Characteristics of igneous rocks and their significance in hydrocarbon accumulation in Block C of Santos Basin, SE Brazil
桑托斯盆地盐下碳酸盐储层中火成岩分布广泛,以盆地C区块为解剖区,通过对区内火成岩岩石学、年代学以及CO2气体同位素测试分析等,明确了区内火成岩发育特征,剖析了其对油气成藏的影响。C区块至少经历了阿普特期和圣通-坎潘期2期岩浆活动,其中阿普特期岩浆以喷发岩为主,经历了多次喷发,并伴有多次侵入;圣通-坎潘期岩浆规模较小,侵入比较随机。阿普特期岩浆多次喷发改造古地形,形成局部凸起,促成并控制了Itapema组介壳灰岩的沉积发育,形成了巨厚的火山岩-介壳灰岩复合体,不仅造成了局部构造反转和圈闭高点迁移,而且也促成了Barra Velha组优质微生物灰岩的发育。区块北翼属早期古隆,Barra Velha组也发育一定规模微生物灰岩滩体。圣通-坎潘期及之后岩浆活动伴生的CO2大规模侵入,对烃类流体进行萃取和抽提改造,形成含凝析油的CO2气藏。
Abstract:Santos Basin is characterized by multiple phases of magmatic events and widespread distribution of igneous rocks, which have significant affect of hydrocarbon accumulation. Taking Block C of Santos Basin as a typical and representative example, this paper focused on the characteristics of igneous rocks and their roles in hydrocarbon accumulation through the analysis of igneous rock petrology, geochronology, petrogeochemistry, and gas isotopes. In Block C, at least two main stages of magma events were developed: Aptian magma (122.8±0.6-110.8±0.6 Ma) and Santonian-Campanian magma (84.2±0.7-77.4±0.4). The Aptian magma is dominated by eruptive rocks and has experienced dozens of eruptions, accompanied by several layers of subvolcanic rocks. In comparison, Santonian-Campanian magma is distributed in a relatively random pattern. The multipulse eruption of Aptian magma formed an igneous rock-coquinas complex of more than 600 meters in thickness, inducing a local paleohigh in Itapema Formation. This directly caused the trap crest to shift and contributed to the development of high-quality carbonate deposition in Barra Velha Formation. Before the eruption of Aptian magma, the north flank of Block C was paleohigh, where a particular scale of microbial carbonate reservoirs was anticipated to develop in the Barra Velha Formation as well. These carbonate reservoirs were favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation. The later Santonian-Campanian intrusions also impact carbonate reservoirs through hydrothermal fluid circulation and contact metamorphism. Meanwhile, a large amount of associated CO2 accumulated in the trap led to a high GOR (gas oil ratio) and high CO2 content and changed the fluid composition through the extraction process.A CO2 gas reservoir with condensed oil was eventually formed in the current crest in Block C, as proven by drilled well A.Another pool with high CO2 content is also expected in its north flank, to be demonstrated in the future.
Key words:
- Santos Basin /
- Block C /
- igneous rock /
- structure inversion /
- carbonate sedimentary /
- CO2 content /
- geological reservoir model /
- Brazil
图 5 C区块阿普特期火山成因隆起及BVE微生物灰岩滩体分布(剖面位置见图 1-a)
Figure 5. Structure high induced by Aptian igneous rocks and corresponding deposition of BVE carbonate mound in North-flank Block C
图 7 C区块圈闭CO2及烃类流体分布模式图(剖面位置见图 1-b)
a.北翼滩体和A井滩体连通,具有统一的油气水系统; b.北翼滩体和A井滩体不连通,2套独立油气水系统
Figure 7. Distribution pattern of CO2 and hydrocarbon accumulation model in Block C
表 1 C区块火成岩岩石类型、特征及分布
Table 1. Main types, characteristics and distribution of igneous rocks in Block C
火成岩相 岩石名称 岩石结构 矿物组成 备注 分布 喷发相 块状玄武岩 间隐结构、玻基斑状结构、聚斑状结构 碱性长石、斜长石、辉石和橄榄石 高玻璃质/晶体比例高,局部含有气孔 A井 气孔(杏仁)
状玄武岩间隐结构、不等粒结构、等粒结构、玻基斑状结构、半晶质结构 斜长石、少量橄榄石和辉石 杏仁多被充填钙质、泥质和硫化物 碎玻质熔岩 隐晶质结构,偶见玻基斑状结构 斜长石斑晶细晶和火山玻璃和不透明矿物 可分为碎玻质熔岩和再沉积碎玻质熔岩 侵入相 辉绿(长)岩 辉绿结构、辉长结构、包含结构、不等粒结构、斑状结构 斜长石、橄榄石、辉石和火山玻璃 全晶质至半晶质,少见玻璃质 A、B井 煌斑岩 全晶质细粒岩,不等粒结构 橄榄石、镁铁质矿物、斜长石斑晶 基质也属全晶质,以细粒铁质-镁铁质矿物为主 A井 表 2 C区块火成岩Ar-Ar*地质年龄统计
Table 2. Statistics of Ar-Ar* geological age for igneous rocks in Block C
井号 层组 岩性 测试样品 坪年龄/Ma 备注 A井 BVE 煌斑岩 全岩 76.9±0.2 77.4±0.4 ITP 碎玻质熔岩 全岩 116.6±0.6 块状玄武岩 斜长石 111.2±0.5 斜长石 110.8±0.6 辉绿岩 全岩 122.8±0.6 测试样品见图 4-a和4-a1 122.8±0.6 斜长石 122.1±1.0 121.3±0.7 B井 BVE 碱性辉长岩 角闪石 83.9±0.3 81.8±2.4 碱性辉长岩 角闪石 81.6±0.3 81.7±1.7 黑云母 82.6±0.2 83.6±0.9 碱性辉长岩 角闪石 84.2±0.7 测试样品见图 4-b和4-b1 82.4±0.7 *样品制备及测试在澳大利亚昆士兰大学UQ-AGES实验室完成 -
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