Constraint of the isotopic age of asphalt Re-Os on the age of hydrocarbon accumulation in Fanjingshan area in Northeast Guizhou
摘要: 黔东北梵净山地区位于雪峰隆起西缘,前寒武纪-早古生代黑色有机质岩系发育,沥青显示广泛。该区在新元古代-中生代经历了晋宁期、加里东期及印支期-燕山期多幕构造变形,前人对后两期构造与油气成藏的响应关系研究较多,而关于晋宁期构造与油气成藏之间的匹配关系则鲜有报道。选取黔东北梵净山地区宝塔组灰岩溶蚀孔、洞内的沥青开展了Re-Os同位素研究,测试结果显示等时线年龄为(915±129)Ma。结合区域地质分析表明,梵净山地区存在晋宁期原生油藏,在加里东期被改造形成次生油藏,古隆起控制了次生油气藏的分布。本研究丰富了雪峰隆起西缘油气成藏期次,同时也促进了复杂构造变形条件下次生油气藏成藏机理研究,对我国南方新元古界油气勘探有重要意义。Abstract: Fanjingshan area in Northeast Guizhou is located at the northern margin of Xuefeng Uplift. The black organic rock series developed from Precambrian to Early Paleozoic, and the asphalt is widely displayed. The Neoproterozoic-Mesozoic period in this area experienced the Jinning period, Caledonian period and Indochina-Yanshan movement multi-stage tectonic deformation. Previous studies mostly focused on the response relationship between the structure and hydrocarbon accumulation in the latter two periods, while the matching relationship between the structure and hydrocarbon accumulation in the Jinning period has not been reported. In this paper, Re-Os isotopic study was carried out on bitumen in limestone dissolution cave of Baota Formation in Fanjingshan area. The isochronal age is (915±129)Ma. Combined with the regional geological analysis, it is concluded that there are primary oil reservoirs of Jinning period in Fanjingshan area, secondary oil reservoirs were formed in Caledonian period, whose distribution was controlled by paleouplift. In summary, this study enriches the oil and gas accumulation stages in the north margin of Xuefeng Uplift, and also promotes the study on the mechanism of secondary reservoir accumulation under complex tectonic deformation. It is of profound significance to the exploration of Neoproterozoic oil and gas in South China.
Key words:
- Re-Os isotopic /
- asphalt /
- Jinning Period /
- Baota Formation /
- Xuefeng Uplift
表 1 沥青样品Re、Os同位素比值
Table 1. Re and Os isotope ratio of asphalt samples
样品号 Re wB/10-9 Os wB/10-12 187Re wB/10-9 192Os wB/10-12 187Osr wB/10-12 187Osr占比/% 187Re/188Os 187Os/188Os BT1 368.7 4 170.3 231.8 142.7 3 821.3 99.8 5 139.3 84.9 BT2 495.2 6 422.0 311.2 139.2 6 081.6 99.9 7 075.6 138.5 BT3 160.7 1 372.9 101.0 116.4 1 088.2 99.3 2 746.4 29.8 BT4 1 231.2 13 034.4 773.9 252.1 12 417.8 99.9 9 714.0 156.1 BT5 780.2 6 921.2 490.4 257.8 6 290.9 99.7 6 021.1 77.4 BT7 890.5 8 979.7 559.7 228.1 8 421.8 99.8 7 764.9 117.0 -
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