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许洁 梁莹 张振超 姜雪 马瑞

许洁, 梁莹, 张振超, 姜雪, 马瑞. 江汉平原地下水中有机质季节变化对氮反应迁移的影响[J]. 地质科技通报, 2023, 42(4): 228-240. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2022.0158
引用本文: 许洁, 梁莹, 张振超, 姜雪, 马瑞. 江汉平原地下水中有机质季节变化对氮反应迁移的影响[J]. 地质科技通报, 2023, 42(4): 228-240. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2022.0158
Xu Jie, Liang Ying, Zhang Zhenchao, Jiang Xue, Ma Rui. Effects of seasonal variation in organic matter in groundwater on reactive nitrogen transport in the Jianghan Plain[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(4): 228-240. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2022.0158
Citation: Xu Jie, Liang Ying, Zhang Zhenchao, Jiang Xue, Ma Rui. Effects of seasonal variation in organic matter in groundwater on reactive nitrogen transport in the Jianghan Plain[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(4): 228-240. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2022.0158


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2022.0158

国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目 41722208


    许洁(1997—), 女, 现正攻读水文地质学硕士学位, 主要从事水文地球化学方向的研究工作。E-mail: 3296462565@qq.com


    马瑞(1979—), 女, 教授, 博士生导师, 主要从事水文地质学及水文地球化学的教学和科研工作。E-mail: rma@cug.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: P641.3

Effects of seasonal variation in organic matter in groundwater on reactive nitrogen transport in the Jianghan Plain

  • 摘要:

    溶解性有机质(DOM)是地下水中生物地球化学过程的重要碳源。为阐明江汉平原地下水中DOM季节性变化对N迁移转化的影响, 选取江汉平原沙湖监测场作为研究区, 根据地下水、地表水长期水位和水化学监测数据, 进行水文地球化学分析, 联合三维荧光光谱和紫外可见光谱, 分析DOM季节性变化特征, 探究了水文条件影响下地下水中DOM季节变化在N迁移转化中的作用。研究结果表明: 研究区地下水和地表水中DOM包括3种组分: 陆源类腐殖酸(C1)、微生物源类色氨酸(C2)和微生物源类腐殖酸(C3)。枯水期微生物源类色氨酸组分输入增加, 丰水期陆源类腐殖酸组分输入增加。研究区地下水的强还原性和高溶解性有机碳(DOC)含量为硝酸盐的还原提供了条件, 低腐殖化、低分子量的C2组分在N迁移转化中优先被利用。枯水期, 地下水水位下降, 含水层偏氧化性, 不稳定的类蛋白组分快速降解释放NH4-N, 硝化反应、有机氮矿化速率较高, 反硝化、硝酸盐异化还原为氨(DNRA)反应速率较低; 丰水期, 地下水水位上升, 含水层偏还原性, 硝化作用受到抑制, 大量不易被降解的DOM存在使含水层中有机氮矿化速率降低, 反硝化和DNRA过程被促进。综上所述, 研究区DOM季节性变化是控制地下水中N反应迁移的重要因素。


  • 图 1  研究区概况和采样点位置(a)和水文地质剖面图(b) (根据文献[26]修改)

    Figure 1.  Overview of the study area and location of the sampling sites (a), and hydrogeological profile (b)

    图 2  研究区地下水与地表水水位季节变化及降雨量分布(降水量数据来源于湖北省水文水资源中心网站)

    Figure 2.  Seasonal variation in groundwater and surface water levels, and rainfall distribution in the study area

    图 3  研究区地下水与地表水δ2H和δ18O分布图

    Figure 3.  Distribution of δ2H and δ18O of groundwater and surface water in the study area

    图 4  研究区地下水和地表水δ2H和δ18O季节变化图

    Figure 4.  Seasonal variation in δ2H and δ18O of groundwater and surface water in the study area

    图 5  研究区地下水和地表水中ρ(DOC)与ρ(DIN)的季节性变化

    Figure 5.  Seasonal variation in DOC and DIN in groundwater and surface water in the study area

    图 6  研究区枯、丰水期地下水中ρ(DOC)与ρ(NH4-N)关系

    Figure 6.  Relationship between DOC and NH4-N in groundwater during dry and wet seasons in the study area

    图 7  EEM-PARAFAC得到的DOM组分及其荧光特征(载荷值无单位)

    Figure 7.  Spectral characteristics of DOM components determined by EEM-PARAFAC

    图 8  研究区枯、丰水期地下水和地表水中DOM各组分相对含量

    Figure 8.  Relative content of the DOM components in groundwater and surface water during dry and wet seasons in the study area

    图 9  研究区地表水和地下水δ13CDIC(a)与δ13CDOC(b)变化图

    Figure 9.  Variation in δ13CDIC (a) and δ13CDOC (b) in surface water and groundwater in the study area

    图 10  研究区地下水中δ13CDIC-δ13CDOCδ13CDIC关系图

    Figure 10.  Relationship between δ13CDIC-δ13CDOC and δ13CDIC in groundwater in the study area

    图 11  研究区地下水中NH4-N浓度与光谱参数的关系(光谱参数无单位)

    Figure 11.  Relationship between NH4-N concentration and spectral parameters in groundwater in the study area

    图 12  研究区地下水中不同形态N与DO和DOC关系

    Figure 12.  Relationship between different forms of N and DO and DOC in groundwater in the study area

