Research status of rock sliding specular reflection and its application in shale gas preservation
镜面反射是岩层滑动过程中形成的光滑表面, 具有一定的金属和玻璃光泽以及反光特性。在一些断裂带中, 这些光滑的表面也被称为断层镜(FMs)。镜面反射可见于多种类型的岩石中, 在泥岩、砂岩、页岩、煤层、碳酸盐岩、硅酸盐岩等地层中均有发现, 不同岩性的镜面形成机制存在差异, 但镜面的形成均与岩层滑动有关。因此, 与岩层滑动相关的应力、滑动速率、滑移距以及温度等对镜面形成均有重要影响。黔北安场向斜龙马溪组页岩中发育大量镜面反射, 为了查明这些镜面反射形成的影响因素及其与页岩含气性之间的内在联系, 通过大量文献阅读系统总结了镜面反射的发育特征和形成机制及其对流体渗流和页岩气保存条件的影响。结果表明: ①应力、滑动速率、滑动位移和温度对镜面反射的形成具有重要影响; ②镜面反射的形成取决于应力与滑动速率的组合形式, 高速高应力条件下更容易形成镜面反射; 低速低应力条件下, 即使滑动位移很大也不会形成镜面反射; ③相同应力和滑动速率条件下, 总体上滑动位移会促进镜面覆盖率增加, 镜面覆盖率甚至能达100%;④温度促使岩石颗粒由脆性转变成塑性, 在一定程度上能防止岩石颗粒发生脆性破裂, 进而烧结岩石颗粒, 促使镜面反射的形成; ⑤镜面粗糙度极低, 一般处于微米级别, 平均粗糙度振幅仅几个微米; ⑥形成镜面的裂缝以及滑移距, 明显改善了页岩气的渗流, 页岩气的加速散失可能导致其较差的含气性。因此, 在缺乏顶底板条件时, 镜面反射可能是导致页岩含气性较差的重要原因之一。
Abstract:Objective Specular reflection is a smooth surface formed during the sliding process of rock strata, with a certain metallic and glass luster and reflective properties. In some fault zones, these smooth surfaces are also known as fault mirrors (FMs). Specular reflection can be seen in many rock types, such as mudstone, shale, coal seam, carbonate rock, silicate rock and so on. The mechanism of specular reflection is different in different lithologies, but the formation of specular reflection is related to strata sliding. Therefore, the stress, slip rate, slip distance and temperature related to rock strata sliding have important influence on the formation of specularity.
Methods A large amount of specular reflection is developed in the syncline Longmaxi Formation shale in Anchang, northern Guizhou. To find out the factors influencing the formation of specular reflection and the internal relationship between them and the gas content of shale in this paper, the development characteristics and formation mechanism of specular reflection and its effects on fluid flow and shale gas preservation conditions were summarized systematically through a large number of literature reviews.
Results The results show that: (1) Stress, slip rate, slip displacement and temperature have important influence on the formation of specular reflection. (2) The formation of specular reflection depends on the combination form of stress and sliding rate. It is easier to form specular reflection under high-speed and high-stress conditions. Under low-speed and low-stress conditions, the specular reflection will not be formed even if the sliding displacement is large. (3) Under the same stress and sliding rate, the overall sliding displacement will promote the increase of specular coverage, and the specular coverage can even reach 100%. (4) The temperature makes the rock particles change from brittle to plastic, which can prevent the brittle fracture of the rock particles to a certain extent, and then sinter the rock particles, prompting the formation of specular reflection. (5) The specular roughness is very low, usually in the micrometer level, the average roughness range is only a few micrometers. (6) Specular cracks and slip distances are formed, which significantly improve the flow of shale gas, accelerated loss of shale gas may lead to poor gas.
Conclusion Therefore, in the absence of roof and floor conditions, specular refection may be one of the important reasons for the poor gas content of shale.
图 2 自然镜面反射面和部分非反射面特征
A.彩虹色赤铁矿镜面[22]; B.石灰岩中微红色的断层镜面[4]; C.电气石断层镜面[7]; D.白云岩断层镜面及200 μm×300 μm小区域数字高程模型[11]; E.汶川科钻岩心中发育的暗色断层镜面(四川龙门山); F.页岩中深褐色断层镜面和非反射面[2]; G, H, L.贵州正安地区安页1-6HF井暗黑色页岩镜面(G.埋深2 339.34 m;H.埋深2 346.57 m;L.埋深2 338.06 m, L中见未被镜面全覆盖时的不连续光亮斑块)
Figure 2. Features of natural specular reflective surface and partial non-reflective surface
图 4 低应力条件下岩石表面最高温度(a)和镜面覆盖率(b)与滑动速率的关系(据文献[4]修改, vc为临界滑动速率)
Figure 4. Relationship between maximum temperature on rock surface (a) and specular coverage (b) and slip rate under low stress conditions
图 5 镜面覆盖率与滑移距的关系(黑色点代表在17.3 MPa和1 m/s条件下运行; 红色点(S526)代表在26 MPa, 1 m/s的条件下运行(据文献[11]修改))
Figure 5. Relationship between mirror coverage and slip distance (The black dots represent operations at 17.3 MPa and 1 m/s; The red dot (S526) represents operation at 26 MPa, 1 m/s(according to reference[11] amendments))
图 6 流量与三维分形维数的关系(据文献[43]修改; b为裂缝开度)
Figure 6. Relationship between flow and three-dimensional fractal dimension
图 7 等效渗透系数与粗糙度系数关系[38]
Figure 7. Relationship between equivalent permeability coefficient and roughness coefficient
图 8 渗透率与滑移距的关系[40] (不同颜色曲线代表在不同裂隙面中的渗流实验)
Figure 8. Relationship between permeability and slip distance (different color curves represent seepage experiments in different fracture surfaces)
表 1 天然镜面类型统计
Table 1. Natural mirror type statistics
位置 镜面类型 成因 资料来源 美国瓦萨奇断层带 赤铁矿镜面 穿层滑动 文献[1] 美国科罗纳高地断层 硅酸盐镜面 穿层滑动 文献[5] 意大利厄尔巴岛 电气石镜面 穿层滑动 文献[7] 四川盆地 页岩镜面 顺层滑脱 文献[8-9, 14] 南阿尔卑斯山 碳酸盐镜面 穿层滑动 文献[11] 黔北 页岩镜面 顺层滑脱 文献[15] 藏南嘉黎断裂 片麻岩镜面 穿层滑动 文献[16] 中扬子宜昌地区 泥岩镜面 顺层滑脱 据文献[17] 秦岭构造带 黄铁矿镜面 穿层滑动 文献[18] 湘中龙山金锑矿 绿泥石镜面 穿层滑动 文献[19] 东秦岭-大别山造山带 砂岩镜面 穿层滑脱 文献[20] 华北中南部 煤层镜面 穿层滑动 文献[21] -
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