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张鹏 刘珊珊 兰君 李衣鑫 邢楠 刘敬杰 刘袁坤 康志强 杨锋

张鹏, 刘珊珊, 兰君, 李衣鑫, 邢楠, 刘敬杰, 刘袁坤, 康志强, 杨锋. 山东省微山县郗山稀土矿床成矿年代学新进展[J]. 地质科技通报, 2024, 43(1): 51-62. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2022.0265
引用本文: 张鹏, 刘珊珊, 兰君, 李衣鑫, 邢楠, 刘敬杰, 刘袁坤, 康志强, 杨锋. 山东省微山县郗山稀土矿床成矿年代学新进展[J]. 地质科技通报, 2024, 43(1): 51-62. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2022.0265
ZHANG Peng, LIU Shanshan, LAN Jun, LI Yixin, XING Nan, LIU Jingjie, LIU Yuankun, KANG Zhiqiang, YANG Feng. New progress in the metallogenic chronology of the Chishan REE deposit in Weishan County, Shandong Province[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2024, 43(1): 51-62. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2022.0265
Citation: ZHANG Peng, LIU Shanshan, LAN Jun, LI Yixin, XING Nan, LIU Jingjie, LIU Yuankun, KANG Zhiqiang, YANG Feng. New progress in the metallogenic chronology of the Chishan REE deposit in Weishan County, Shandong Province[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2024, 43(1): 51-62. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2022.0265


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2022.0265

山东省自然资源厅基金项目 鲁勘字(2018)30号

山东省地矿局科技创新项目 KC202104

山东省地矿局科技创新项目 KY202207

广西研究生教育创新计划项目 YCBZ2022119

广西研究生教育创新计划项目 YCSW2022313


    张鹏, E-mail: zhang_6999@163.com


    兰君, E-mail: lanjun56@126.com

  • 中图分类号: P618.7;P597

New progress in the metallogenic chronology of the Chishan REE deposit in Weishan County, Shandong Province

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  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  鲁西区域地质简图(底图据文献[20]修改)

    Figure 1.  Geological sketch of the Luxi Block

    图 2  郗山稀土矿床地质图(含本次勘探线及钻孔位置) (底图据文献[31]修改)

    Figure 2.  Geological map of the Chishan REE deposit

    图 3  郗山稀土矿床岩心矿石样品主要矿物镜下显微照片(a~e为正交偏光,f为单偏光)


    Figure 3.  Microscopic photographs of the main minerals indrillhole ore samples from the Chishan REE deposit

    图 4  郗山矿床岩心样品典型稀土矿物扫描电镜照片(a, b)及TIMA矿物相分布图(c, d)


    Figure 4.  Scanning electron microscope photographs(a, b)and TIMA mineral distributions(c, d) of rare earth minerals in the drillhole samples from the Chishan deposit

    图 5  郗山稀土矿床氟碳铈矿CL图(a, c, e, g, i)以及加权平均年龄图(b, d, f, h, j)

    Figure 5.  CL images (a, c, e, g, i) and weighted mean Th-Pb ages (b, d, f, h, j) of bastnasite samples from the Chishan rare earth deposit

    表  1  郗山稀土矿床氟碳铈矿Th-Pb同位素定年结果

    Table  1.   Th-Pb isotope test results of cerium fluorocarbonate from the Chishan rare earth deposit

