Characteristics of bitumen in sandstone-type copper-rhenium deposits in the Mishi Basin, Xichang, Sichuan Province, and its relationship with copper and rhenium enrichment mineralization
f )中发现了与砂岩型铜矿伴生的铼。铜铼矿体赋存于飞天山组碎裂状、透镜状砂岩中,矿石中见有大量细脉状沥青分布。为探讨米市盆地砂岩型铜铼矿床(点)中有机质(沥青)对铜铼成矿的作用,对矿床(点)中矿石及沥青进行了矿相学、显微结构、红外光谱及有机碳同位素组成的研究。结果表明:铜矿物呈它形粒状分布于沥青之中,与之形成交代结构;沥青具有较高的Cu、Re含量;沥青是由下伏三叠系白果湾组中的古油藏发生热裂解形成的,证实了铜铼矿床的形成与古油藏有机质具有密切的空间和成因关系。该类型矿床的发现,为铼等分散元素超常富集成矿研究提供了新的对象。Abstract:The Mesozoic Mishi continental basin in the Xichang District, Sichuan Province, is located on the western margin of the Yangtze Craton. Rhenium associated with sandstone-type copper ore has recently been discovered in the Lower Cretaceous Feitianshan Formation (K1
f ) in the basin. Copper-rhenium ore bodies are found in fragmented, lenticular sandstones of the Feitianshan Formation. Numerous fine-veined bitumen could be found in the ore. To explore the effect of organic matter (bitumen) on copper-rhenium mineralization in sandstone copper-rhenium deposits (spots) in the Mishi Basin, the ore and bitumen in the deposits (spots) were studied on mineralography, microstructure, infrared spectroscopy and isotope composition of organic carbon. The results show that the copper minerals occur in the bitumen as anhedral grains and display athel metasomatic structure. The bitumen has high Cu and Re contents and is formed by thermal cracking in the ancient oil reservoir in the Lower Triassic Baiguowan Formation. The formation of the copper-rhenium deposit has a close spatial and genetic relationship with the organic matter of the ancient oil reservoir. This type of deposit provides a new object for the study of super-enrichment of rhenium and other dispersed elements. -
图 4 米市盆地铜铼矿床(点)与四川盆地有机碳同位素分布对比图(底图据文献[21])
Figure 4. Comparison of the organic carbon isotope distribution between copper-rhenium deposits (spots) in the Mishi Basin and Sichuan Basin
表 1 米市盆地铜铼矿床(点)地质特征
Table 1. Geological characteristics of copper-rhenium deposits (spots) in the Mishi Basin
序号 矿床(点) 矿体形态 矿化特征 样品数 品位wB 1 红莫依达 矿层厚0.5~1 m,地表可见延伸长200余米,深部延深超40 m 具孔雀石化、蓝铜矿化见铅灰-银灰色辉铜矿化团块矿石类型为具黑色沥青条带碎裂状砂岩 17 Cu: 0.06%~18.80%
Re: 0.03~29.72 g/t
Ag: 2.37~337 g/t2 白庙子 矿层厚0.4~0.8 m,地表可见断续延伸长240余米,深部延深超50 m 具孔雀石化、蓝铜矿化见银灰色辉铜矿化团块矿石类型为具黑色沥青条带碎裂状砂岩 14 Cu: 0.01%~12.66%
Re: 0.02~6.49 g/t
Ag: 2.79~384 g/t3 薄日泥堡 矿层厚0.3~0.7 m,地表可见断续延伸长120余米,深部延深超20 m 具孔雀石化、蓝铜矿化矿石类型为具黑色沥青条带碎裂状砂岩 8 Cu: 0.04%~6.83%
Re: 0.02~3.85 g/t
Ag: 9.40~103 g/t4 二虎村 矿层厚0.3~0.7 m,地表可见断续延伸长120余米,深部延深超30 m 孔雀石化、蓝铜矿化矿石类型为具黑色沥青条带碎裂状砂岩 11 Cu: 0.04%~3.13%
Re: 0.01~0.65 g/t
Ag: 9.07~149 g/t5 轿顶山 矿化好,地表断续延伸长超过1 000 m 孔雀石化、蓝铜矿化矿石类型为具黑色沥青条带碎裂状砂岩 7 Cu: 3.96%~14.79%
Re: 0.02~20.47 g/t
Ag:24.9~175 g/t6 拉基乡 矿层厚0.4~0.8 m,地表可见断续延伸长240余米,深部延深超30 m 具孔雀石化、蓝铜矿化见银灰-铅灰色辉铜矿团块矿石类型为具黑色沥青条带碎裂状砂岩 21 Cu: 0.05%~39.1%
Re: 0.02~131.49 g/t
Ag: 3.16~271 g/t表 2 沥青X射线能谱测试结果
Table 2. Result of the X-ray energy spectrum of bitumen
wB/% 样点 C S O Cu Re Os Mo Fe Se Pb 合计 S0120-b1 87.32 0.44 9.55 0.95 — — 1.04 0.57 — 0.13 100 S0120-b3 90.90 0.40 7.21 0.07 — 0.11 0.46 0.72 — 0.13 99.87 S0120 89.46 — 8.94 0.09 — — 0.55 0.76 0.07 0.25 100 注:“—"表示未检出;S0120-b1、S0120-b3、S0120采自红莫依达乡矿床 表 3 沥青的碳同位素组成
Table 3. Carbon isotopic composition of bitumen
样品号 δ13CorgPDB/‰ 样品号 δ13CorgPDB/‰ X2 -22.8 X5 -22.2 X3 -23.3 X6 -21.7 X4 -22.8 X7 -23.3 -
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