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刘鑫金 刘惠民 杨怀宇 张鹏飞

刘鑫金, 刘惠民, 杨怀宇, 张鹏飞. 东营凹陷沙三段古水介质盐度特征及其控制因素[J]. 地质科技通报, 2023, 42(3): 125-133. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220061
引用本文: 刘鑫金, 刘惠民, 杨怀宇, 张鹏飞. 东营凹陷沙三段古水介质盐度特征及其控制因素[J]. 地质科技通报, 2023, 42(3): 125-133. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220061
Liu Xinjin, Liu Huimin, Yang Huaiyu, Zhang Pengfei. Salinity characteristics of paleo-aqueous medium and their controlling factors in the third Member of the Shahejie Formation, Dongying Sag[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(3): 125-133. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220061
Citation: Liu Xinjin, Liu Huimin, Yang Huaiyu, Zhang Pengfei. Salinity characteristics of paleo-aqueous medium and their controlling factors in the third Member of the Shahejie Formation, Dongying Sag[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(3): 125-133. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220061


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220061

国家科技重大专项 2017ZX05049-004

中国石油化工股份有限公司科技攻关项目 P19017-6


    刘鑫金(1983—), 男, 副研究员, 主要从事石油地质综合研究和油气勘探部署工作。E-mail:181973956@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: P641.5+1

Salinity characteristics of paleo-aqueous medium and their controlling factors in the third Member of the Shahejie Formation, Dongying Sag

  • 摘要:

    东营凹陷沙三段浊积岩油藏是重要的油气增储领域, 由于沉积期水体富灰特征明显, 严重影响地球物理预测精度及储层的品质, 因此恢复古水介质盐度、研究古盐度分布、寻找淡水稀释区显得尤为重要。综合利用微量元素、黏土矿物、碳-氧同位素等多种测试数据, 探索了不同恢复方法之间的量化联系, 并建立了一套综合表征方法, 用于量化恢复研究区的古盐度并剖析其纵、横向展布规律。在此基础上, 进一步探索了控制古盐度展布规律的成因机制。研究表明:高盐区主要分布于坨-胜断裂区、草北地区、中央背斜带及斜坡带地区, 低盐区主要分布于淡水物源注入区及深洼区;古盐度展布受控于古气候旋回、古物源性质和深部卤水上涌, 其中, 古气候旋回控制了纵向水体盐度旋回, 古物源性质及供应量控制了物源通道附近的平面水体差异, 沙四段深部卤水上涌造成了局部高盐度水体;前三角洲附近的淡水影响区和洼陷中心的淡水稀释区的浊积岩储层品质更高且灰质泥岩的影响更小,因此是重力流砂体下步勘探的有利方向。


  • 图 1  东营凹陷沙三段构造纲要与沉积体系图

    Figure 1.  Tectonic outline and sedimentary system in the third Member of Shahejie Formation, Dongying Sag

    图 2  牛38井沙三段古盐度恢复综合柱状图

    Figure 2.  Integrated column chart of palaeosalinity reconstruction in the third Member of Shahejie Formation of Well Niu38

    图 3  东营凹陷沙三中早期古盐度分布图

    Figure 3.  Palaosalinity distribution in Early-Medium Es3 of Dongying Sag

    图 4  古气候干湿指数与古盐度关系散点图

    Figure 4.  Scatter plot of the relationship between paleoclimate index of dryness and humidity

    图 5  东营凹陷沙三段碳氧同位素散点图

    Figure 5.  Scatter plot of carbon and oxygen isotopes in the third Member of Shahejie Formation, Dongying Sag

    图 6  东营凹陷周缘剥古近系、新近系残留地层分布图

    Figure 6.  Distribution of residual and eroded formations surrounding the Dongying Sag

    图 7  东营凹陷不同层位87Sr/86Sr均值散点图

    Figure 7.  Scatter plot of the mean value of 87Sr/86Sr value of different strata in the Dongying Sag

    图 8  中央背斜带地区沙三段储层微观特征

    a.粉砂岩颗粒间发育白云石及原油沥青, 河172井(3 335.5 m);b.粉砂岩颗粒间发育白云石, 河172井(3 376.6 m);c.粉砂岩颗粒间发育白云石及原油沥青, 河162井(3 239.2 m);d.粉砂岩颗粒间发育白云石, 河162井(3 239.2 m)

    Figure 8.  Micro-characteristic of the reservoir in the third Member of the Shahejie Formation, central anticline belt

    图 9  东营凹陷沙三段半深湖-深湖碳酸盐形成与调整模式

    Figure 9.  Modes of carbonate formation and adjustment in a half-lake to deep-lake in the third Member of Shahejie Formation, Dongying Sag

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