Identification of Milankovich′s cycle and establishment of astronomical ruler: A case study from the first section of the Sangonghe Formation of Well Mo 21 in Mosuowan area
摘要: 依据米兰科维奇理论识别划分旋回,是对传统层序地层学的有力补充,具备高等时约束性,可实现高分辨率旋回识别与高精度等时地层格架的建立。莫索湾地区是准噶尔盆地油气勘探的有利区域之一,其中三工河组一段发育了有效的、成规模的致密气储集层。利用自然伽马测井数据,通过频谱分析等方法,对研究区目标层位进行了米兰科维奇信号识别与旋回划分。以405 ka周期滤波曲线作为基准,借助三工河组底界地质年龄,建立了浮动天文标尺。研究表明,三工河组一段存在米兰科维奇旋回。短期偏心率125 ka周期控制厚度约为29.73 m的旋回;斜率54 ka周期控制厚度约为12.47 m的旋回;岁差24 ka周期控制厚度约为5.62 m的旋回。三工河组一段地质年龄为189.951~190.800 Ma,共识别出了7个短期基准面旋回,由此划分出了7个五级层序,沉积速率从下到上,虽呈现出“减小-增大-持续减小-持续增大”的趋势,但整体变化不大;发育了B1、B2、C1三种类型的短期基准面旋回。Abstract: According to Milankovich′s theory, astronomical forces influence the Earth′s climate change, and the sedimentary process records this change. According to Milankovich′s theory, cycles can be identified and separated, which is a powerful complement to traditional sequence stratigraphy. It has a high-level time and month implementation, which can realize high-resolution periodic identification and the establishment of high-precision isochronous stratigraphic framework. The Mosuowan area is one of the favorable areas for oil and gas exploration in the Junggar Basin. Among them, the first section of the Sangonghe Formation has developed effective and large-scale tight gas reservoirs. Using natural gamma log data, through frequency spectrum analysis and other methods, Milankovich signal identification and period division were performed on the target layer in the study area. Based on the 405 ka periodic filtering curve, a floating astronomical scale based on the geological age at the bottom boundary of the Sangonghe Formation is established.Studies have shown that there is a Milankovich′s cycle in the first section of the Sangonghe Formation. The short-term eccentricity 125 ka period controls the cycle with a thickness of approximately 29.73 m; the slope 54 ka period controls the cycle with a thickness of approximately 12.47 m; the precession 24 ka cycle controls the thickness with a cycle of approximately 5.62 m. The geological age of the first section of the Sangonghe Formation is about 189.951-190.800 Ma. A total of seven short-term base-level cycles have been identified, and seven fifth-order sequences have been divided. "Small-increasing-continuously decreasing-continuously increasing" trend, but the overall change is not large. There are three types of short-term datum cycle: B1, B2, and C1.This article details the Milankovich′s cycle identification process and the establishment of astronomical scales, providing a reference and basis for the high-resolution cycle division of the study area.
表 1 公式(1)中的部分参数[21]
Table 1. Some parameters in formula (1)
k μ′k/(″·a-1) b′k φ′k/(°) 1 3.199 279 0.010 739 170.739 2 13.651 920 0.008 147 109.891 3 10.456 224 0.006 222 -60.044 表 2 公式(2)中的部分参数[21]
Table 2. Some parameters in formula (2)
vk/(″·a-1) ak φk/(°) 1 -0.000 001 0.013 774 49 107.581 2 -18.845 166 0.008 703 53 -111.310 3 -5.605 919 0.004 798 13 4.427 表 3 公式(3)中的部分参数[21]
Table 3. Some parameters in formula (3)
k μk/(″·a-1) bk φk/(°) 1 4.257 564 0.018 986 30.739 2 7.456 665 0.016 354 -157.801 3 17.910 194 0.013 055 140.577 表 4 轨道理论周期比值
Table 4. Ratio of theoretical orbital period
周期序号 理论天文周期/ka 与P1比值 E1 405 16.88 E2 125 5.21 E3 97 4.04 O1 54 2.25 O2 41 1.71 P1 24 1.00 注:E1,E2,E3为地球的3种偏心率周期;Q1,Q2为地球的2种倾斜度周期;P1为地球的1种岁差周期 -
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