Updating and application for a reservoir geological model of deep-water turbidites: A case study of a 4D seismic survey from the PU Oilfield in Angola
传统的油藏模型更新过程中, 油藏模型的最终优选主要以单井历史拟合结果为准, 井间剩余油分布预测是否合理往往无据可循, 存在较大不确定性。四维地震是现代油藏监测的重要手段之一, 对于指导井间剩余油分布预测具有较强优势。为进一步提升油藏地质模型更新的准确度, 提出在常规地质模型更新过程中融入四维地震监测信息的研究思路, 以四维地震反映的流体变化信息作为井间"硬数据", 形成一套四维地震-地质建模-油藏数模闭环式油藏模型迭代更新方法。研究结果表明: 四维地震信息可作为动态信息贯穿到从地质建模-油藏数模的大循环中, 建模数模一体化技术更加完善; 四维地震可作为井间模型参数调整的重要参考依据, 实现剩余油监测的定量化, 提升油藏模型预测的准确度。该方法对于深海浊积岩油藏应用效果较好, 对于建模数模一体化技术的发展具有实践意义。
Abstract:During traditional updating processes of reservoir models, the final optimal modelis mainly selected referring to the historical matching results from individual drilling wells, as there is a lot of uncertainty in the distribution prediction of remaining oil crosswells. 4D seismic survey is one of the important modern methods for oil reservoir monitoring, and it has a strong advantage forguiding the distribution prediction of remaining oil cross wells. 4D seismic monitoring information is incorporated into conventional updating processes of geological models, to improve the updating accuracy of reservoir geological models. Fluid evolution information provided by 4D seismic surveys lends solid basis for developing an iterative update method with 4D seismic monitoring, geological modelling, and reservoir simulating.Results in this study suggests that ①4D seismic dynamic information can help improve the numerical modelling loops; ②4D seismic surveys can provide important evidence for the cross-well model parameter adjustment, which help promote the quantitative monitoring of remaining oil and improve the accuracy of reservoir model predictions. This method has a good application effect in deep-water turbidite reservoirs and has practical significance for the development of numerical modelling loops.
Key words:
- model update /
- 4D seismic monitoring /
- modeling loops /
- turbidite reservoir
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