Prospecting of sedimentary-metamorphic type manganese deposits in the Sifangshan area, northeastern Hubei Province: Insight from magnetic anomaly information
为系统开展鄂东北地区锰矿找矿预测, 以四方山地区典型沉积变质型锰矿床为重点解剖对象, 结合高精度磁法测量异常信息, 查明磁异常与锰矿床(体)的空间对应关系。四方山地区锰矿床主要以层状或似层状赋存于新元古代红安岩群黄麦岭岩组(Pt3
h )中, 含锰岩系为一套含火山物质、泥质、粉砂质碎屑沉积岩夹碳酸盐岩, 属于陆源碎屑-碳酸盐岩系。含锰岩系因含少量磁铁矿等铁氧化物而多与1∶5万磁法测量中高强度磁异常套合, 但也有部分位于正负磁异常梯度带上。1∶5万磁法总梯度模量中锰矿化富集地段往往与中-低值区(尤其是线性梯度带)对应。基于矿床地质特征、磁法测量资料的二次开发及野外调查成果, 在四方山地区圈定了四个找矿靶区。其中四方山矿区北侧找矿靶区Ⅰ经TC160揭露一层锰矿体, 厚度2.53 m, Mn平均品位为14.63%;四方山矿区内找矿靶区Ⅱ北段经探槽TC140揭露两层锰矿体, 第一层厚1.63 m, Mn平均品位达24.57%;第二层厚0.98 m, Mn品位为16.73%;南段经探槽TC114揭露一层锰矿体, 厚度1.32 m, Mn平均品位为17.60%。团山沟矿区东南部找矿靶区Ⅳ经地质路线调查也发现了锰矿化体, 显示具有良好的找矿前景。Abstract:In order to systematically study the prospecting of manganese deposits in northeastern Hubei Province, this study focuses on the typical sedimentary-metamorphic manganese deposits in the Sifangshan area. Based on the anomaly information from a high-precision magnetic survey, the spatial coupling relationship between magnetic anomalies and the manganese deposits. Manganese deposits in the Sifangshan area are predominantly layered and quasi-layered within the Huangmailing Formation (Pt3
h ) of the Neoproterozoic Hong'an Group. The manganese-bearing sedimentary rocks consist of typical terrigenous clastic-carbonate rocks, including volcanic rocks and argillaceous rocks with silty carbonates.Most manganese-bearing rocks corresponding with medium and high-intensity magnetic anomalies measured by the 1∶50 000 magnetic survey, because they contain a small amount of iron oxides such as magnetite. However, some are also located in the gradient zone of positive and negative magnetic anomaly gradient belts. In the total gradient modulus of 1∶50 000 magnetic survey, the enrichment areas of manganese mineralization correspond to the middle-low values (in particular of the linear gradient zone). Based on the geological characteristics of the Mn deposits, geophysical information, and field investigation results, four ore prospecting targets have been delineated in the Sifangshan area. Target I is located in the northern Sifangshan district. As revealed by exploratory trench TC160, one manganese orebody with a thickness of 2.53 m and an average grade of 14.63% Mn is found in this belt. In target Ⅱ in the Sifangshan district, two manganese orebodies have been revealed the through the exploration trench TC140, one with a thickness of 1.63 m and an average grade of 24.57% Mn, and the other having a thickness of 0.98 m and a grade of 16.73% Mn. One manganese orebody was revealed through the exploration trench TC114 in predicted belt Ⅱ, with a thickness of 1.32 m and an average grade of 17.60% Mn. Manganese mineralization has also been identified in target Ⅳ in southeast of the Tuanshangou district through geological investigation. These new orebodies reported in this study suggest a good prospect for manganese mineralization in the Sifangshan area. -
图 1 桐柏-大别造山带区域构造地质图(据文献[23]修改)
Figure 1. Regional tectonic geological map of the Tongbai-Dabieshan orogenic belt
图 5 四方山地区锰矿床原生及表生氧化锰矿石标本及显微(反射光)照片
a.四方山矿床锰矿石;b, c.四方山锰矿石镜下照片;d.团山沟矿床锰矿石;e, f.团山沟锰矿石镜下照片。Ma.水锰矿;Pyt.软锰矿;Mt.磁铁矿;Ps.硬锰矿;Rds.菱锰矿;Lm.褐铁矿;Hem.赤铁矿
Figure 5. Photos and photomicrograph (in reflection light) of hand specimen of primary and supergene manganese oxide ores from manganese deposits in the Sifangshan area
表 1 四方山地区岩矿石磁性特征统计表
Table 1. Magnetic characteristics of rocks and ores in the Sifangshan area
地层单元 岩性 标本数/块 磁化率K/(10-6πSI) 剩磁Jr/(10-3A·mT-1) 变化范围 平均值 变化范围 平均值 K2-E1g 砂砾岩 5 0~400 40.0 0~254 42.0 Pt3s 变粒岩 30 124~1 849 725.8 9~264 68.2 变流纹岩 18 2 466~6 377 3 679.0 114~587 319.0 绿泥片岩 11 0~5 300 1 600.0 0~17 900 2 200.0 变中基性凝灰岩 13 1 000~2 000 1 500.0 500~2 600 Pt3q 黑云钠长片麻岩 15 268~751 530.2 10~125 43.6 钠长片岩 11 52~1 180 318.7 21~235 125.0 白云钠长石英片岩 9 0~721 80.0 0~293 33.0 变粒岩 9 0~3 289 991.0 0~9 236 1 900.0 绿泥绿帘斜长片岩 23 16~741 231.0 18~407 96.5 Pt3t 绿帘片岩 36 28~1 562 392.3 38~1 506 306.2 Pt3h 磁铁矿石 3 58 837~82 790 71 141.0 8 205~24 696 15 157.0 锰矿石 6 19 889~33 594 27 057.0 563~2 008 1 311.0 白云钠长片岩 7 44~403 258.2 19~280 76.7 斜长角闪片岩 12 79~6 920 2 896.0 13~781 301.3 白云质大理岩 10 0 0 πηγK1 斑状二长花岗岩 11 19~1 175 376.6 36~237 116.8 πξοJ3 石英正长岩 30 22~1 697 697.0 32~286 98.1 注:数据来源于湖北省地质局第六地质大队;地层代号同图 1 -
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