Discussion on methodology in research of groundwater flow system: A review of research on groundwater flow systems at CUG-Wuhan
摘要: 地球系统科学和地下水流系统理论的出现,标志着水文地质学进入新的发展时期。地下水流系统理论已成为水文地质学的新范式,其产生和发展,从方法论上为地下水问题的研究提供了新的启示。自20世纪80年代初以来,中国地质大学(武汉)地下水流系统组持续开展了地下水流系统理论与应用研究。试图从方法论的角度回顾与总结这些研究成果。地下水问题受多因素影响,研究应以"目标与问题导向相结合",靶向准确,才能在信息浩渺中不失方向,向着目标前行;研究时应采用"假设演绎法",先依据已有认识和资料演绎出应有的现象,再有目的地观察和寻求证据,或修改假设继续求证,直到假设被证实或证伪;演绎寻证过程,可以采用"控制性实验""信息提取与组织""多学科方法与手段融合"等技术方法。实例分析证实,控制性模拟实验使我们得出了地下水流模式的新认识;采用多通道的信息提取、加工和组织,构建地下水流系统模式,能够有效解决各类工程中的应用问题;多学科与手段融合、各种信息相互验证,提高了结果的可信度。以实例研究为基础,从研究方法上的总结能为正确认识和理解地下水流系统理论、推进新理论和新思路在水文地质研究中的应用提供参考。Abstract: The emergence of earth system science and groundwater flow system theory marked the beginning of a new era of hydrogeology.The theory of groundwater flow systems has become a new paradigm of hydrogeology, and its development has provided new enlightenment in methodology for groundwater research.Since the early 1980s, the Groundwater Flow System Group of China University of Geosciences(Wuhan) has continued to carry out theoretical and applied research on groundwater flow systems.In this paper, we attempt to review and summarize these research from a methodological point of view.Groundwater problems are affected by many factors.The research should be based on the "combination of goal and problem orientation".Only when the target is accurate, can one move towards the goal without losing direction in the vast amount of information.The "hypothetical deduction method" adopted in the research, first deduces the expected phenomenon based on the existing knowledge and data, then observes and seek evidence purposefully, and then revises the hypothesis to continue the verification until the hypothesis is confirmed or falsified.In the process of deductive evidence-seeking, technical methods such as "controlled experiment", "information extraction and organization", and "integration of multidisciplinary methods and means" can be used.The case analysis confirmed that the controlled simulation experiment has enabled us to obtain a new understanding of the groundwater flow patterns; the use of multi-channel information extraction, processing and organization to build a groundwater flow system patterns can effectively solve practical problems in various projects; and the integration of multiple disciplines and means, and the mutual verification of various information have improved the credibility of the results.Based on the case studies, we summarized the methodologies in order to provide a reference for correctly understanding the theory of groundwater flow systems and promote the application of new theories and new ideas in hydrogeological research.
图 4 地下水流系统物理模拟结果(引自文献[16])
Figure 4. Physical simulation results of groundwater flow systems in sand box
图 7 砂箱实验得出不同入渗强度的地下水流系统(引自文献[16])
a.河谷S1、S2、S3均为实际势汇; b.河谷S2、S3为潜在势汇
Figure 7. Groundwater flow patterns under different infiltration intensities resulted from sandbox experiments
图 9 高岚河流域岩溶水系统划分(引自文献[41])
Figure 9. Division of karst water system in Gaolan River Basin
图 10 香溪河流域古夫宽缓向斜区多级岩溶水流系统概念模型图(引自文献[41])
Figure 10. Schematic conceptual model of hierarchical karst water flow system in the wide syncline area of Gufu, Xiangxi River Basin
图 11 末次盛冰期以来河北平原地下水流系统演变示意剖图(引自文献[48])
a.18~15 ka(阶段Ⅰ);b.15~12 ka(阶段Ⅱ);c.距今2.5 ka~现今(阶段Ⅲ);实线表示活动的水流系统,虚线表示衰亡的水流系统;中部平原局部水流系统及滨海平原水流系统,资料不足,未予表示。1.基岩;2.第四系;3.盆地底界;4.咸水(ρ(TDS)>2 g/L);5.山前平原局部水流系统流线;6.区域水流系统流线;7.中部平原早期中间水流系统流线;8.中部平原晚期中间水流系统流线;9.地下水流域分界线;10.山前平原局部水流系统流域;11.区域水流系统流域;12.中部平原早期中间水流系统流域;13.中部平原晚期中间水流系统流域
Figure 11. Schematic representation of evolution of ground-water flow systems in Hebei Plain since the Last Glacial Maximum
图 12 不同新构造运动条件下河间地块岩溶发育模式(引自文献[54])
Figure 12. Development patterns of karst under different neotectonic movement
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