Deformation characteristics of building foundation under different action modes of landslide
摘要: 受地形条件限制,我国西南山区大量房屋修建在滑坡上,存在安全隐患。探明滑坡对其上房屋的作用机理,科学指导滑坡上房屋设计和防护,对保障居民生命财产安全、促进人地和谐发展具有重要意义。基础是滑坡对其上房屋作用的直接对象,因此,以砌体结构房屋基础为研究对象,采用室内物理实验和数值模拟相结合的方法,对比分析试验与模拟中基础的变形特征,验证数值模型边界设置的可靠性,开展房屋基础在滑坡不同作用模式下变形破坏特征的研究。结果表明:建筑物基础在滑坡缓慢变形作用下的破坏模式可归纳为3种:张拉、剪切和挤压模式;房屋裂缝发育的位置与滑坡地表裂缝位置关系密切,随着滑坡主滑方向与房屋基础夹角的增大,房屋基础破坏越严重。因此,在房屋的选址和设计时,应优先利用滑坡挤压区或减小房屋长边中轴线与滑坡主滑方向的夹角。Abstract: Due to the topographic conditions, a large number of houses are built on the landslide in the southwest mountainous area, which have potential safety hazard. It is of great significance to explore the action mechanism between landslide and buildings and scientifically guide the design and protection of houses on landslide, so as to ensure the safety of residents' lives and property and promote the harmonious development of people and land. The foundation is the direct object of the landslide on the house. Therefore, taking the masonry structure house foundation as the research object, the deformation characteristics of the foundation in the test and simulation are compared and analyzed by using the method of physical experiment and numerical simulation, the reliability of the boundary setting of the numerical model is verified, and the deformation and failure characteristics of the house foundation under different landslide action modes are studied. The results show that the failure modes of building foundation under the slow deformation of landslide can be summarized into three modes: tension, shear and compression; The location of house crack development is closely related to the location of landslide surface crack. With the increase of the included angle between the main sliding direction of landslide and house foundation, the house foundation damage becomes more and more serious. Therefore, in the site selection and design of houses, priority should be given to the use of landslide extrusion area or reducing the included angle between the central axis of the long side of the house and the main sliding direction of the landslide.
Key words:
- landslide /
- foundation /
- failure modes
表 1 实验方案设计
Table 1. Design of the experimental scheme
方案 模型大小/m 荷载/Pa 物理模型实验参数 数值模型试验参数 材料配比(水泥∶河沙∶碎石∶水)质量比 弹性模量/(N·mm-2) 泊松比 1 1.2×0.6×0.06 13 162 1∶1.6∶3.1∶0.5 2 200 0.2 2 1∶1.6∶3.0∶0.5 2 180 3 1∶1.6∶3.2∶0.5 2 220 表 2 房屋基础在不同作用模式下的变形特征
Table 2. Deformation characteristics of foundation under different action
作用模式 角度α/(°) 最大主应力/Pa 最大位移/mm 破坏影响范围 最大应变με 应变集中点 变形特征 张拉作用 0 80 283.0 7.00 基础长边右侧 0.306 00 基础长边中部 裂缝发育从基础长边中部开始,基础长短边转角处破坏最严重 剪切作用 45 77 082.0 2.66 基础长边3/4 0.120 99 距基础短边固定端1/4处 裂缝在错断面处开始发育,随着角度的增加,错断面向基础长边受力端一侧移动,且位移传递的影响范围变小 60 27 602.9 2.50 基础长边5/8 0.109 80 距基础短边固定端3/8处 75 28 917.0 2.79 基础长边3/5 0.112 70 距基础短边固定端2/5处 90 8 807.0 3.80 基础长边右侧 0.118 40 基础长边中部 挤压作用 180 59 350.0 3.40 基础长边右侧 0.170 00 基础长边中部 基础整体位移偏小,基本无破坏 -
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