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杜林涛 李亚林 刘洋

杜林涛, 李亚林, 刘洋. 西藏羌塘地体中生代中—晚期不整合事件及其构造意义[J]. 地质科技通报, 2021, 40(4): 61-71. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2021.0405
引用本文: 杜林涛, 李亚林, 刘洋. 西藏羌塘地体中生代中—晚期不整合事件及其构造意义[J]. 地质科技通报, 2021, 40(4): 61-71. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2021.0405
Du Lintao, Li Yalin, Liu Yang. Unconformable event and its tectonic significance at Middle-Late Mesozoic of Qiangtang terrane, Tibet[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2021, 40(4): 61-71. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2021.0405
Citation: Du Lintao, Li Yalin, Liu Yang. Unconformable event and its tectonic significance at Middle-Late Mesozoic of Qiangtang terrane, Tibet[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2021, 40(4): 61-71. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2021.0405


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2021.0405

青藏高原第二次科学考查 2019QZKK0803

国家重点研发项目 2017YFC0601405

国家重点研发项目 2018YFE0204204


    杜林涛(1988-), 男, 现正攻读矿床普查与勘探专业博士学位, 主要从事含油气盆地与构造分析研究工作。E-mail: lintaodu@cugb.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: P534.5

Unconformable event and its tectonic significance at Middle-Late Mesozoic of Qiangtang terrane, Tibet

  • 摘要: 不整合事件对于认识陆陆碰撞具有重要意义。羌塘-拉萨地体碰撞时间一直存在争议,其主要原因是"碰撞时间"定义不同,就不整合事件发生时间来说存在两种定义;一是与碰撞缝合带有关的区域性不整合的时间,早白垩世末(100 Ma);二是洋壳消失,大陆之间陆壳初始的接触时间,盆地边缘不整合事件,即中侏罗世晚期(166 Ma)。针对上述问题,选取2种不同定义下的羌塘盆地内不整合面:北雷错西南与安多114道班地区不整合面进行研究。114道班地区下伏安山岩岩浆锆石U-Pb年龄为77 Ma,结合国内外学者对羌塘-拉萨地体碰撞时间的研究成果,认为羌塘-拉萨地体碰撞,发生强烈相互作用的初始时间为早白垩世末100 Ma,持续时间范围100~75 Ma。北雷错西南陆相地层最大沉积年龄为94 Ma,综合年代学、沉积学以及地层产状,认为该地层为新生代康托组,而非前人中侏罗世晚期"毕洛错组"的认识,进而认为羌塘-拉萨地体之间陆壳初始的接触时间不可能为166 Ma,但是一定早于100 Ma。


  • 图 1  2种定义下羌塘-拉萨地体碰撞时间的模式简图(据文献[6-12, 33, 42-44]修改)

    Figure 1.  Two model diagram of different definition about collision timing of Qiangtang-Lhasa terrane

    图 2  西藏高原大地构造划分图(A)、安多114道班地区区域地质图(B)、北雷错地区区域地质图(C)、114道班地区4BA剖面地层柱状图及火山岩采样位置图(D)、北雷错地区BL17剖面地层柱状图及火山岩砾石采样位置图(E)

    Figure 2.  Geotectonic division of the Tibetan Plateau(A), geological map of the Daoban 114 area, Anduo, (B)Geological map of the Beileicuo area(C), stratigraphic column of 4BA with sampling locations of the andesite in Daoban 114 area(D), stratigraphic column of BL17 with sampling locations of the andesite gravel in Beileicuo area(E)

    图 3  北雷错地区康托组与色哇组角度不整合(a)、安多114道班地区阿布山组与安山岩体以及布曲组角度不整合(近景)(b)、安多114道班地区阿布山组与安山岩体以及布曲组角度不整合(远景)(c)、北雷错安山岩砾石(d)、安多114道班安山岩体(e)、北雷错安山岩砾石镜下特征(f)、安多114道班安山岩镜下特征(g)

