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甘泉. 远源细粒辫状河心滩坝演化与河流分叉的交互沉积过程:现代沉积启示与数值模拟分析[J]. 地质科技通报, 2021, 40(1): 14-26. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2021.0101
引用本文: 甘泉. 远源细粒辫状河心滩坝演化与河流分叉的交互沉积过程:现代沉积启示与数值模拟分析[J]. 地质科技通报, 2021, 40(1): 14-26. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2021.0101
Gan Quan. Interaction and sedimentary process between the evolution of the bar and bifurcation of the river in the far-source fine-grained braided river: Numerical simulation analysis inspired by modern deposition[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2021, 40(1): 14-26. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2021.0101
Citation: Gan Quan. Interaction and sedimentary process between the evolution of the bar and bifurcation of the river in the far-source fine-grained braided river: Numerical simulation analysis inspired by modern deposition[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2021, 40(1): 14-26. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2021.0101


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2021.0101

中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金 CUG150616


    甘泉(1994-), 男, 现正攻读石油与天然气工程专业硕士学位, 主要从事储层表征与建模、储层沉积研究工作。E-mail:quangan_gq@163.com

  • 中图分类号: P512.31

Interaction and sedimentary process between the evolution of the bar and bifurcation of the river in the far-source fine-grained braided river: Numerical simulation analysis inspired by modern deposition

  • 摘要: 远源细粒辫状河广泛发育于河流的中下游,其形成的致密储层是深入挖潜油气面临的挑战。结合现代远源细粒辫状河演变的遥感记录影像,运用基于泥沙水动力学的沉积过程数值模拟软件Delft3D正演远源细粒辫状河的生长演化过程,并探讨物源供给对远源细粒辫状河形态的影响,深入剖析和解释远源细粒辫状河心滩坝演化与河流分叉的交互作用和沉积过程,并进行了现代沉积验证。研究表明:①河道沿下游方向由窄变宽是触发远源细粒辫状河形成的主要地形条件。河流流速和河岸牢固程度是决定河流宽度的重要因素。②远源细粒辫状河心滩坝演化与河流分叉的交互沉积过程是心滩坝泥沙与河流流水交互作用的沉积演化过程。心滩坝泥沙与河流流水交互作用具体包括泥沙在河流中的沉积作用和河流对泥沙的侵蚀作用。③远源细粒辫状河心滩坝演化与河流分叉的交互沉积过程包括3种:河道内心滩坝加积导致河流分叉、心滩坝与河岸分离导致河流分叉、心滩坝的局部冲裂分解导致河流分叉。该研究丰富了远源细粒辫状河沉积理论,并且有助于分析远源细粒辫状河沉积相的储层空间展布规律并应用于油气的深入勘探开发。


  • 图 1  勒拿河中下游河道由窄变宽而发育辫状河段(图片源于Google Earth)

    Figure 1.  Braided reach is developed as the width of the channel changes from narrow to wide in the middle and lower reaches of the Lena River

    图 2  模型网格及边界

    Figure 2.  Model grid and boundary

    图 3  模拟S5远源细粒辫状河的沉积演化过程

    Figure 3.  Initiation and evolution of the far-source fine-grained braided river in S5

    图 4  远源细粒辫状河沉积演化初期入口端第一个心滩坝的发育


    Figure 4.  Growth of the first bar at the entrance of the far-source fine-grained braided river in the early sedimentary stage

    图 5  模拟第190步S1-S6的远源细粒辫状河对比图

    Figure 5.  Comparison of the far-source fine-grained braided rivers in S1-S6

    图 6  心滩坝的垂向加积(a图中蓝色竖线为b图剖面位置)

    a1, a2.分支河道;A.心滩坝

    Figure 6.  Vertical deposition of bar

    图 7  心滩坝与河岸分离(a图中蓝色竖线为b图剖面位置)

    b1, b2, c1, c2.分支河道;B, C.心滩坝

    Figure 7.  Separation of the bar and bank

    图 8  心滩坝的局部冲裂分解(a图中蓝色竖线为b图剖面位置,a图中红色横线为c图剖面位置)

    d1, d2.分支河道;D-1, D-2.心滩坝

    Figure 8.  Avulsion of compound bar

    图 9  勒拿河中下游远源细粒辫状河心滩坝演化与河流分叉(图片源于Google Earth)

    Figure 9.  Evolution of the bar and the river bifurcation in the far-source fine-grained braided river reach of the lower Lena River

    图 10  模拟S5形成的辫状河网(数字表示分叉节点)

    Figure 10.  Braided river network in S5 at simulation step 190(Bifurcation nodes are numbered)

    表  1  模型基本参数

    Table  1.   Basic parameters for all models

    参数 设定值
    网格单元大小/m 50×50
    河流总长度/km 30
    河流宽度/m 1 900,3 000
    河流深度/m 3
    初始水位/m 0
    网格规模/个 35 758
    模拟时长/d 365
    时间步长/s 30
    地貌演化系数 60
    重力加速度/(m·s-2) 9.81
    泥质组分初始浓度/(kg·m-3) 500
    砂质组分初始浓度/(kg·m-3) 1 600
    砂质组分初始厚度/m 10
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    表  2  不同模型组别的河流流量及泥沙供给情况

    Table  2.   Discharge and sediment supply in different model scenarios

    模拟序号 河流流量/(m3·s-1) 砂质组分中值粒径D50/μm
    200 300 400 500 600 700
    沉积物供给量/(kg·m-3) 砂质组分 S1 13 500 0.1 - - - - -
    S2 14 500 0.1 0.09 - - - -
    S3 15 500 0.1 0.09 0.08 - - -
    S4 16 500 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 - -
    S5 17 500 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 -
    S6 18 500 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05
    泥质组分 S1-S6 - 0.06
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