Application of GF-2 remote sensing data for typical Quaternary stratigraphic survey in Gaizi River Basin
摘要: 国产高分辨率卫星遥感技术的发展为第四系宏观、局部及细部特征调查提供了新的手段。中巴经济走廊东段地区分布较多的冲洪积扇、河谷阶地、冰川堆积等地貌类型,为了研究国产高分数据在该地区第四纪地质调查中的适用性,以高分二号(GF-2)影像为主要数据源,借助数字高程模型构建三维场景,选取中巴公路沿线盖孜河流域乌鲁阿特山前冲洪积扇、盖孜河河谷阶地与克拉牙依拉克冰川堆积物3处典型第四纪地层为研究对象,建立了遥感解译标志,并进行了精细尺度遥感解译;经过野外实地验证,查明了其物质组成与变化规律,修正了前人关于克拉牙依拉克冰川不同期次冰碛物的划分范围;通过对盖孜河河谷阶地分析,盖孜河流域晚更新世以来经历了至少5次阶段性构造抬升,阶地基座冰碛物至少由两期冰川作用形成。研究表明,GF-2影像能快速从宏观尺度上识别地貌、松散堆积物变化特征,能够看到常规方法无法观察到的地质现象;满足大比例尺解译、制图要求,特别是在微地貌识别以及第四纪地层解译中,能够提升精细地质解译水平。研究成果能为盖孜河流域河流、冰川的发展演化过程研究提供基础地质资料,为中巴公路沿线第四纪土体遥感调查提供典型案例。Abstract: The development of domestic high resolution remote sensing satellite technology provides a new means for the investigation of macroscopic, local and detailed characteristics of the Quaternary.Alluvial-diluvial fans, valley terraces, glacial deposits are widely distributed in the eastern section of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. In order to study the applicability of domestic high-resolution data in the Quaternary geological survey of this region, the alluvial and flood fan in front of Uruat mountain along Gaizi River basin of China-Pakistan highway and three typical Quaternary strata of Gaizi River valley terrace and Kraguirake glacial moraine were selected as the research objects in this study.Using domestic GF-2 images as the main data sources, with the aid of digital elevation model data, the remote sensing interpretation marker was established, and the fine geological interpretation was carried out.The composition and variation were found out through field verification.The previous distribution range of different periods of glacial moraines in Kailaillak was revised.Based on the analysis of the terrace in Gaizi River valley, the study area experienced at least five stages of tectonic uplift since late Epipleistocene, and the terrace base was formed by at least two stages of glaciation.This study shows that GF-2 images can not only quickly identify the change characteristics of landforms and loose deposits at macro scale, but also it can get geological phenomena that cannot be observed by conventional methods.And then it can meet the requirements of large scale interpretation and cartography.Especially in the identification of micro-geomorphology and interpretation of Quaternary strata, it can improve the level of fine geological interpretation.Research results can provide basic geological data for understanding the development and evolution process of fluvial and glaciation in the Gaizi River basin.Besides, this study can provide a typical example for remote sensing investigation of Quaternary soil mass along the China-Pakistan highway.
Key words:
- remote sensing /
- Quaternary /
- China-Pakistan highway /
- alluvial and flood fan /
- terrace /
- glacial till
图 4 克拉牙依拉克冰碛物解译结果(a)和立体影像(b, c)(图例同图 3)
Figure 4. Interpretation of Clathrate Irak glacial till (a) and three-dimensional images (b, c)
图 5 克拉牙依拉克冰川遗迹分布图(据文献[19])
Figure 5. Remnants of Clathrate Irak glaciation
表 1 GF-2卫星主要技术指标(据文献[27])
Table 1. Technical index of the GF-2 satelite
技术性能 轨道 轨道类型及高度 太阳同步回归轨道,631 km 重访、覆盖特性 无侧摆时,69天可完成全球无缝覆盖观测;侧摆23°时,全球任意地区重访周期不大于5天 观测能力 谱段/μm 全色:0.45~0.90 多光谱:0.45~0.52;0.52~0.59;0.63~0.69;0.77~0.89 星下点地面分辨率/m 全色谱段0.81,多光谱谱段3.24 地面幅宽, 定位精度/km >45, 平面无控制点50 姿态控制 控制方式;姿态指向精度;稳定度 三轴稳定,对地定向;≤0.05°(三轴,3σ);≤5×10-4°/s(三轴,3σ) 惯性空间测量精度 ≤0.003°(三轴,3σ) 姿态机动能力 侧摆±35°,35°范围内侧摆及稳定时间小于180 s 具有每轨侧摆2次的能力 表 2 山前冲洪积扇解译标志
Table 2. Interpretation marks of piedmont alluvial and diluvial fan
标志 描述 分布位置 位于山前河流出山口的广大倾斜平原上 形状 呈扇状 大小 大小不一,通常横向可达数十千米 色调 色调呈现过渡形式,但扇前缘地下水泄出带常出现色调突变 纹理 由扇顶至扇前缘,纹理由粗糙逐渐过渡为平滑 表 3 河流阶地解译标志
Table 3. Interpretation marlcs of river terrace
标志 描述 分布位置 位于河流两侧,高于河漫滩,越老的阶地离河床越远 色调 阶面色调均匀、较浅,阶坎色调较深且有阴影存在 形状 阶地表面较平坦,沿河床呈宽窄不等的条带状展布,组合为阶梯状(据文献[30]) 大小 阶地大小不一,高低不同 阴影 阶坎有阴影存在,阴影深浅、长宽随阶坎高低、倾角变化而变化 表 4 冰川冰碛物解译标志
Table 4. Interpretation marks of glacial drifts
标志 描述 分布位置 位于冰川冰舌的前缘及两侧,古冰川的冰碛物通常在现代冰川前缘及周边,分布范围较广 色调 现代冰川冰碛物多呈灰黑色,古冰川冰碛物由于有现代沉积物覆盖而呈黄色、浅黄色 形状 较新的冰川冰碛物多被保留在冰槽谷的两侧,呈细条带状;古冰川的冰碛物多呈台地、垄岗状 大小 因冰川规模大小及经后期改造的不同而不同 纹理 不同期次的冰碛物纹理不同,较老的冰碛物由于后期风化剥蚀夷平及现代沉积物覆盖,纹理平坦光滑;较新的冰碛物通常表面呈鳞片状,坑坑洼洼,高低不平 -
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