257.5 1 653.5 Ulmipollenites Ulmus[19] -5.2 25.5 16.4 1 900.3 Aceripollenites Acer[19] -1.1 24.0 115.0 2 559.0 Quercoidites Quercus[19] -5.2 25.5 209.1 1 900.3 Rhoipites Rhus[19] -0.4 23.8 277.6 2 394.4 Liquidambarpollenites Liquidambar[20] 8.5 23.2 474.6 1 942.5 Lonicerapollis Caprifoliaceae[18] -4.1 25.5 303.9 1 869.9 Graminidites Gramineae[18] -4.9 25.5 303.9 2 447.1 Labitricolpites Labiatae[18] -4.9 24.7 16.4 1 942.5 Tricolpites Hamamelidaceae[18] 8.5 25.5 531.0 1 293.7 -
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