Key factors of far-source hydrocarbon enrichment in the northern uplift area of Enping Sag in Pearl River Mouth Basin
珠江口盆地恩平凹陷北部隆起区的油气勘探始于20世纪70年代, 历经20多年反复探索一直未获得商业发现。近年来, 恩平凹陷北部新近系油气勘探接连取得重大突破, 逐渐成为勘探的热点地区。勘探实践表明远源富集成藏是恩平凹陷北部隆起区新近系油气成藏的重要特征。首先, 侧向断开控洼边界且深入洼陷内部的长期活动断裂体系是恩平北带油气能够大规模向北运移的关键因素; 这类断裂早期控制陡坡带文昌组物源供给, 晚期继承性活动切穿文昌组仓储砂体及烃源岩, 使文昌组烃源岩生成的油气通过油源断裂垂向调节至中浅层新近系储层中; 其次, 油气经过侧向穿断面运移后, 能继续沿断层对盘的构造脊往高部位汇聚, 使油气能够向北远距离运移并富集成藏。油源断裂、仓储砂体与构造脊的耦合是恩平凹陷北部隆起区远源油气富集的关键因素, 同时暗示深层文昌组仓储砂体的巨大勘探潜力。恩平凹陷北部隆起区具备油气远源富集成藏的条件, 在目前已获突破的区域继续向北仍发育较多构造圈闭, 为新近系油气勘探的潜力区带。
Abstract:Petroleum exploration in the Enping Sag of the Pearl River Mouth Basin began in the 1970s, however, no commercial oil and gas discovery has been achieved through 40 years of exploration. In recent years, successive significant breakthroughs of hydrocarbon exploration have made the northern Enping Sag become a hotspot of exploration. By analysing the Neogene petroleum entrapment characteristics in the uplift area of the northern Enping Sag, the key factors of the far-source accumulation mode are summarized in this region.Firstly, the long-term active boundary fault system deep inside the sag is the key factor for the large-scale northwards migration of oil-gas in the northern Enping belt. This kind of fault controlled the provenances of the Wenchang Formation in the steep slope belt at the early stage and cut through the storage sandbodies and source rock of the Wenchang Formation in inherited activities of the late stage so that the oil and gas generated from the source rock of the Wenchang Formation could be adjusted vertically to the middle-shallow strata through the oil source faults. Secondly, after the lateral migration across the fault plane, oil and gas can gather along the structural ridge of the hanging wall of the fault and continue to migrate northwards for a long distance and enrich. The coupling of oil source faults, storage sandbodies and structural ridges is the key factor in far-source oil and gas enrichment in the northern uplift of the Enping Sag, which implies the great exploration potential of deep storage sandbodies in the Wenchang Formation.Therefore, the uplift area in the northern Enping sag has the conditions of far-source enrichment of oil and gas, and there are still many structural traps in the north of the breakthrough area, which will be a potential zone for Neogene oil and gas exploration.
Key words:
- Pearl River Mouth Basin /
- Enping Sag /
- far-source enrichment /
- exploration direction /
- Neogene /
- hydrocarbon
图 1 恩平凹陷北部隆起构造带油田群分布示意图(据文献[6]修改)
Figure 1. Distribution of oilfield groups in the northern uplift structural belt of Enping Sag
图 2 恩平凹陷北部烃源岩-仓储砂体-断裂构造-构造脊剖面(剖面位置见图 3中的B-B′)
Figure 2. Section of source rock, storage body sand and fault structure structural ridge in the north of Enping Sag
图 5 北部隆起区物源剖面特征(剖面位置见图 4)
Figure 5. Characteristics of the provenance profile in the northern uplift area
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