Analysis of the pore structure of tight sandstone by high-pressure mercury injection combined with fractal theory: A case study of the Heshui area in the Ordos Basin
孔隙结构是致密砂岩储层的关键要素,制约油气在储层中的储集与流动,而储层孔隙结构是目前非常规油气勘探开发研究的重点和难点。选取鄂尔多斯盆地合水地区上三叠统延长组长7段10块致密岩心样品,开展高压压汞和X-衍射等实验,运用分形理论研究储层孔喉分形特征,并分析分形维数与储层物性、孔隙结构参数与矿物含量之间的关系。研究结果表明:根据压汞曲线形态和孔隙结构参数将储层分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类,其储集性能和渗流能力依次递减,微观非均质性依次增强。不同类型的储层具有不同的分形特点:根据分形曲线存在的拐点0.05和0.02 μm,将实际情况和IUPAC提出的孔隙大小划分标准结合,Ⅰ类储层孔隙分为大孔(>50 nm)和中孔(50~6 nm);Ⅱ、Ⅲ类储层据拐点分为中孔A段(50~20 nm)和中孔B段(20~6 nm);平均分形维数依次增大,分别为2.619 3,2.745 4,2.852 6,非均质性逐渐增强。较少的大孔贡献了主要的渗透率,分形维数反映的主要是孔隙大小非均质性。分形维数与部分矿物存在较好的相关性,矿物成分及其含量是决定分形维数大小的内在因素,进而影响储层的质量和孔隙结构特征。
Abstract:Pore structure is the key element of tight sandstone reservoirs, which restricts the accumulate and flow of oil and gas in reservoirs. The pore structure is one of the key and difficult point of unconventional oil and gas exploration and development. In this paper, ten dense core samples from the Upper Triassic Yanchang Group 7 section in the Heshui area of the Ordos Basin are selected to carry out experiments, including high-pressure mercury pressure and X-diffraction. Fractal theory is used to analyze the characteristics of pore throats, then the relationship between fractal dimension and reservoir physical properties, pore structure and mineral content is analyzed. The results show that according to the mercury pressure curve and pore structure, the reservoir is divided into categories Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ, its reservoir performance and seepage capacity decrease in turn, and the microheterogeneity is enhanced. Different types of reservoirs have different fractal characteristics: according to the inflection points of fractal curves 0.05 and 0.02 μm. The pore size of class Ⅰ reservoirs is divided into large pores (> 50 nm) and medium pores (50-6 nm) by combining the actual situation with the standard of pore size division proposed by IUPAC. According to the inflection point, the reservoirs of classes Ⅱ and Ⅲ can be divided into medium pores a (50-20 nm) and mesoporous B (20-6 nm). The average fractal dimension increased, which was 2.619 3, 2.745 4 and 2.852 6, respectively, and the heterogeneity gradually increased. The main permeability is contributed by fewer large pores, and the fractal dimension mainly reflects the heterogeneity of pore size. The fractal dimension is related to some minerals. Mineral composition and content are the internal factors that determine the fractal dimension and then affect the quality and pore structure of reservoirs.
Key words:
- high-pressure mercury injection /
- tight sandstone /
- pore structure /
- fractal dimension /
- heterogeneity
表 1 岩样基本物性参数
Table 1. Basic physical parameters of rock samples
岩样编号 深度/m 直径/m 长度/cm 岩样密度/(g·cm-3) 孔隙度/% 渗透率/10-3 μm2 L23_1 1 645.40 2.515 2.320 2.380 10.30 0.156 L23_2 1 672.03 2.508 2.346 2.460 7.60 0.055 L205_1 1 636.90 2.524 2.304 2.420 9.10 0.049 L205_2 1 645.20 2.525 2.317 2.340 11.90 0.093 N181_1 1 613.60 2.525 2.270 2.570 3.50 0.017 N181_2 1 659.66 2.520 2.415 2.590 2.60 0.011 Z143_1 1 842.67 2.525 2.320 2.480 6.80 0.028 Z143_2 1 835.57 2.520 2.339 2.340 11.60 0.119 Z225_1 1 772.90 2.525 2.320 2.350 11.40 0.078 Z225_2 1 775.04 2.525 2.323 2.650 0.90 0.008 表 2 研究区砂岩储层岩石学特征
Table 2. Petrological characteristics of sandstone reservoirs in the study area
