Regeneration of mining wasteland in view of optimization of urban green infrastructure system: A case study of Daye
摘要: 完善的绿色基础设施体系在重构矿业城市生态系统,提升矿业城市人居环境品质上作用关键。一方面,经过生态修复后的矿业废弃地是矿业城市绿色基础设施的重要增量,另一方面,以绿色基础设施体系优化为导向的治理是破解当前矿业废弃地治理低效的有效途径。湖北省大冶市是一座典型的资源枯竭型城市,在运用形态学空间格局分析(MSPA)方法评价大冶市绿色基础设施的基础上,结合矿业废弃地空间分布,评价其生态潜力,进而提出生态型、生活型和生产型3种矿业废弃地再生的改造方式。研究结果表明:①大冶市生态基底良好,但是景观破碎化严重,连通性弱;②大部分矿业废弃地生态潜力较高,60%的矿业废弃地可以转化为绿色基础设施;③30%的矿业废弃地适合生态型改造、52%的适合生活型改造、18%的适合生产型改造。
- 绿色基础设施 /
- 矿业废弃地 /
- 形态学空间格局分析(MSPA) /
- 大冶市
Abstract: The perfect green infrastructure system plays a key role in the reconstruction of the mining city ecosystem and the improvement of the quality of the mining city's living environment.On the one hand, the abandoned mining land after ecological restoration is an important increment of the green infrastructure of mining cities; on the other hand, the optimization of green infrastructure system oriented governance is an effective way to break the current inefficient governance of abandoned mining land.Daye City of Hubei Province is a typical resource-exhausted city.Based on the morphological spatial pattern analysis (MSPA) method to evaluate the green infrastructure in Daye City, combined with the spatial distribution of abandoned mining land, the ecological potential of abandoned mining land was evaluated, and then three reconstruction methods of abandoned mining land regeneration, including ecological type, life type and production type, were put forward.The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: ①The ecological base of Daye City is good, but the landscape fragmentation is serious and the connectivity is weak; ②Most of the abandoned mining areas have high ecological potential, 60% of the abandoned mining areas can be transformed into green infrastructure. ③30% of the abandoned mining lands are suitable for ecological reconstruction, 52% for life reconstruction, and 18% for production reconstruction. -
表 1 MSPA的景观类型及生态学含义
Table 1. Landscape types and ecological implications of MSPA
景观类型 生态学含义 核心区 前景中像元较大的生境斑块,能够提供栖息地和维护生物多样性 边缘区 核心与外围非绿色景观斑块的过渡地带,具有边缘效应 孔隙 核心与内部非绿色景观斑块的过渡地带,具有边缘效应 连接桥 连接不同核心区的狭长区域,代表生态网络中斑块连接的廊道 环岛 连接同一核心区的内部廊道 支线 只有一端与边缘、连接桥、环或孔隙相连的区域 孤岛 彼此不相连的孤立、破碎的小斑块 表 2 矿业废弃地生态潜力等级划分标准
Table 2. Classification criteria for ecological potential of mining wasteland
评价因子 景观连接度等级 斑块面积等级 生态潜力等级 1 1 Ⅰ 2 3 4 2 1 2 Ⅱ 3 4 3 1 2 Ⅲ 3 4 Ⅳ 4 1 2 3 4 注:1~4分别代表景观连接度和斑块面积的等级,值越大景观连接度越高、斑块面积越大; Ⅰ~Ⅳ代表生态潜力的等级,值越大生态潜力越大) 表 3 土地利用的类别及定义
Table 3. Category and definition of land use in Daye
类型 定义 采矿用地 采矿、采石、砂(砂)田、盐田、砖窑等地面生产用地和尾矿堆 耕地 水田、旱地、水浇地等 建设用地 住宅、工业、商业、交通等用地 林地 乔木林地、竹林地、灌木林地等 水域 河流、湖泊、水库、坑塘等水面 表 4 斑块面积统计与等级划分
Table 4. Statistics and classification of patoh areas
hm2斑块数/个 所占比例/% 斑块总面积/hm2 所占比例/% 等级 0.08~17.39 76 65.52 530.98 18.58 1 17.40~40.70 23 19.83 622.66 21.79 2 40.71~70.25 10 8.62 566.21 19.82 3 70.26~212.53 7 6.03 1137.30 39.81 4 表 5 斑块重要性等级划分及面积统计
Table 5. The importance of phaque classification and area statistics
斑块重要性 斑块数/个 所占比例/% 斑块总面积/hm2 所占比例/% 等级 0.000 015~0.008 017 38 32.76 307.54 10.76 1 0.008 018~0.071 435 52 44.83 779.66 27.29 2 0.071 436~0.697 482 22 18.97 1 140.34 39.91 3 0.697 483~3.032 285 4 3.45 629.59 22.04 4 -
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