    Figure 3.  Angular unconformity between Kangtuo Formation and Sewa Formation in Beileicuo area(a), angular unconformity between Abushan Formation, andesite and Buqu Formation in Daoban 114 area, Anduo (close shot) (b), angular unconformity between Abushan Formation, andesite and Buqu Formation in Daoban 114 area, Anduo (distant view)(c), andesite gravel in Beileicuo section(d), Andesite in Daoban 114 area, Anduo (e), Microscopic characteristics of andesite gravel in Beileicuo area(f), microscopic characteristics of andesite in Daoban 114 area, Anduo(g)

    图 4  安多114道班安山岩(A)和北雷错康托组安山岩砾石内图(B)锆石CL图像、内部结构及其年龄图

    Figure 4.  CL images showing the internal structure of the analyzed zircon grains and their ages of andesite from Daoban 114 area, Anduo (A) and from andesite gravel of Kangtuo Formation in Beileicuo area (B)

    图 5  安多114道班地区安山岩(A, B)及北雷错地区康托组安山岩砾石内(C, D)锆石平均年龄分布和谐和曲线图

    Figure 5.  Average ages and isotopic concordia curve of zircons from andesite in Daoban 114 area Anduo (A, B) and from andesite gravel of Kangtuo Formation in Beileicuo area (C, D)

    图 6  南羌塘不同地区中生代中晚期不整合地层-沉积对比图(数据据文献[6-12, 33]修改)

    Figure 6.  Unconformity stratigraphic-depositional correlation map of Middle and Late Mesozoic in different areas of South Qiangtang

    表  1  北雷错地区康托组安山岩砾石LA-ICPMS U-Pb结果

    Table  1.   LA-ICPMS U-Pb results of zircon from andesite gravel of Kangtuo Formation in Beileicuo area

