Characteristic analysis of deep water gravity flow sediments in Ch6-Ch7 Section of Yanchang Formation in the Binchang Block, southern Ordos Basin, China
鄂尔多斯盆地南部彬长区块的延长组长6-长7段发育厚层无沉积构造的块状砂岩,具有良好的油气显示和开发效益,然而关于该套砂岩的形成机制尚不清晰。确定长6-长7段砂岩的沉积相及沉积模式,对于该套低渗砂岩储层"甜点"形成机制的理解,"甜点"分布模式的预测,以及后续勘探开发都具有重要的指导意义。对彬长区块36口取心井的长6-长7段1 024 m长的岩心进行了沉积学特征描述,结合粒度分析资料及地质制图分析,确定了该套厚层砂岩的沉积相及沉积模式。结果表明:鄂尔多斯盆地南部彬长区块的延长组长6-长7段砂岩共发育15种岩相和3种主要沉积微相类型,即:砂质碎屑流、浊积岩和震积滑塌岩微相,以及它们在空间上的3类组合关系。其深水重力流沉积模式可以概括为扇根(坡折带斜坡上半部分)的震积滑塌相-砂质碎屑流亚相(沉积组合)、扇中(斜坡中下部位-坡脚)的砂质碎屑流-浊积岩沉积亚相(沉积组合)和扇端(坡脚-盆底)浊积砂等亚相(沉积组合)。通过对彬长区块延长组长6-长7段发育的致密砂岩沉积特征的分析与讨论,确定了该厚层块状砂岩的主要沉积相及沉积微相的特征及分布,为致密砂岩储层的高效开发及"甜点"预测提供了科学依据与良好借鉴。
Abstract:Massive sandstone without sedimentary structure is developed in the Ch6-Ch7 Section of Yanchang Formation in the Binchang Block, Southern Ordos Basin, which has a good oil and gas show, good productivities and good exploration and development prospect. However, the formation mechanism of the sandstone is still in dispute. It is of great significance to determine the sedimentary facies and sedimentary model of the sandstone in Ch6-Ch7 Section in order to analyze the formation mechanism of sweet spot in the low permeability sandstone reservoirs, to predict the sweet spot distribution model and guide the subsequent exploration and development. In this paper, 15 lithofacies and 3 main types of sedimentary microfacies, namely, sandy debris flow, turbidite and seismite slump microfacies, have been identified by using a large amount of core sedimentary description data, grain size analysis data and geological mapping analysis, and these three kinds of sedimentary assemblies in space. The deep water gravity flow deposition model in the Ch6-Ch7 Section can be summarized as the sublacustrine fan model and can be divided into three subfacies or assemblies: the upper fan subfacies dominated by the assembly of seismite-slump and sandy debris flow, the mid-fan subfacies dominated by the assembly of the sand debris flow-turbidite microfacies and the lower-fan subfacies dominated by turbidite flow-basin plain microfacies assembly.
