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刘贺 罗勇 雷坤超 崔文君 齐鸣欢 赵龙 孔祥如

刘贺, 罗勇, 雷坤超, 崔文君, 齐鸣欢, 赵龙, 孔祥如. 北京新航城地区地面沉降演化规律及多源监测方法对比研究[J]. 地质科技通报, 2023, 42(1): 398-406. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20210456
引用本文: 刘贺, 罗勇, 雷坤超, 崔文君, 齐鸣欢, 赵龙, 孔祥如. 北京新航城地区地面沉降演化规律及多源监测方法对比研究[J]. 地质科技通报, 2023, 42(1): 398-406. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20210456
Liu He, Luo Yong, Lei Kunchao, Cui Wenjun, Qi Minghuan, Zhao Long, Kong Xiangru. Evolution of land subsidence and comparative study on multi-source monitoring methods in New Airlines City of Beijing[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(1): 398-406. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20210456
Citation: Liu He, Luo Yong, Lei Kunchao, Cui Wenjun, Qi Minghuan, Zhao Long, Kong Xiangru. Evolution of land subsidence and comparative study on multi-source monitoring methods in New Airlines City of Beijing[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(1): 398-406. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20210456


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20210456

国家重点研发计划课题 2017YFB0503803

北京市自然科学基金项目 8212042



  • 中图分类号: P623

Evolution of land subsidence and comparative study on multi-source monitoring methods in New Airlines City of Beijing

  • 摘要:

    为查明北京新航城地区地面沉降演化规律,结合基岩标-分层标和水准测量对新航城地区地面沉降特征进行了分析,并结合不同监测方法进行了对比研究评价。研究发现:①近十年新航城地区浅部地层中沉降量和沉降比例越来越小,沉降比例由2009年67.62%下降到2019年19.69%,而中部地层和深部地层则随着时间沉降量和沉降比例越来越大,中部地层沉降比例由2009年21.39%增加到2019年35.83%,深部地层沉降比例则由2009年10.99%增加到2019年44.48%;浅部地层含水层水位呈现周期性往复变化,中部和深部地层含水层在周期性变化中持续下降,地层在水位周期性往复变化中持续压缩。②根据历年水准测量和地下水动态监测成果,研究区自北向南累计沉降量逐渐减小。地面沉降和地下水位数据拟合后发现二者具有一定的相关性,相关性随着水位降幅的增大,相关性也随之增大,二者成正相关。③基岩标—分层标静力水准测量系统与人工水准测量系统对同一监测点和不同深度数据互校后的误差值非常接近,符合正态分布规律,不同深度的监测数据相关系数为0.993 6;对比2种方法各有优势与不足,应根据实际情况,多方面获取沉降信息与数据,满足地区级地面沉降监测与防治的不同需求。


  • 图 1  榆垡地面沉降监测站标孔分布图

    Figure 1.  Distribution of standard holes of Yufa land subsidence monitoring station

    图 2  北京大兴国际机场及附近地区地面沉降监测网

    Figure 2.  Land subsidence monitoring network of Beijing Daxing International Airport and its surrounding areas

    图 3  榆垡监测站2008-2019年分层沉降比例图

    Figure 3.  Hierarchical compression scale map of Yufa monitoring station from 2008 to 2019

    图 4  榆垡监测站2008-2019年浅部地层沉降比例图

    Figure 4.  Scale map of shallow strata compression at Yufa monitoring station from 2008 to 2019

    图 5  榆垡监测站2008-2019年中部地层沉降比例图

    Figure 5.  Scale map of middle strata compression at Yufa monitoring station from 2008 to 2019

    图 6  榆垡监测站2008-2019年深部地层沉降比例图

    Figure 6.  Scale map of deep strata compression at Yufa monitoring station from 2008 to 2019

    图 7  分层水位-沉降关系曲线(F7-7、F7-6及F7-5)

    Figure 7.  Relationship curve between layered water level and settlement (F7-7, F7-6 and F7-5)

    图 8  F7-4分层水位-沉降关系曲线

    Figure 8.  Relationship curve between F7-4 layered water level and settlement

    图 9  F7-3分层水位-沉降关系曲线

    Figure 9.  Relationship curve between F7-3 layered water level and settlement

    图 10  F7-2分层水位-沉降关系曲线

    Figure 10.  Relationship curve between F7-2 layered water level and settlement

    图 11  F7-1分层水位-沉降关系曲线

    Figure 11.  Relationship curve between F7-1 layered water level and settlement

    图 12  北京大兴国际机场及附近地区2019年沉降速率等值线图

    Figure 12.  Contour map of settlement rate of Beijing Daxing International Airport and its vicinity in 2019

    图 13  北京大兴国际机场及附近地区1955-2019年累计沉降量等值线图

    Figure 13.  Contour map of accumulated settlement of Beijing Daxing International Airport and its surrounding area from 1955 to 2019

    图 14  榆垡监测站分层地下水水位动态曲线(2008-2019年)

    Figure 14.  Dynamic curve of stratified groundwater level at Yufa monitoring station (2008-2019)

    图 15  地下水水位-沉降相关关系(116~170 m地层)

    Figure 15.  Correlation between water level and settlement(116-170 m stratum)

    图 16  地下水水位-沉降相关关系(170~205 m地层)

    Figure 16.  Correlation between water level and settlement (170-205 m stratum)

    图 17  地下水水位-沉降相关关系(205 m以下地层)

    Figure 17.  Correlation between water level and settlement(stratum below 205 m)

    图 18  基岩标-分层标静力水准测量系统与一等水准测量系统的误差P-P图

    Figure 18.  P-P chart of the error between the static leveling system and the leveling system

    图 19  榆垡站各监测层位(2019年)水准测量与分层标测量值对比曲线

    Figure 19.  Comparison curve of leveling and layer mark measurement values of each monitoring horizon (2019) at Yufa station

    表  1  榆垡地层贡献量表

    Table  1.   Summary of the Yufa stratigraphic contribution

    地层时代 底界埋深/m 沉降比例/%
    全新世、晚更新世 46 27.24
    中更新世 120 18.35
    早更新世 343 54.41
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    表  2  针对同一监测点采用不同监测方法与一等水准测量互校后的差值

    Table  2.   List of differences after mutual calibration of different monitoring methods and leveling for the same monitoring point

    监测方法对比 2种监测方法互校后的差值/mm
    基岩标-分层标与一等水准测量对比 2.830 0.763 0.612 0.619 1.314 0.437 7.265
    -0.654 -4.547 -0.682 -0.753 -0.381 1.507 0.144
    2.283 0.792 5.821 14.743 2.992 1.192 3.361
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    表  3  榆垡站各监测层位(2019年)水准测量与分层标测量值

    Table  3.   Leveling and layer mark measurements of each monitoring horizon (2019) at Yufa station

    分层标编号 F7-2 F7-3 F7-4 F7-5 F7-6 F3-7
    水准测量/mm -5.090 -8.790 -5.650 -2.715 -3.435 -2.595
    分层标测量/mm -4.235 -8.479 -4.912 -2.154 -3.508 -1.696
    差值 -0.855 -0.311 -0.738 -0.561 0.073 -0.899
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    表  4  2种监测方法优缺点对比

    Table  4.   Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of each monitoring method

    监测技术 优势 不足
    水准测量 仪器简捷、方法可靠、精度准确 时间长、不能实时监测、占用劳动力
    基岩标- 分层标监测 监测准确、实时、分层监测等 费用高、需占地,无法大面积推广
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