    测点BL-U2 同位素比值 年龄/Ma 谐和年龄(±1σ Ma) Th/U
    207Pb/206Pb 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ
    BL-U2-18 0.048 98 0.001 64 0.094 61 0.003 13 0.013 97 0.000 12 147 76 92 3 89.4 0.8 89.4 0.8 0.49
    BL-U2-23 0.049 67 0.001 62 0.096 09 0.003 13 0.014 02 0.000 14 180 74 93 3 89.8 0.9 89.8 0.9 0.63
    BL-U2-26 0.047 01 0.001 26 0.091 88 0.002 48 0.014 17 0.000 12 50 57 89 2 90.7 0.8 90.7 0.8 0.29
    BL-U2-13 0.049 14 0.002 75 0.095 45 0.005 15 0.014 31 0.000 21 154 119 93 5 92 1 92.0 1.0 0.45
    BL-U2-22 0.050 73 0.001 50 0.100 97 0.002 99 0.014 38 0.000 13 229 67 98 3 92.1 0.8 92.1 0.8 0.61
    BL-U2-21 0.047 66 0.001 64 0.094 41 0.003 13 0.014 41 0.000 16 83 71 92 3 92.2 1 92.2 1.0 0.65
    BL-U2-40 0.050 60 0.002 25 0.100 50 0.004 53 0.014 43 0.000 15 222 104 97 4 92.3 1 92.3 1.0 0.48
    BL-U2-17 0.047 07 0.001 96 0.093 65 0.003 77 0.014 5 0.0001 7 53 84 91 3 93 1 93.0 1.0 0.75
    BL-U2-35 0.046 57 0.002 90 0.094 22 0.006 28 0.014 54 0.000 17 27 144 91 6 93 1.0 93.0 1.0 0.35
    BL-U2-04 0.050 54 0.001 10 0.101 81 0.002 21 0.014 62 0.000 12 220 48 98 2 93.5 0.8 93.5 0.8 0.49
    BL-U2-37 0.045 44 0.002 64 0.092 40 0.005 69 0.014 71 0.000 17 -31 132 90 5 94 1 94.0 1.0 0.78
    BL-U2-39 0.046 45 0.001 97 0.093 96 0.004 22 0.014 64 0.000 16 21 93 91 4 94 1 94.0 1.0 0.41
    BL-U2-20 0.046 45 0.001 87 0.094 13 0.003 63 0.014 77 0.000 15 21 79 91 3 94.5 1 94.5 1.0 0.41
    BL-U2-14 0.050 10 0.001 51 0.102 53 0.003 14 0.014 82 0.000 16 200 68 99 3 95 1 95.0 1.0 0.31
    BL-U2-27 0.048 91 0.001 25 0.101 10 0.002 64 0.014 94 0.000 14 144 59 98 2 95.6 0.9 95.6 0.9 0.39
    BL-U2-12 0.049 94 0.001 22 0.103 43 0.002 59 0.014 96 0.000 13 192 56 100 2 95.7 0.8 95.7 0.8 0.41
    BL-U2-32 0.046 52 0.001 91 0.096 65 0.004 21 0.014 98 0.000 14 25 91 94 4 95.8 0.9 95.8 0.9 0.34
    BL-U2-11 0.049 68 0.001 50 0.102 60 0.002 99 0.014 99 0.000 14 180 66 99 3 95.9 0.9 95.9 0.9 0.51
    BL-U2-24 0.046 30 0.001 30 0.095 93 0.002 83 0.014 99 0.000 17 13 56 93 3 96 1 96.0 1.0 0.29
    BL-U2-31 0.047 25 0.001 92 0.097 79 0.004 08 0.014 97 0.000 16 62 89 95 4 96 1 96.0 1.0 0.42
    BL-U2-06 0.047 17 0.001 30 0.097 40 0.002 59 0.015 02 0.000 13 58 56 94 2 96.1 0.9 96.1 0.9 0.36
    BL-U2-29 0.048 23 0.001 36 0.100 06 0.002 85 0.015 04 0.000 14 111 64 97 3 96.2 0.9 96.2 0.9 0.35
    BL-U2-08 0.048 94 0.001 38 0.101 79 0.002 73 0.015 09 0.000 13 145 68 98 3 96.5 0.8 96.5 0.8 0.38
    BL-U2-02 0.047 23 0.001 06 0.098 35 0.002 12 0.015 13 0.000 14 61 46 95 2 96.8 0.9 96.8 0.9 0.47
    BL-U2-33 0.050 73 0.002 74 0.107 98 0.006 30 0.015 15 0.000 17 229 133 104 6 97 1 97.0 1.0 0.45
    BL-U2-30 0.047 84 0.001 47 0.101 47 0.003 29 0.015 29 0.000 12 91 72 98 3 97.8 0.8 97.8 0.8 0.40
    BL-U2-03 0.048 12 0.001 35 0.102 03 0.003 05 0.015 32 0.000 16 105 66 99 3 98 1 98.0 1.0 0.75
    BL-U2-16 0.048 91 0.001 21 0.103 62 0.002 61 0.015 31 0.000 17 143 54 100 2 98 1 98.0 1.0 0.35
    BL-U2-19 0.045 22 0.001 07 0.095 82 0.002 32 0.015 33 0.000 16 -9 42 93 2 98 1 98.0 1.0 0.42
    BL-U2-28 0.048 72 0.001 08 0.102 91 0.002 36 0.015 32 0.000 16 134 49 99 2 98 1 98.0 1.0 0.36
    BL-U2-07 0.047 88 0.001 09 0.103 32 0.002 56 0.015 60 0.000 16 93 54 100 2 100 1 100 1.0 0.40
    BL-U2-36 0.048 30 0.003 03 0.107 53 0.007 44 0.015 90 0.000 24 114 152 104 7 102 2 102 2.0 0.35
    BL-U2-34 0.048 07 0.003 12 0.123 70 0.008 48 0.018 54 0.000 23 103 151 118 8 118 1 118 1.0 0.59
    BL-U2-10 0.049 25 0.001 43 0.179 49 0.005 36 0.026 37 0.000 24 160 68 168 5 168 2 168 2.0 0.47
    BL-U2-15 0.053 28 0.002 11 0.297 14 0.011 48 0.040 63 0.000 43 341 86 264 9 257 3 257 3.0 0.53
    BL-U2-09 0.059 40 0.002 60 0.580 88 0.024 64 0.072 14 0.001 07 582 88 465 16 449 6 449 6.0 0.67
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    表  2  安多114道班安山岩LA-ICPMS U-Pb结果

