Application of groundwater stratified exploration technology in groundwater flow system research
摘要: 地下水流是一种运动流体,空间上分布连续且能传递压力,在能量(势)差驱使下发生从水头高处向低处的运动。通常在补给(势源)区,地下水垂向上由上向下运动,而在排泄(势汇)区地下水由下向上运动,即地下水整个生命过程中总是由源到汇、向着能量减小的方向做径流运动,无论是在单个或多个透水岩层中都是如此。地下水分层勘查技术使在垂向上分层监测水头、水温和水质等成为可能,从而实现对不同及同一含水岩层的上下不同点间地下水流要素的比较,并判断全井或单井不同垂向区段的势源汇条件,为地下水流空间运动方向判定和地下水流系统划定奠定基础。本文以地下水流系统理论与试验观测研究为基础,论述了地下水分层勘查技术的原理、系统结构和功能,结合张掖盆地实例阐述了分层勘查技术在地下水补给与排泄区判识的应用方法。Abstract: The groundwater stored in the aquifer is a kind of moving fluid, which is continuously distributed in space and can transmit pressure.It is driven by the potential energy difference to move from high to low head.Usually in the recharge area (high head), the groundwater moves vertically from top to bottom, while in the drainage area (low head), the groundwater moves from bottom to top.The movement of groundwater in aquifers is like the same life process, in which it always moves from the source to the sink in the direction of energy reduction, whether it is in a single or multiple permeable rock formations.Hydrogeological stratified exploration technology (HSET) makes it possible to monitor different depths of groundwater elements such as head, temperature and quality in the vertical direction, so as to realize the comparison of groundwater elements between the vertical points of multi-layer aquifer rock formations.At the same time, HSET can judge the potential source and sink conditions of different vertical sections of a full well or a single well, laying a foundation for finely describing the spatial movement of groundwater flow and delimiting the groundwater system.This paper discusses the principle, system structure and function of groundwater layered exploration based on the theory and experimental observation of groundwater flow system and expounds the application method of layered exploration technology in the identification of groundwater recharge or discharge area in Zhangye Basin.
图 1 流域盆地地下水流系统及其伴生现象(据文献[10]修改)
Figure 1. Groundwater flow system and its associated phenomena in basin-type watershed
图 2 地下水流系统物理模拟结果(据文献[12]修改)
Figure 2. Physical simulation results of groundwater flow system
图 3 定水头条件下不同排泄点及流场内地下水流演示图(据文献[14]修改)
a.3个排泄点形成的多级水流系统; b.复杂流场内“死角”水重力下移引起的沿着隔水顶板的快速依赖水流
Figure 3. Demonstration diagram of groundwater flow in different discharge points and flow fields under constant head conditions
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