    分析点号 Pb Th U 同位素比值 同位素年龄/Ma
    wB/10-6 207Pb/206Pb 1σ 208Pb/232Th 1σ 208Pb/232Th 1σ
    ZK5-2-426 m-04 169.73 31 712 21.62 0.152 9 0.025 0 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.1 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-06 80.03 14 978 28.34 0.159 9 0.025 0 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.3 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-08 82.88 15 731 25.97 0.140 7 0.018 4 0.006 0 0.000 1 121.3 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-11 89.62 16 830 19.36 0.191 6 0.023 5 0.006 1 0.000 1 123.5 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-12 82.77 15 545 28.47 0.175 3 0.025 1 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.6 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-13 71.68 13 515 30.20 0.179 3 0.026 6 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.3 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-14 109.87 20 792 31.86 0.213 4 0.023 5 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.9 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-16 92.98 17 566 31.14 0.144 6 0.016 6 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.9 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-18 121.20 23 202 22.83 0.172 9 0.030 6 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.3 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-19 125.20 23 866 26.05 0.163 7 0.032 7 0.006 1 0.000 1 123.3 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-20 66.91 12 926 17.46 0.192 5 0.031 6 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.3 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-22 93.37 17 931 23.56 0.237 3 0.038 5 0.006 0 0.000 1 121.4 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-24 115.94 22 023 23.86 0.234 8 0.038 8 0.006 1 0.000 1 123.4 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-25 122.14 23 246 21.58 0.119 8 0.023 5 0.006 1 0.000 1 123.0 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-26 66.20 12 733 21.04 0.190 3 0.035 9 0.006 0 0.000 1 121.0 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-27 106.78 20 452 24.80 0.156 2 0.022 1 0.006 0 0.000 1 121.6 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-28 153.59 29 552 23.96 0.211 7 0.030 4 0.006 0 0.000 1 121.2 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-29 109.20 20 519 18.03 0.177 6 0.033 2 0.006 1 0.000 1 123.3 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-30 207.57 39 797 63.79 0.146 8 0.014 3 0.006 0 0.000 1 121.5 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-31 144.59 27 670 54.04 0.101 8 0.010 3 0.006 0 0.000 1 121.5 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-32 77.54 14 606 33.32 0.204 0 0.023 0 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.6 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-34 121.49 23 240 34.99 0.150 9 0.017 2 0.006 0 0.000 1 121.2 1
    ZK5-2-426 m-35 123.77 23 784 22.47 0.245 6 0.035 7 0.006 0 0.000 1 120.7 1
    ZK13-2-116 m-05 109.35 20 883 342.46 0.072 5 0.003 7 0.005 6 0.000 0 111.9 1
    ZK13-2-116 m-06 101.81 19 060 289.58 0.141 6 0.006 3 0.005 7 0.000 1 114.1 1
    ZK13-2-116 m-07 302.22 60 903 251.06 0.115 9 0.005 2 0.005 5 0.000 0 110.7 1