    Table  2.   LA-ICPMS U-Pb results of zircon from andesite of Daoban 114 area in Anduo

    测点4BA02 同位素比值 年龄/Ma 谐和年龄(±1σ Ma) Th/U
    207Pb/206Pb 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 207Pb/235U 1σ 206Pb/238U 1σ
    4BA02-02 0.048 42 0.005 12 0.080 81 0.008 50 0.012 10 0.000 29 120 232 79 8 78.0 2 78.0 2.0 0.22
    4BA02-01 0.054 36 0.008 78 0.094 72 0.015 15 0.012 64 0.000 38 386 327 92 14 81.0 2 81.0 2.0 0.39
    4BA02-03 0.049 82 0.007 82 0.090 01 0.014 03 0.013 10 0.000 37 187 329 88 13 84.0 2 84.0 2.0 0.31
    4BA02-04 0.056 06 0.005 83 0.101 92 0.010 50 0.013 19 0.000 33 455 216 99 10 84.0 2 84.0 2.0 0.29
    4BA02-06 0.060 87 0.010 61 0.098 48 0.016 95 0.011 74 0.000 40 635 337 95 16 75.0 3 75.0 3.0 0.29
    4BA02-05 0.062 96 0.009 67 0.121 51 0.018 37 0.014 00 0.000 48 707 297 116 17 90.0 3 90.0 3.0 0.31
    4BA02-07 0.044 58 0.004 99 0.077 44 0.008 63 0.012 60 0.000 30 0 175 76 8 81.0 2 81.0 2.0 0.32
    4BA02-08 0.070 94 0.004 81 0.129 72 0.008 69 0.013 26 0.000 31 956 133 124 8 85.0 2 85.0 2.0 0.32
    4BA02-09 0.049 87 0.006 23 0.091 26 0.011 30 0.013 27 0.000 35 189 267 89 11 85.0 2 85.0 2.0 0.32
    4BA02-10 0.050 82 0.005 83 0.084 88 0.009 65 0.012 11 0.000 31 233 244 83 9 78.0 2 78.0 2.0 0.34
    4BA02-11 0.061 99 0.006 65 0.106 63 0.011 25 0.012 48 0.000 36 674 214 103 10 80.0 2 80.0 2.0 0.31
    4BA02-12 0.059 06 0.010 42 0.102 07 0.017 78 0.012 54 0.000 45 569 344 99 16 80.0 3 80.0 3.0 0.41
    4BA02-13 0.039 88 0.008 08 0.066 69 0.013 44 0.012 13 0.000 38 0 96 66 13 78.0 2 78.0 2.0 0.33
    4BA02-14 0.056 55 0.010 42 0.100 82 0.018 34 0.012 93 0.000 48 473 364 98 17 83.0 3 83.0 3.0 0.26
    4BA02-15 0.051 63 0.010 33 0.092 03 0.018 26 0.012 93 0.000 45 269 404 89 17 83.0 3 83.0 3.0 0.33
    4BA02-16 0.048 67 0.006 65 0.084 82 0.011 50 0.012 64 0.000 34 132 293 83 11 81.0 2 81.0 2.0 0.43
    4BA02-17 0.044 56 0.007 14 0.077 15 0.012 27 0.012 56 0.000 35 0 272 76 12 80.0 2 80.0 2.0 0.27
    4BA02-18 0.052 91 0.004 44 0.089 94 0.007 50 0.012 33 0.000 28 325 180 87 7 79.0 2 79.0 2.0 0.52
    4BA02-19 0.064 25 0.009 61 0.103 23 0.015 27 0.011 65 0.000 36 750 288 100 14 75.0 2 75.0 2.0 0.29
    4BA02-20 0.049 25 0.007 31 0.091 22 0.013 44 0.013 43 0.000 37 160 314 89 13 86.0 2 86.0 2.0 0.26
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