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陈儒贤 侯加根

陈儒贤, 侯加根. 高尚堡油田高3102断块沙三2+3亚段中低渗透储层可动流体赋存特征及其影响因素[J]. 地质科技通报, 2023, 42(6): 174-186. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220184
引用本文: 陈儒贤, 侯加根. 高尚堡油田高3102断块沙三2+3亚段中低渗透储层可动流体赋存特征及其影响因素[J]. 地质科技通报, 2023, 42(6): 174-186. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220184
Chen Ruxian, Hou Jiagen. Occurrence characteristics and influencing factors of movable fluid in the medium- and low-permeability reservoirs of the Es32+3 submember of the Gao3102 fault block in the Gaoshangpu Oilfield[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(6): 174-186. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220184
Citation: Chen Ruxian, Hou Jiagen. Occurrence characteristics and influencing factors of movable fluid in the medium- and low-permeability reservoirs of the Es32+3 submember of the Gao3102 fault block in the Gaoshangpu Oilfield[J]. Bulletin of Geological Science and Technology, 2023, 42(6): 174-186. doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220184


doi: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220184

    陈儒贤(1997—), 男, 助理工程师, 主要从事油气田开发地质方面的研究工作。E-mail: 1605283604@qq.com


    侯加根(1963—), 男, 教授, 主要从事油气田开发地质方面的研究工作。E-mail: jghou63@hotmail.com

  • 中图分类号: P618.13

Occurrence characteristics and influencing factors of movable fluid in the medium- and low-permeability reservoirs of the Es32+3 submember of the Gao3102 fault block in the Gaoshangpu Oilfield

  • 摘要:

    为了明确中低渗透储层可动流体赋存特征, 以期更好地指导油田增储上产, 以高尚堡油田高3102断块沙三2+3亚段中低渗透砂岩储层为研究对象, 基于薄片资料、全岩衍射分析、高压压汞曲线、密闭取心核磁共振资料、扫描电镜以及油水相渗曲线, 开展了不同孔隙结构储层可动流体的赋存特征及其影响因素研究。结果表明: ①不同孔隙结构储层可动流体饱和度差异较大。Ⅰ类中孔中喉型储层核磁共振T2谱呈左低右高双峰型, 可动流体饱和度平均61.14%;Ⅱ类中小孔细喉型储层核磁共振T2谱呈左高右高双峰型, 可动流体饱和度平均45.24%;Ⅲ类细孔微喉型储层核磁共振T2谱呈左高右低双峰型, 可动流体饱和度平均30.45%;Ⅳ类微孔微喉型储层核磁共振T2谱呈左高单峰型, 可动流体饱和度平均13.86%;②储层宏观物性、微观孔隙结构、黏土矿物含量以及储层润湿性共同控制可动流体赋存特征。其中微观孔隙结构是可动流体赋存的关键因素, 孔喉半径越大, 储层渗流能力越好, 黏土矿物含量越低, 储层润湿性越弱, 可动流体饱和度越高。该研究结果对高尚堡油田沙三2+3亚段储层高效注水开发提供合理科学依据。


  • 图 1  高3102断块构造位置图及地层综合柱状图[25]

    a.渤海湾盆地构造格局;b.高尚堡深层Es32+3亚段油藏构造图;c.高3102断块Es32+3亚段Ⅲ油组顶面构造图; d.地层划分柱状图

    Figure 1.  Structural location map and comprehensive histogram of the Gao 3102 fault block in the study area

    图 2  高3102断块沙三2+3亚段岩石学特征

    Figure 2.  Petrological characteristics of the Es32+3 submember in the Gao3102 fault block

    图 3  高3102断块沙三2+3亚段储层物性特征

    Figure 3.  Reservoir physical properties of the Es32+3 submember in the Gao 3102 fault block

    图 4  高尚堡油田高3102断块沙三2+3亚段储层微观孔隙特征相片

    a.长石岩屑砂岩,发育粒间孔,粒间溶孔,GJ3102-8井,蓝色铸体薄片(单偏光),3 499.04 m;b.长石岩屑砂岩,残余粒间孔为主,GJ3102-8井,蓝色铸体薄片(单偏光),3 519.12 m;c.岩屑砂岩,发育粒内溶孔,GJ3102-8井,蓝色铸体薄片(单偏光),3 490.76 m;d.长石砂岩,铸模孔,颗粒溶孔,GJ3102-8井,蓝色铸体薄片(单偏光),3 513.96 m;e.绿泥石晶间微孔,GJ3102-8井,扫描电镜, 3 490.76 m;f.微裂缝,GJ3102-8井,铸体薄片(单偏),3 429.46 m

    Figure 4.  Microscopic pore characteristic photos of the Es32+3 submember in the Gao3102 fault block of the Gaoshangpu Oilfield

    图 5  高尚堡油田高3102断块沙三2+3亚段储层空间类型特征

    Figure 5.  Reservoir space type characteristics of the Es32+3 submember in the Gao3102 fault block of the Gaoshangpu Oilfield

    图 6  高3102断块沙三2+3亚段不同孔隙结构高压压汞曲线和孔喉半径分布

    Smax为最大压汞饱和度; Pd为排驱压力

    Figure 6.  High pressure mercury injection curves of different pore structures in the Es32+3 submember of the Gao3102 fault block

    图 7  核磁共振T2截止值的确定

    Figure 7.  Determination of the cut-off value of NMR T2

    图 8  高3102断块沙三2+3亚段不同孔隙结构储层核磁共振T2谱图

    Figure 8.  NMR T2 spectra of reservoirs with different pore structures in the Es32+3 submember of the Gao3102 fault block

