Influencing factors of capillary water migration characteristics of the sandstones in Baoding Mountain, Dazu Stone Carvings
重庆大足宝顶山大佛湾石刻存在严重的毛细水害及毛细水带来的盐害、生物等衍生病害, 对该世界文化遗产的保护带来了长期负面作用。在对大佛湾进行现场调查的基础上, 将造像摩崖砂岩划分为3套地层: 卧佛上层砂岩、卧佛砂岩及卧佛下层砂岩。采用薄片鉴定、X射线衍射、化学成分测试、扫描电镜、压汞试验、卡斯特瓶法等方法, 分析了宝顶山砂岩的自身特性以及温湿度对毛细不水的影响。研究结果表明: 相对于卧佛上下层砂岩, 卧佛本体砂岩的成熟度最低, 孔隙率与孔隙的分布范围均最大, 为毛细水的迁移提供了相对好的条件; 卧佛本体砂岩毛细吸水能力及上升高度均为最好。同时, 毛细水的上升与环境温湿度、空气流通性密切相关; 在大足石刻的致密砂岩中, 大量的贯通性微小孔隙在毛细水迁移中并不能发挥作用, 卧佛本体砂岩有效孔隙直径应该在1 133.0 nm以上, 极端情况下可能达到760.2 nm。研究结果为准确认识大足石刻毛细水形成与演化提供了可靠的数据, 解释了大足石刻冬季盐害的形成机理, 对大足石刻毛细水治理提供了理论依据。
Abstract:The Dafo Bay stone carvings in Baoding Mountain, Dazu District, Chongqing City, are suffering from serious capillary water damage, salt damage, biological and other derivative diseases caused by capillary water, which have brought a long-term negative effect on the protection of the world cultural heritage. Based on the field investigation of the Dafo Bay, the strata of the statuary cliff are divided into three sets: the upper sandstone of the reclining Buddha, the sandstone of the reclining Buddha and the lower sandstone of the reclining Buddha. Through a series of tests and experimental studies, the characteristics of sandstone in the Baoding Mountain area and the influence of temperature and humidity on capillary water are analyzed.The testing items include thin section identification, X-ray diffraction, chemical composition test, scanning electron microscopy, mercury injection test, Karsten tube penetration test, etc.The research results indicated that: compared with the upper and lower layers of the reclining Buddha sandstone, the Reclining Buddha body sandstone has the lowest maturity and the largest porosity and pore distribution range, which provides relatively good conditions for the migration of capillary water. The capillary water absorbability and capillary water elevation of the reclining Buddha body sandstone are the best, and the rise of capillary wateris closely related to the ambient temperature, relative humidity, and air circulation. In the tight sandstone of the Dazu Stone Carvings, a large number of interconnected micropores cannot play a role in the migration of capillary water. The effective pore diameter for capillary water migration in the reclining Buddha sandstone should be above 1 133.0 nm, and may reach 760.2 nm in extreme cases.The research results provide reliable data for an accurate understanding of the formation and evolution of capillary water in Dazu Stone Carvings, explain the formation mechanism of salt damage in Dazu Stone Carvings in winter, and provide a theoretical basis for managing capillary water in Dazu Stone Carvings.
Key words:
- Dazu Stone Carvings /
- sandstone /
- capillary water /
- ore /
- salt damage /
- migration
表 1 薄片鉴定结果表
Table 1. Results of thin section identification
地层 石英 长石 硅质碎屑 钙镁质 黏土矿物与其他 砾状砂粒径范围/mm φB/% 卧佛上砂岩 42 23 10 16 9 0.05~0.15 卧佛砂岩 47 22 15 5 11 0.05~0.15 卧佛下砂岩 55 20 5 8 12 0.05~0.10 表 2 砂岩矿物组成表
Table 2. Mineral component table of the sandstones
地层 矿物 卧佛上砂岩 石英、斜长石、方解石、绿脱石、伊利石、铝绿泥石、正长石、钠云母 卧佛砂岩 石英、斜长石、方解石、绿脱石、绿泥石、石膏、微斜长石、云母 卧佛下砂岩 石英、斜长石、方解石、绿脱石、伊利石、斜绿泥石、绿泥石、榍石 表 3 宝顶山砂岩化学成分测试结果
Table 3. Results of the chemical composition test of sandstones in the Baoding Mountain area
成分 卧佛上层 卧佛层 卧佛下层 SiO2 52.13 56.22 59.91 Al2O3 11.97 13.16 10.57 TFe2O3 3.11 3.01 2.95 MgO 2.65 2.50 1.96 CaO 11.67 8.05 9.44 Na2O 2.64 2.95 2.21 K2O wB/% 1.68 2.06 2.01 TiO2 0.74 0.66 0.54 P2O5 0.19 0.17 0.14 MnO 0.15 0.096 0.11 H2O- 0.80 1.00 0.66 烧失量 12.18 9.40 9.72 表 4 宝顶山砂岩理论计算孔隙率与不同测试方法得到孔隙率比较表
Table 4. Comparison of the calculated porosity and different test method results of the sandstones in the Baoding Mountain area
地层 编号 干密度/(kg·m-3) 颗粒相对密度 理论孔隙率/% 压汞试验孔隙率/% 开孔率/% 天然饱和孔隙率/% 真空饱和孔隙率/% 孔隙率 平均 卧佛上砂岩 1-A 2 318.2 2.643 12.29 13.98 13.29 95.06 6.14 9.97 1-B 2 273.4 2.655 14.37 1-C 2 242.0 2.646 15.27 卧佛砂岩 2-A 2 215.4 2.661 16.74 17.41 17.39 99.90 10.95 11.87 2-B 2 179.6 2.658 18.00 2-C 2 192.5 2.657 17.48 卧佛下砂岩 3-A 2 473.3 2.701 8.43 7.98 7.95 99.55 3.60 4.77 3-B 2 466.7 2.681 7.99 3-C 2 470.9 2.672 7.53 表 5 空气流通条件对毛细水上升高度的影响结果
Table 5. Results of the capillary water rising height influenced by the air circulation condition
h/cm 环境条件 卧佛上砂岩 卧佛砂岩 卧佛下砂岩 封闭环境 4.5 10 3.5 气流循环 2.4 5 2.2 表 6 极端温湿度环境条件下宝顶山砂岩毛细水上升高度
Table 6. Capillary water rising heights of the sandstones in the Baoding Mountain area under extreme temperature and relative humidity conditions
h/cm 环境条件 温度影响/℃ 湿度影响/% 5 40 40 >95 卧佛上砂岩 3.72 2.33 2.57 3.77 卧佛砂岩 7.40 3.73 4.43 5.93 卧佛下砂岩 2.85 2.32 2.15 2.98 -
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