Application of a tracing experiment in the prediction of water and mud inrush in the Wantan Tunnel
以宜来高速湾潭隧道为研究对象, 通过现场调查、地下水示踪实验、地下水流量监测, 以及采用大气降雨入渗法计算隧道的平均涌水量和丰水期涌水量, 同时采用RFPA渗流软件对隧道涌突水的可能性进行判别。现场调查及示踪试验结果显示湾潭隧道岩溶管道为多支, 混合型岩溶管道, 水文地质条件复杂, 丰水期涌水量约为平均隧道涌水量的4.6倍。数值模拟结果表明, 隧道涌水突泥破坏要历经裂隙萌生、裂隙扩展、裂隙进一步扩展、贯通破坏阶段。同时当岩溶管道处的过水流量达到初始值(37 248 m3/d)约2.7~3.5倍之间时便可出现涌水突泥破坏, 也即出水口2流量达到10 000~13 000 m3/d时, 湾潭隧道具有极高的涌水突泥风险。
Abstract:Taking the Wantan Tunnel of Yilai Highway as the study case, the average water inflow and the water inflow in the wet season of the tunnel are calculated through field investigation, groundwater tracer experiment, groundwater flow monitoring, and atmospheric rainfall infiltration method. Meanwhile, the realistic failure process analysis(RFPA) is used to analyze the possibility of tunnel water inrush is judged. The results of field survey and tracer test show that the karst pipeline of Wantan Tunnel is a multi-branched, mixed-type karst pipeline with complicated hydrogeological conditions. The water inflow in wet season is about 4.6 times of the average tunnel water inflow. Mud failure will go through the stages of crack initiation, crack expansion, further crack expansion, and through-through failure. At the same time, when the water flow at the karst pipeline reaches about 2.7 to 3.5 times the initial value (37 248 m3/d), water gushing and mud inrush damage will occur, that is, when the flow of water outlet 2 reaches 10 000 to 13 000 m3/d, There is a very high risk of water and mud gushing in the Wantan Tunnel.
表 1 测试区地下水示踪剂背景值
Table 1. Background values of groundwater tracers in test area
岩溶泉点 荧光素钠/10-9 湾潭隧道监测点1 28.97 湾潭隧道监测点2 26.32 表 2 数值模拟参数
Table 2. Parameters of numerical simulation
岩体抗压强度/MPa 泊松比 密度/(kg·m-3) 孔隙压力系数 弹性模量/GPa 内摩擦角/(°) 渗透系数/(m·d-1) 38 0.25 2 670 0.5 10 39 0.1 -
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