Key words:
- Ordos Basin /
- Binchang Block /
- Ch6-Ch7 section /
- sandy debris flow /
- gravity flow sediment
图 2 砂质碎屑流主要岩石相
a. 块状层理细砂岩(Sfm),JH8井,长7段,底部突变接触,滑动作用形成;b. 块状层理细砂岩(Sfm),JH9井,长6段,A为块状砂岩,B为砂岩底部的滑动剪切带;c~g.含(泥)砾细砂岩(Sfmfc),撕裂状的泥砾顺层分布在块状砂岩中;c.JH7井,长712小层;d. JH8井,长632小层;e, f.JH9井,长632小层;g.JH2井,长711小层;h.反递变细砂岩(Sfigb),JH9,长721小层,基质强度阻碍沉降而形成;i.似平行层理细砂岩(Sfpl),JH7,长722小层,A为砂质碎屑塑性层流沉积产物,B为流动分层产生的浊流沉积
Figure 2. Main lithofacies of sandy debris flow
图 13 彬长区块长711-长73小层湖底扇沉积微相剖面分布图(剖面位置见图 12)
Figure 13. Profile distribution map of sedimentary microfacies of sublacustrine fan in Ch711-Ch73 Member of the Binchang Block
表 1 彬长区块长6-长7段岩石相特征
Table 1. Lithofacies characteristics of Ch6-Ch7 Section of the Binchang Block
岩性 岩石相 代码 沉积特征 沉积解释 细砂岩 块状层理细砂岩相 Sfm 灰色、褐色,细粒,均质,块状,泥质含量低,砂质较纯。底部突变接触,或见滑动剪切构造,顶面突变接触或浊积成因的砂泥薄互层。含油性较好 砂质碎屑流(塑性流型、层流流体) 含泥砾细砂岩相 Sfmfc 灰色、灰褐色,块状,砂岩中上部含伸长状或浑圆状泥砾,漂浮顺层分布,含油性较好 反递变细砂岩 Sfigb 灰白色,下部为泥质含量较高的泥质细砂岩,致密,含油性较差,上部为块状细砂岩,泥质含量低,物性好,粒级明显呈反递变特征 似平行层理细砂岩 Sfpl 灰白,灰褐色,层理面隐约断续平行状,似平行层理 含撕裂泥砾细砂岩相 Sftmc 灰色,块状,位于块状砂岩底部,底部侵蚀接触,砂岩中含伸长状两端卷曲的撕裂泥砾,平行/紊乱分布,为浊流沉积产物 浊流 牛顿型流体 平行层理细砂岩相 Sfp 灰白,灰褐色,平行层理,薄砂泥互层中出现,鲍马序列中的B段 牵引流 递变层理细砂岩相 Sfgb 灰白色,层薄,小于20 cm,正递变,鲍马序列A段。底部可见槽模构造 浊流 负载构造细砂岩 Sfls 灰白色,砂岩底部发育负载、火焰状、球状、挤入、枕状、底劈构造、布丁构造、环形层构造。差异负载沉降、垂直应力剪切等作用形成 震积-液化-滑动-滑塌作用 液化构造细砂岩 Sfliq 灰白色,碟状构造,沙火山、液化泄水构造、液化卷曲构造、液化角砾、液化水压构造等。由地震滑塌过程中的液化作用形成 滑塌变形构造细砂岩相 Sfd 浅灰色、灰白色变形层理细砂岩,可见包卷变形层理构造和地震活动标志,如:微褶皱、微断层、液化卷曲构造等,为地震滑塌过程中变形作用的产物 粉砂岩 波状及透镜状层理粉砂岩相 Ssw 浅灰色、灰色,砂泥薄互层,厚度5~10 cm,波状及透镜状层理,鲍马序列C段 牵引流(底流) 水平纹理粉砂岩相 Sspl 灰色,浅灰色,水平纹理发育,鲍马序列D段 滑塌变形构造粉砂岩相 Ssd 灰黑色泥质粉砂岩,砂泥岩薄互层,可见包卷层理和微地震标志,为地震滑塌形成 滑塌作用 泥质岩 油页岩 Mosh 灰黑色,水平纹理发育。高GR、高电阻率、高声波和高中子、低密度 悬浮沉积 深灰色泥岩相 M 深灰色,块状,水平层理,含植物碎屑。鲍马序列E段 表 2 彬长区块长6-长7段沉积相、沉积组合(亚相)和沉积微相划分
Table 2. Division of sedimentary facies, sedimentary assemblages (subfacies) and sedimentary micro-facies in Ch6-Ch7 Section of the Binchang Block
沉积相 亚相/沉积组合 古地理位置 主要微相(代码) 斜坡-湖底扇 扇根的(震积滑塌相-砂质碎屑流沉积组合) 坡折带-斜坡上半部分 震积滑塌岩(SSLM)和砂质碎屑流(SDF)微相 扇中(砂质碎屑流-浊积岩沉积组合) 斜坡中下部位-坡脚 砂质碎屑流(SDF)、浊积砂(TBF) 扇端(浊积岩沉积组合) 坡脚-盆底 浊积砂(TBF) -
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