Three-dimensional numerical analysis of the Changgeluo landslide-tunnel engineering disaster on Shangri-Lato Lijiang highway
摘要: 准确评价滑坡-隧道相互作用及稳定性, 采用合理的病害防治方法, 对保障公路顺利完工具有重要意义。以香丽高速公路昌格洛滑坡为例, 利用现场地质调查、钻探等方法查明了滑坡成因机制以及变形特性, 通过数值模拟研究了昌格洛滑坡在天然、降雨和开挖等工况下的空间应力应变特征以及稳定性变化, 研究了隧道与所穿越滑坡之间的相互作用, 据此提出了相应的病害防治方案。结果表明: 昌格洛滑坡在自然条件下处于欠稳定状态; 隧道开挖难以引起滑坡整体失稳, 但会诱发滑坡局部变形, 受滑坡体变形影响, 穿越滑体的隧道部分将产生拉伸-剪切变形; 降雨严重恶化滑坡稳定性, 导致滑坡失稳, 进而使穿越其中的隧道失效破坏。原选线方案面临风险巨大, 最优防治方案为线路东移绕避, 使隧道从滑面以下穿过。研究方法和成果可为香丽高速公路类似病害的防治提供有益借鉴。Abstract: Accurately evaluating the interaction and stability of the landslide tunnel and formulating a reasonable disaster prevention plan are of great significance for ensuring the smooth completion of the Shangri-La to Lijiang highway. This paper takes the typical landslide-tunnel disaster site of Shangri-La to Lijiang highway-Changgeluo landslideas an example, uses on-site engineering geological surveys, drilling, and other methods to determine the cause mechanism and deformation characteristics of the landslide, utilizes numerical simulation to study the spatial stress-strain characteristics and stability state of the Changgeluo landslide under natural, rainfall and tunnel excavation conditions, studies the interaction between the landslide and the tunnel, and proposes corresponding disaster prevention and control plans. The results show that the Changgeluo landslide is a giant rock sliding landslide, which is in an unstable state under natural conditions. The tunnel excavation has limited influence on the overall stability of the landslide, but it will cause local deformation of the landslide.Affected by the deformation of the landslide body, the tunnel part of the landslide body will produce tensile-shear deformation failure. Rainfall seriously deteriorates the stability of the landslide, causing the landslide to lose instability and further causing the tunnel to fail and be destroyed. The original route selection plan faces huge risks, and the optimal prevention plan is to move the route eastward to avoid the tunnel so that the tunnel passes under the sliding surface. The research methods and results can provide a useful reference for similar Shangri-La to Lijiang highway disaster sites.
表 1 滑坡各层岩土体物理力学参数
Table 1. Physical and mechanical parameters of each layer of the landslide
模型分组 弹性模量/MPa 泊松比 容重/(kN·m-3) 黏聚力/kPa 内摩擦角/(°) 渗透系数/(m·d-1) 滑床 36 740 0.26 26 / / 0.001 滑体 2 178 0.29 20 28 35 1.2 滑带 牵引段 36.8 0.35 19.85 20 30 0.03 主滑段 36.8 0.35 19.85 15 28 0.03 抗滑段 36.8 0.35 19.85 20 30 0.03 -
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