    ZK13-2-116 m-11 395.75 81 395 106.57 0.223 8 0.013 9 0.005 5 0.000 1 110.0 1
    ZK13-2-116 m-13 182.07 33 255 855.38 0.059 9 0.002 3 0.005 7 0.000 1 114.7 1
    ZK13-2-116 m-14 276.79 55 157 185.27 0.188 6 0.010 5 0.005 6 0.000 0 112.4 1
    ZK13-2-116 m-15 130.93 25 449 333.54 0.119 0 0.006 3 0.005 5 0.000 0 111.8 1
    ZK13-2-116 m-16 281.57 56 600 195.61 0.097 1 0.005 6 0.005 6 0.000 0 111.9 1
    ZK13-2-116 m-17 177.11 34 722 253.47 0.078 0 0.005 1 0.005 6 0.000 0 113.3 1
    ZK13-2-116 m-18 370.98 76 067 92.72 0.136 1 0.017 0 0.005 5 0.000 0 111.3 1
    ZK13-2-116 m-19 264.75 52 612 257.87 0.083 6 0.005 0 0.005 6 0.000 0 113.7 1
    ZK13-2-116 m-20 133.94 25 202 487.28 0.068 2 0.003 1 0.005 6 0.000 0 113.5 1
    ZK13-2-116 m-21 142.58 27 089 560.73 0.0603 0.002 6 0.005 5 0.000 0 111.5 1
    ZK13-2-116 m-22 269.79 54 743 205.44 0.079 6 0.005 1 0.005 5 0.000 0 110.8 1
    ZK13-2-116 m-23 235.59 46 987 150.72 0.130 5 0.012 0 0.005 6 0.000 0 113.0 1
    ZK13-2-116 m-24 191.67 37 228 403.45 0.096 0 0.004 0 0.005 6 0.000 0 112.7 1
    ZK13-2-116 m-29 299.06 59 755 260.20 0.103 7 0.006 2 0.005 6 0.000 1 112.7 1
    ZK13-2-402 m-01 37.75 7 085 6.40 0.606 9 0.090 3 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.6 1
    ZK13-2-402 m-02 22.41 4 244 8.78 0.483 2 0.072 4 0.006 0 0.000 1 120.7 1
    ZK13-2-402 m-03 21.64 4 032 9.17 0.356 9 0.058 1 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.9 1
    ZK13-2-402 m-04 30.85 5 588 12.76 0.725 4 0.094 8 0.006 2 0.000 1 125.5 1
    ZK13-2-402 m-06 26.80 5 041 11.34 0.278 0 0.038 5 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.6 1
    ZK13-2-402 m-08 24.99 4 731 5.64 0.793 4 0.124 4 0.006 0 0.000 1 121.4 1
    ZK13-2-402 m-10 23.13 4 227 9.04 0.797 6 0.105 6 0.006 2 0.000 1 124.0 1
    ZK13-2-402 m-11 31.96 5 922 9.98 0.523 0 0.086 0 0.006 2 0.000 1 124.1 1
    ZK13-2-402 m-12 21.74 3 969 7.23 0.834 6 0.110 3 0.006 2 0.000 1 125.3 1
    ZK13-2-402 m-13 37.47 6 933 10.42 0.204 2 0.035 7 0.006 2 0.000 1 125.1 1
    ZK13-2-402 m-14 24.51 4 591 9.10 0.466 5 0.073 9 0.006 1 0.000 1 123.2 2
    ZK13-2-402 m-16 23.04 4 340 13.20 0.674 4 0.098 0 0.006 0 0.000 1 121.6 2
    ZK13-2-402 m-18 40.98 7 456 4.54 0.995 5 0.093 6 0.006 2 0.000 1 124.7 2
    ZK13-2-402 m-19 23.91 4 474 9.03 0.537 4 0.103 1 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.8 1
    ZK13-2-402 m-20 26.26 4 881 8.11 0.720 8 0.105 5 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.9 1
    ZK13-2-402 m-21 28.81 5 108 11.60 0.706 2 0.052 9 0.006 3 0.000 1 126.0 1
    ZK13-2-402 m-24 29.84 5 612 9.61 0.402 0 0.052 5 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.5 1
    ZK13-2-402 m-25 75.82 13 883 14.67 0.566 1 0.065 6 0.006 2 0.000 1 125.8 1
    ZK13-2-402 m-26 40.69 7 538 4.45 0.367 0 0.061 2 0.006 2 0.000 1 124.8 1
    ZK13-2-402 m-27 29.76 5 503 8.35 0.851 5 0.131 1 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.9 1
    ZK13-2-402 m-30 37.49 6 847 8.66 0.908 8 0.054 6 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.0 1
    ZK13-2-402 m-33 43.66 8 132 6.21 0.348 6 0.054 2 0.006 2 0.000 1 124.6 1
    ZK13-2-402 m-35 47.13 8 701 9.04 0.510 6 0.070 1 0.006 2 0.000 1 125.0 1
