A preliminary study on the formation conditions and weathering leaching enrichment mechanism of secondary phosphorite in the Xinhua phosphate mining area, Zhijin, Guizhou
贵州织金新华磷矿是我国西南地区著名的超大型含稀土低品位磷矿床, 矿床平均品位
w (P2O5)为17.22%, 已探明磷矿石储量13.48亿t, 稀土资源量350万t。近年研究发现, 新华磷矿矿石品位的波动变化与风化淋滤富集作用关系密切。为了进一步阐明风化淋滤作用对磷矿元素地球化学的影响及磷矿的次生富集规律, 以戈仲伍矿段为重点研究对象, 对含磷岩系开展了野外观察描述, 应用连续敲块法采集化学分析样品19件, 运用光学显微镜进行岩矿鉴定样品16件, 并对样品进行了岩石成分鉴定及综合研究工作。研究结果表明, 风化磷矿中w (P2O5)比原生磷矿提高了8%~18%,w (MgO)比原生磷矿降低了4%~7%, 风化强度处于弱到成熟阶段。织金新华风化磷矿的形成受到岩性条件、地质构造、水文条件等因素控制。本研究可以为深入研究该矿床的次生风化成矿作用对磷矿石化学成分的影响及为新的矿产研究提供资料, 为丰富我国风化淋积型磷矿床的成矿理论提供新认识, 为该矿区风化磷矿资源的合理开发利用提供理论指导。Abstract:The Xinhua phosphate mining are alocated in Zhijin County, Guizhou Province, is a famous superlarge low-grade phosphate deposit containing rare earth elements in the southwest of China.The average P2O5 grade of the deposit is 17.22%.The proven phosphorite ore resources are 1.348 billion tons, and the rare earth resources are 3 500 kilotons.In recent years, experts and scholars have found that the fluctuation of Xinhua phosphorite ore grade is closely related to weathering, leaching and enrichment effects.To further clarify the influence of weathering and leaching on the element geochemistry as well as the secondary enrichment of phosphate rock, the author focuses on the Gezhongwu ore block and carries out field observations and descriptions of phosphate rock series.A total of 19 chemical analysis samples were collected using block knocking method and 16 rock ore samples were identified through polarizing microscope.On these basis, identification and comprehensive research on the samples were conducted.The results show that the contents of P2O5 in the weathered phosphate rock are 8%-18%, higher than that in the primary phosphate rock, while the contents of MgO are 4%-7%, lower than that in the primary phosphate rock.The weathering intensity of phosphate rock is in the weak to mature stage.The formation of Xinhua weathered phosphate rock in Zhijin County is controlled by lithology, geological structure and hydrological conditions.The purpose of this paper is to provide new information for the further study of the influences of the secondary weathering mineralization of the ore deposit on the chemical composition of phosphate rock, to enrich the metallogenic theories of weathering eluvial phosphate mining in China and to provide the oretical guidance for the rational development and utilization of weathering phosphate resources in the mining area.
图 1 贵州织金新华磷矿区地质图(据文献[3]修改)
Figure 1. Geological map of the Xinhua phosphate mining area in Zhijin County, Guizhou Province
图 2 新华磷矿含磷岩系柱状图(据参考文献[22]修改)
Figure 2. Column map of the phosphate rock system from the Xinhua phosphate mining area
表 1 原生磷矿石与风化磷矿石的矿物成分及其质量分数变化
Table 1. Comparing mineral composition and content between primary phosphate ore and weathering phosphate ore
样品编号 矿石类型 矿石名称 矿物成分wB/% 磷灰石 白云石 石英 黄铁矿 铁质 泥质 G-1B 原生 含硅质白云质砂屑(生物屑)磷块岩 40 40 18 1< 1< 1< G-3B 原生 含硅质白云质砂屑(生物屑)磷块岩 40 40 18 1< 1< 1< GH-1B 原生 微含泥质硅质砂屑(生物屑)磷块岩 65 0 32 1< 1< 2 GH-5B 原生 含硅质白云质砂屑(生物屑)磷块岩 40 45 13 1< 1< 1< G-2B 风化 含硅质白云质砂屑(生物屑)磷块岩 75 13 10 1< 1< 1< GH-2B 风化 含硅质白云质砂屑(生物屑)磷块岩 40 45 13 1< 1< 1< GH-3B 风化 含硅质白云质砂屑(生物屑)磷块岩 50 40 8 1< 1< 1< GH-6B 风化 硅质砂屑(生物屑)磷块岩 60 0 38 1< 1< 1< 表 2 织金新华磷矿风化磷矿石判别指标
Table 2. Chemical index for weathered phosphate ore in the Xinhua phosphate mining area, Zhyijin
样品编号 风化指标 实验室编号 野外编号 w(CO2)<5.4 w(MgO)<1.4 P2O5/(MgO+CO2)>3.8 P2O5/CO2>4.9 w(2P2O5+H.P) ≥74% CaO/P2O5<1.5 15A397 GH-2 3.4 74 1.5 15A398 GH-3 4.21 1.15 5.1 7 77 1.4 15A399 GH-4 2.40 0.21 11.9 13 80 1.3 15A401 GH-6 2.27 0.17 11.7 13 83 1.4 15A409 GY-4 1.5 15A413 CTY-1 5.23 80 1.5 表 3 样品主要成分化学分析结果
Table 3. Main chemical composition of samples
实验室编号 野外编号 P2O5 Al2O3 Fe2O3 SiO2 CaO MgO CO2 H.P wB/% 15A396 GH-1 16.40 1.05 0.41 7.96 39.69 9.82 21.18 7.00 15A397 GH-2 26.62 1.06 0.24 20.06 40.32 1.94 5.96 20.76 15A398 GH-3 29.56 0.70 0.27 17.89 42.56 1.15 4.21 17.37 15A399 GH-4 30.96 1.17 0.22 19.57 41.68 0.21 2.40 18.30 15A400 GH-5 12.07 1.39 0.21 15.02 33.82 11.05 22.98 13.67 15A401 GH-6 28.56 0.75 0.18 25.89 38.77 0.17 2.27 25.68 15A402 GH-7 30.91 1.00 0.48 8.43 46.01 2.15 6.96 6.86 15A403 GH-8 21.69 0.74 0.20 9.06 41.87 6.97 16.41 8.28 15A404 GH-9 15.78 1.26 2.12 19.38 34.86 5.84 15.83 18.00 15A405 GH-10 22.28 2.49 1.70 18.40 37.06 3.33 9.03 16.96 15A406 GY-1 21.46 0.22 0.34 2.53 45.12 7.27 19.25 2.19 15A407 GY-2 19.72 0.83 0.24 2.27 44.47 9.00 20.81 1.63 15A408 GY-3 21.04 0.88 0.14 3.57 43.78 8.85 19.23 2.43 15A409 GY-4 31.50 0.83 0.41 2.18 48.70 3.60 8.74 1.00 15A410 G-1 16.13 0.77 0.07 9.30 38.40 8.84 24.41 8.21 15A411 G-2 24.48 0.71 0.07 9.43 43.65 4.97 13.23 8.29 15A412 G-3 16.42 1.05 0.07 6.00 42.01 10.38 22.00 1.20 15A413 CTY-1 14.76 1.36 0.34 51.48 22.68 2.02 5.23 50.87 15A414 CTY-2 14.59 0.99 0.14 20.47 34.22 8.19 19.18 19.36 注:H.P为酸不溶物;测试方法:(原子吸收)分光光谱;测试单位:中化地质矿山遵义实验中心 -
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