岩样编号 石英 钾长石 斜长石 方解石 白云石 黏土矿物 黏土矿物相对含量/% wB/% 伊利石 绿泥石 伊蒙混层 L23_1 52.7 8.1 16.2 2.4 2.6 18.0 38.0 20.0 42.0 L23_2 56.5 2.9 14.0 2.8 2.5 20.7 33.0 27.0 40.0 L205_1 55.5 4.9 14.6 1.2 2.9 18.6 34.0 22.0 44.0 L205_2 53.2 13.4 13.6 1.4 3.5 10.9 44.0 25.0 31.0 N181_1 48.2 6.0 15.7 11.6 3.5 15.0 32.0 13.0 55.0 N181_2 43.6 6.4 11.8 14.4 8.7 12.1 45.0 14.0 41.0 Z143_1 47.4 6.3 28.3 1.6 3.9 11.9 48.0 28.0 24.0 Z143_2 58.1 14.5 9.8 3.7 2.5 10.7 38.0 31.0 31.0 Z225_1 58.9 6.0 14.2 2.6 1.7 16.2 38.0 35.0 27.0 Z225_2 45.4 4.1 13.6 2.7 9.9 23.5 37.0 24.0 39.0 平均值 52.0 7.3 15.2 4.4 4.2 15.8 38.7 23.9 37.4 表 3 鄂尔多斯盆地合水地区孔隙结构特征参数
Table 3. Characteristic parameters of pore structure in the Heshui area of the Ordos Basin
岩样编号 分类 中值孔隙半径/μm 最大进汞饱和度/% 排驱压力/MPa 分选系数 歪度 L23_1 Ⅰ 0.067 68.302 1.148 1.563 0.280 L23_2 Ⅰ 0.029 62.615 3.983 1.494 0.102 L205_1 Ⅰ 0.036 66.904 3.977 1.837 0.038 L205_2 Ⅰ 0.059 72.844 2.939 1.319 0.324 Z143_1 Ⅰ 0.010 61.204 2.947 2.361 0.032 Z143_2 Ⅰ 0.007 72.820 3.979 1.556 0.053 Z225_1 Ⅰ 0.024 72.267 2.943 2.604 0.140 均值 0.045 68.137 3.131 1.819 0.078 N181_1 Ⅱ 0.010 53.509 7.573 3.269 0.612 N181_2 Ⅱ 0.007 52.459 7.571 2.369 0.402 均值 0.009 52.984 7.572 2.819 0.507 Z225_2 Ⅲ / 35.717 10.323 2.463 0.551 表 4 Ⅰ类样品分形维数计算结果
Table 4. Fractal dimension of class Ⅰ samples
样品编号 大孔 中孔 Dp ra/μm Dp-1 Ф1/% K1/10-3μm2 R2 Dp-2 Ф2/% K2/10-3μm2 R2 L23_1 2.598 7 9.01 0.156 0.993 7 2.830 8 1.29 0.000 08 0.999 6 2.627 7 0.05 L23_2 2.687 5 6.29 0.050 0.919 9 2.787 6 1.31 0.000 25 0.974 8 2.704 8 0.05 L205_1 2.606 8 7.53 0.049 0.958 2 2.773 3 1.57 0.000 22 0.991 5 2.635 4 0.05 L205_2 2.534 6 10.31 0.093 0.979 3 2.772 6 1.59 0.000 18 0.994 3 2.566 5 0.05 Z143_1 2.614 5 5.51 0.028 0.986 6 2.814 2 1.29 0.000 10 0.999 6 2.652 2 0.05 Z143_2 2.533 6 9.28 0.119 0.973 0 2.761 6 2.32 0.000 74 0.999 6 2.579 2 0.05 Z225_1 2.533 6 9.62 0.078 0.973 0 2.761 6 1.78 0.000 19 0.996 0 2.569 2 0.05 平均值 2.587 0 8.22 0.082 0.969 1 2.786 0 1.59 0.000 25 0.993 6 2.619 3 0.05 注:Dp为样品的平均分形维数;Dp-1为大孔段的分形维数;Dp-2为中孔段的分形维数;Φ1为大孔的孔隙占比;Φ2为中孔的孔隙占比;K1为大孔的渗透率贡献值;K2为中孔的渗透率贡献值;ra为拐点孔隙半径 表 5 Ⅱ类分形维数计算结果
Table 5. Calculation results of class Ⅱ fractal dimension
样品编号 中孔A段(50~20 nm) 中孔B段(20~6 nm) Dp ra/μm Dp-2-Ⅰ Φ3/% K3/10-3μm2 R2 Dp-2-Ⅱ Φ4/% K4/10-3μm2 R2 N181_1 2.670 5 1.72 0.002 0.991 8 2.826 0 0.24 0.000 03 0.979 7 2.689 4 0.02 N181_2 2.822 5 1.58 0.002 0.958 1 2.697 5 0.32 0.000 05 0.987 7 2.801 3 0.02 均值 2.746 5 1.65 0.002 0.974 9 2.761 8 0.28 0.000 04 0.983 7 2.745 4 0.02 注:Dp-2-Ⅰ为中孔A段的分形维数;Dp-2-Ⅱ为中孔B段的分形维数;Φ3为中孔A段的孔隙占比;Φ4为中孔B段的孔隙占比。K3为中孔A段的渗透率贡献值;K4为中孔B段的渗透率贡献值 表 6 Ⅲ类分形维数计算结果
Table 6. Calculation results of class Ⅲ fractal dimension
样品编号 中孔A段(50~20 nm) 中孔B段(20~6 nm) Dp ra/μm Dp-2-Ⅰ Φ3/% K3/10-3μm2 R2 Dp-2-Ⅱ Φ4/% K4/10-3μm2 R2 Z225_2 2.9095 0.46 0.001 0.9813 2.7443 0.24 0.00010 0.9866 2.8526 0.02 表 7 孔隙度频率分布与渗透率贡献率
Table 7. Porosity frequency distribution and permeability contribution rate
样品编号 分类 大孔(>50 nm) 中孔(50~6 nm) 孔隙频率分布/% 渗透率贡献率/% 孔隙频率分布/% 渗透率贡献率/% L23_1 Ⅰ 87.476 99.949 12.524 0.051 L23_2 Ⅰ 82.763 99.502 17.237 0.498 L205_1 Ⅰ 82.747 99.553 17.253 0.447 L205_2 Ⅰ 86.639 99.807 13.361 0.193 Z143_1 Ⅰ 81.029 99.644 18.971 0.356 Z143_2 Ⅰ 80.000 99.382 20.000 0.618 Z225_1 Ⅰ 84.386 99.757 15.614 0.243 均值 83.577 99.656 16.423 0.344 N181_1 Ⅱ 44.100 86.121 55.900 13.879 N181_2 Ⅱ 26.800 78.665 73.200 21.335 均值 35.450 82.393 64.550 17.607 Z225_2 Ⅲ 22.222 86.250 77.778 13.750 -
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