    ZK11-1-379 m-01 105.59 19 182 7.05 0.664 0 0.055 2 0.006 2 0.000 1 124.8 1
    ZK11-1-379 m-03 113.78 20 587 9.90 0.694 1 0.070 2 0.006 2 0.000 1 125.3 1
    ZK11-1-379 m-04 59.00 10 639 14.30 0.677 3 0.082 5 0.006 3 0.000 1 126.3 1
    ZK11-1-379 m-07 87.66 15 911 9.60 0.829 5 0.087 8 0.006 2 0.000 1 125.6 2
    ZK11-1-379 m-08 222.80 41 099 54.83 0.141 2 0.010 7 0.006 2 0.000 1 124.0 2
    ZK11-1-379 m-09 173.10 31 776 12.03 0.441 9 0.057 4 0.006 2 0.000 1 125.4 2
    ZK11-1-379 m-10 129.58 23 688 4.35 0.896 8 0.090 9 0.006 2 0.000 1 125.1 2
    ZK11-1-379 m-11 60.02 10 814 16.76 0.743 8 0.093 3 0.006 3 0.000 1 127.6 2
    ZK11-1-379 m-12 76.39 13 858 11.47 0.775 0 0.063 9 0.006 2 0.000 1 125.4 1
    ZK11-1-379 m-13 86.23 16 008 6.85 0.587 3 0.114 8 0.006 2 0.000 1 124.3 1
    ZK11-1-379 m-15 47.49 8 748 19.71 0.489 7 0.051 7 0.006 3 0.000 1 126.2 2
    ZK11-1-379 m-16 186.35 34 545 9.17 0.582 6 0.069 9 0.006 3 0.000 1 125.9 1
    ZK11-1-379 m-18 174.30 32 015 53.08 0.191 1 0.015 0 0.006 3 0.000 1 127.3 1
    ZK11-1-379 m-19 332.72 63 297 64.01 0.169 1 0.018 4 0.006 2 0.000 1 125.1 2
    ZK11-1-379 m-20 346.23 64 157 63.69 0.155 1 0.012 4 0.006 3 0.000 1 127.6 1
    ZK11-1-379 m-22 417.94 77 323 105.74 0.216 6 0.011 0 0.006 3 0.000 1 127.2 1
    ZK11-1-379 m-24 106.66 19 794 25.08 0.385 3 0.045 0 0.006 2 0.000 1 125.2 1
    ZK11-1-379 m-25 86.77 16 181 3.26 0.867 0 0.121 9 0.006 2 0.000 1 124.7 1
    ZK11-1-379 m-26 87.90 16 204 8.48 0.426 4 0.067 4 0.006 2 0.000 1 125.5 1
    ZK11-1-379 m-27 423.09 78 096 88.39 0.183 7 0.012 0 0.006 2 0.000 1 125.5 1
    ZK11-1-379 m-28 163.98 30 423 6.06 0.855 8 0.093 2 0.006 2 0.000 1 125.2 1
    ZK11-1-379 m-29 111.39 20 459 9.51 0.564 6 0.070 0 0.006 2 0.000 1 125.6 1
    ZK11-1-379 m-31 163.49 29 910 24.16 0.321 7 0.033 2 0.006 3 0.000 1 126.7 2
    ZK11-1-379 m-32 292.56 54 666 21.20 0.534 3 0.033 1 0.006 1 0.000 1 123.8 1
    ZK11-1-379 m-33 90.64 16 301 21.14 0.700 7 0.046 2 0.006 3 0.000 1 126.7 2
    ZK11-1-379 m-34 119.21 21 803 18.15 0.746 1 0.042 6 0.006 2 0.000 1 124.9 1
    ZK11-1-379 m-36 86.29 16 001 5.71 0.864 2 0.094 1 0.006 1 0.000 1 123.6 1
    ZK11-1-628 m-06 154.70 28 199 25.34 0.619 7 0.036 0 0.006 2 0.000 1 124.3 1
    ZK11-1-628 m-07 121.40 22 632 86.35 0.214 9 0.013 1 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.1 1
    ZK11-1-628 m-08 164.29 30 261 57.80 0.123 9 0.011 1 0.006 2 0.000 1 124.3 1
    ZK11-1-628 m-12 121.90 22 711 18.43 0.509 6 0.044 1 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.6 1
    ZK11-1-628 m-17 101.47 18 694 16.02 0.241 9 0.026 6 0.006 3 0.000 1 125.9 1
    ZK11-1-628 m-19 129.40 24 081 25.87 0.371 1 0.042 1 0.006 3 0.000 1 125.8 1
    ZK11-1-628 m-20 72.46 13 594 11.42 0.396 0 0.047 0 0.006 3 0.000 1 126.6 1
    ZK11-1-628 m-25 85.39 16 227 36.94 0.701 2 0.055 7 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.1 1
    ZK11-1-628 m-29 107.05 21 539 18.44 0.818 8 0.082 9 0.006 0 0.000 1 120.4 1
    ZK11-1-628 m-32 93.06 17 772 68.23 0.281 3 0.021 7 0.006 1 0.000 1 122.9 1
    ZK11-1-628 m-34 78.60 14 962 16.45 0.598 4 0.063 0 0.006 2 0.000 1 125.1 1
    ZK11-1-628 m-35 110.10 21 089 89.53 0.116 7 0.012 2 0.006 1 0.000 1 123.1 1
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