    表  1  研究区地下水主要水化学指标统计

    Table  1.   Statistics of groundwater chemistry in the study area

    指标 井深/m 枯水期 丰水期
    最小值~最大值(平均值) 最小值~最大值(平均值)
    pH 10 7.06~7.82(7.42) 6.41~7.63(7.01)
    25 7.22~8.07(7.60) 6.52~7.90(7.17)
    50 6.98~7.88(7.53) 6.37~7.76(7.16)
    EC/(μS·cm-1) 10 215.40~1 178.00(863.44) 204.70~1 568.00(1 041.57)
    25 141.10~1 002.00(694.91) 150.90~1 366.00(835.55)
    50 175.50~883.00(616.97) 194.70~1 157.00(750.39)
    ORP/mV 10 -81.30~188.00(-18.50) -169.70~131.80(-60.49)
    25 -127.90~188.80(-5.94) -163.80~104.30(-53.74)
    50 -170.70~185.00(-15.18) -166.20~104.50(-60.21)
    DO 10 0.72~3.43(1.79) 0.05~2.93(0.84)
    25 0.69~5.48(2.24) 0.08~2.24(0.98)
    50 0.39~5.96(1.86) 0.22~1.97(0.83)
    DOC 10 2.42~11.09(5.48) 2.11~9.81(5.42)
    25 1.87~18.64(4.43) 2.37~23.73(4.56)
    50 1.85~7.33(3.50) 1.52~6.15(3.47)
    DIC ρB/(mg·L-1) 10 26.58~145.88(68.03) 30.22~258.53(132.33)
    25 18.17~106.62(60.87) 43.03~173.68(104.66)
    50 15.86~92.37(52.85) 23.18~183.03(90.22)
    Cl- 10 6.75~63.26(21.96) 6.08~72.66(23.28)
    25 4.49~30.43(8.65) 2.85~29.50(8.11)
    50 4.23~93.11(15.76) 2.95~57.86(15.94)
    SO42- 10 0.00~41.05(7.40) 0.00~41.96(7.02)
    25 0.11~56.29(9.34) 0.00~49.70(10.56)
    50 0.00~38.58(7.44) 0.00~36.85(8.90)
    S2- ρB/(μg·L-1) 10 1.00~54.00(16.59) 0.00~841.00(62.81)
    25 0.00~637.00(58.48) 0.00~67.00(14.63)
    50 0.00~772.00(75.44) 0.00~268.00(30.70)
    K+ 10 1.41~22.68(4.84) 0.85~18.14(3.23)
    25 1.36~63.37(8.24) 0.53~62.74(8.34)
    50 0.90~35.75(6.75) 0.82~35.28(5.95)
    Na+ 10 2.33~37.03(20.33) 2.24~39.07(21.59)
    25 1.42~35.47(18.96) 1.40~35.10(19.22)
    50 2.25~48.44(18.94) 2.27~54.33(19.52)
    Ca2+ 10 45.02~213.74(144.50) 38.91~251.47(158.37)
    25 31.39~187.15(124.58) 30.08~205.37(125.26)
    50 37.16~229.49(108.62) 37.12~208.88(109.97)
    Mg2+ 10 4.79~77.93(34.01) 4.01~79.32(35.83)
    25 2.31~33.01(23.11) 2.23~34.87(23.10)
    50 3.99~36.46(21.28) 4.00~34.67(21.27)
    HCO3- ρB/(mg·L-1) 10 167~1037(639) 119~1051(691)
    25 88~770(529) 98~742(539)
    50 123~782(463) 119~819(472)
    Fe 10 0.83~26.20(6.38) 0.00~15.40(5.89)
    25 0.07~12.20(4.09) 0.05~9.66(3.96)
    50 0.35~7.65(4.12) 0.41~8.30(3.48)
    Fe2+ 10 0.04~14.90(4.30) 0.00~9.55(4.09)
    25 0.00~8.95(3.02) 0.00~7.45(1.90)
    50 0.01~6.60(2.96) 0.00~5.05(1.82)
    NO3-N 10 0.00~1.83(0.36) 0.00~2.15(0.17)
    25 0.00~1.24(0.26) 0.00~3.46(0.68)
    50 0.00~0.82(0.12) 0.00~3.03(0.84)
    NO2-N 10 0.00~0.10(0.02) 0.00~0.09(0.01)
    25 0.00~0.06(0.01) 0.00~0.05(0.02)
    50 0.00~0.10(0.02) 0.00~0.04(0.02)
    NH4-N ρB/(mg·L-1) 10 0.19~9.35(3.39) 0.18~7.85(3.52)
    25 0.05~4.96(2.27) 0.04~4.78(2.14)
    50 0.04~5.45(2.49) 0.27~5.40(1.86)
    δ18O/‰ 10 -8.87~-5.65(-7.31) -12.35~-5.77(-7.49)
    25 -11.22~-5.20(-7.78) -9.53~-5.13(-7.26)
    50 -11.92~-4.46(-7.90) -11.56~-4.76(-7.52)
    δ2H/‰ 10 -53.11~-37.44(-44.61) -86.22~-32.98(-47.42)
    25 -74.07~-23.33(-46.81) -64.88~-25.46(-44.58)
    50 -79.77~-33.12(-49.06) -80.24~-24.29(-47.21)
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