Analysis of deformation and stress evolution of thrust structure: A case of Jurassic in east Kuqa Subbasin
摘要: 逆冲构造是较为常见的构造形式,其由弱到强的变形过程及应力定量分布状态目前还不是很清楚。以库车前陆盆地东部逆冲构造为例,基于构造剖面的解析,将逆冲构造活动分为4个阶段:初始期、发展期、成熟期和改造期,并运用有限元计算分析方法对不同阶段剖面进行了精细数值模拟计算。研究表明:逆冲构造的扩展并不是一个简单线性发展的过程,而是前翼、后翼不断往复迁移推进的历程。简单的逆冲断褶带发育于逆冲构造初始期,应力主要集中在后翼;变形向后翼扩展,转折端范围不断增加对应逆冲构造发展期,应力主要集中于转折端;变形向前翼扩展,前翼范围开始增大对应逆冲构造成熟期,应力主要集中于转折端和前翼靠近转折端区域;后翼掀斜,前翼竖直,前翼前缘大量新的逆冲断层发育对应逆冲构造改造期,应力主要集中于前翼前缘。理清逆冲构造变形过程及应力集中分布范围的差异,可为后期指导裂缝发育部位以及超压异常发育带的预测奠定较好的基础。Abstract: Thrust structure is a relatively common structural form, and its deformation process from weak to strong and the quantitative distribution of stress are not very clear. This study analyzes the tectonic profile in the eastern part of Kuqa Subbasin, and according to the complexity of deformation, the thrust tectonic activity can be divided into four stages: initial stage, development stage, mature stage, and reformation stage. And it uses the finite element calculation and analysis method to carry out detailed numerical simulation calculation on the different stages of the section. Research suggests that the expansion of the thrust structure is not a simple linear development process, but a process of continuous migration and advancement of the front and rear wings. A simple thrust fold is the initial stage of the thrust structure, and the stress is mainly concentrated on the rear wing; after deformation, it expands to the rear wing and the end area increasing continuously is the development period of the thrust structure, and the stress is mainly concentrated on the end; it expands to the front wing after deformation and the wing range beginning to increase is the mature stage of the thrust structure, and the stress is mainly concentrated on the end and the front wing near the end; the rear wing is tilted, the front wing is vertical, and a large number of new thrust faults developed at the front edge of the front wing are thrust structures; it is the period of thrust structural transformation, and the stress is mainly concentrated on the front edge of the front wing. To clarify the difference in the deformation process of the thrust structure and the distribution range of the stress concentration will lay a good foundation for the prediction of the fracture development position and the abnormal development zone of overpressure in the later stage.
Key words:
- thrust structure /
- extended form /
- stress distribution /
- difference
图 1 库车东北部4条地震剖面的位置图(地层代号对应的地层组名称见图 4)
Figure 1. Location map of the four seismic sections in the northeast of Kuqa
图 2 库车坳陷东部构造剖面图(地层代号对应的地层组名称见图 4)
Figure 2. Structural profile of the eastern part of Kuqa Depression
表 1 逆冲构造差异变形分析
Table 1. Differential deformation analysis of thrust structure
区域 期次 变形模式 复杂程度 滑脱分层 应力方位 垂直隆升量/km 水平缩短量/km 东部 多期 继承性基底冲断 单-基底冲断,以隆升为主 无 北北东-南南西 3~5 8.8 中部 一期 简单性基底冲断 盐构造影响大,浅层变形复杂化 有 北北西-南南东 4~7 13.5 西部 一期 多层次、被改造和复杂化 浅层横向缩短量大,变形强烈 有 北北西-南南东 >10 21.7 表 2 库车坳陷力学物理模型材料参数值
Table 2. Material parameter value of mechanical and physical model in Kuqa Depression
层位 密度/(g·cm-3) 杨氏模量/GPa 泊松比 岩盐发育 岩盐不发育 Q1x 施加重力 N2k 2.10 15 15 0.26 N1k 2.20 20 20 0.25 N1j 2.16 5 20 0.42 E2-3s 2.21 20 20 0.30 E1-2km 2.01 6 21 0.35 K 2.34 25 25 0.23 J2k 2.36 30 30 0.25 J1y 2.13 6 6 0.41 J1a 2.38 34 34 0.24 Pre-J1a 2.48 39 39 0.25 断裂带 2.00 8 8 0.32 注:数据主要来自西南石油大学岩石力学实验室三轴应力实验,结合岩层的厚度和岩性的组合加以类比修正;地层代号见图 4 表 3 库车坳陷东部区域构造模型边界条件的选择
Table 3. Selection of boundary conditions for the structural model in the eastern part of the Kuqa Depression
时期 方案 垂直x轴的面 垂直y轴的面 备注 x正方向 x负方向 y正方向 y负方向 N2k→Q Ⅰ 施加向x负方向的位移量,y方向约束 全约束 自由 x方向自由
y方向约束经过试算,方案Ⅴ结果最佳,后面所有的计算均按方案Ⅴ进行计算。由于是二维平面模型,无z方向上的边界条件 Ⅱ 施加向x负方向的位移量 y方向自由
x方向约束自由 x方向自由y方向约束 Ⅲ 施加向x负方向的位移量, y方向约束 y方向自由
x方向约束施加沿y负方向的应力 x方向自由y方向约束 Ⅳ 施加向x负方向的位移量 全约束 施加沿y负方向的应力 x方向自由y方向约束 Ⅴ 施加向x负方向的梯度位移量 全约束 施加沿y负方向的梯度应力 x方向自由y方向约束 表 4 逆冲构造不同阶段表现形式分析
Table 4. Analysis of the manifestation of the thrust structure at different stages
逆冲构造不同阶段 侏罗系阿合组(众数) 应力集中区域 变形方式 应力/MPa 缩短量/% 隆升量/10-4 南翼 转折端 北翼 初始期 8~29.21 25.16~50.37 49~54 5.97 1.3~4.13 北翼 隆升 发展期 18.88~32.16 67.63~71.7 24.48~46.96 8.24 2.223~4.837 转折端 后展 成熟期 64.76~87.13 86.59~91.89 23.5~61.1 10.55 2.11~5.826 南翼 前展 改造期 144.54~153.39 6.72~40.60 15.2~57.4 17.61 35.2~71.8 前缘 前展 -
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