    图 9  高3102断块沙三2+3亚段不同孔隙结构储层油水相对渗透率


    Figure 9.  Relative permeability of oil and water in reservoirs with different pore structures in the Es32+3 sub member of the Gao3102 fault block

    图 10  高3102断块沙三2+3亚段可动流体饱和度与储层物性相关性分析

    Figure 10.  Relationship between reservoir physical properties and movable fluid saturation of the Es32+3 sub member in the Gao3102 fault block

    图 11  高3102断块沙三2+3亚段孔可动流体饱和度与储层孔喉结构参数相关性分析

    Figure 11.  Relationship between pore throat structure parameters and movable fluid saturation of the Es32+3 sub member in the Gao3102 fault block

    图 12  高3102断块沙三2+3亚段可动流体饱和度与储层黏土矿物成分的相关性分析

    Figure 12.  Caly minerals and movable fluid saturation of the Es32+3 sub member in the Gao3102 fault block

    图 13  高3102断块沙三2+3亚段储层典型微观扫描电镜相片

    a.绿泥石,微晶石英填充,GJ-314号样品; b.绿泥石,微晶石英填充,GJ-204号样品; c.方解石发橙色光,GJ-206号样品; d.伊利石及微孔,GJ-197号样品

    Figure 13.  Typical microscopic scanning electron microscope photos of the Es32+3 sub member reservoir in the Gao3102 fault block

    图 14  高3102断块沙三2+3亚段可动流体饱和度与储层润湿指数的相关性分析

    Figure 14.  Wettability index and movable fluid saturation of the reservoir of the Es32+3 submember reservoir in the Gao3102 fault block

    表  1  高3102断块沙三2+3亚段储层不同孔隙结构特征参数

    Table  1.   Characteristic parameters table of different pore structures in the Es32+3 submember of the Gao3102 fault block

    代表样品编号 孔隙结构分类 排驱压力/MPa 平均孔喉半径/μm 最大孔喉半径/μm 均质系数 分选系数 退汞效率/% 最大进汞饱和度/% 孔隙度/% 渗透率/10-3 μm2
    GJ-45 Ⅰ类 0.010 8.446 73.640 0.115 9.155 51.57 90.79 18.30 116.00
    GJ-38 Ⅰ类 0.032 6.780 65.230 0.320 5.320 39.62 80.05 16.60 101.60
    GJ-393 Ⅱ类 0.049 6.640 16.840 0.480 4.849 35.12 82.91 13.90 66.30
    GJ-409 Ⅱ类 0.073 3.490 10.010 0.370 3.250 41.87 74.20 16.40 35.70
    GJ-314 Ⅲ类 0.301 1.540 3.389 0.236 0.588 31.50 63.34 13.68 7.59
    GJ-197 Ⅲ类 0.308 0.550 2.390 0.230 1.220 33.55 52.33 14.60 2.86
    GJ-204 Ⅳ类 0.550 0.246 1.442 0.180 0.321 80.20 27.03 7.50 0.85
    GJ-206 Ⅳ类 2.068 0.069 0.356 0.187 0.063 21.10 20.26 7.20 2.06
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  高3102断块沙三2+3亚段储层核磁共振T2谱及渗流参数

    Table  2.   NMR T2 spectrum and seepage parameters of the reservoir in the Es32+3 submember of the Gao3102 fault block

    代表样品编号 样品深度/m 岩性 孔隙结构类型 T2谱类型 可动流体饱和度/% T2截止值/ms Swx/% Krwm/% Wi
    GJ-45 3 431.24 粗粒岩屑长石砂岩 Ⅰ类 左低右高双峰 61.14 12.30 47.20 55.3 20.31
    GJ-38 3 430.36 巨-粗粒长石岩屑砂岩 Ⅰ类 左低右高双峰 63.66 11.20 51.00 42.0 29.50
    GJ-393 3 511.48 中粒岩屑长石砂岩 Ⅱ类 左高右高双峰 45.24 6.57 53.50 20.2 87.60
    GJ-409 3 513.78 粗粒长石岩屑砂岩 Ⅱ类 左高右高双峰 40.04 8.10 51.70 13.1 116.92
    GJ-314 3 499.04 不等粒岩屑长石砂岩 Ⅲ类 左高右低双峰 30.45 3.66 50.50 13.6 119.93
    GJ-197 3 483.12 细粒岩屑长石砂岩 Ⅲ类 左高右低双峰 22.11 3.22 51.70 10.0 181.50
    GJ-204 3 483.84 巨粒长石岩屑砂岩 Ⅳ类 左高单峰型 13.86 3.20 65.30 5.0 601.00
    GJ-206 3 484.18 含碳酸盐砂质砾岩 Ⅳ类 左高单峰型 14.87 2.13 64.65 6.1 449.20
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    表  3  高3102断块沙三2+3亚段储层典型岩心样品的黏土矿物X射线分析结果

    Table  3.   X-ray analysis results of clay minerals of typical core samples from the in Es32+3 sub member reservoir in the Gao3102 fault block

    样品编号 孔隙结构类型 黏土矿物相对质量分数/% 伊/蒙混层比/% 黏土矿物绝对质量分数/%
    绿泥石 伊蒙混层 高岭石 伊利石
    GJ-45 Ⅰ类 53.8 13.4 28.0 4.8 54 3.8
    GJ-38 Ⅰ类 42.1 21.3 27.7 8.9 55 4.4
    GJ-393 Ⅱ类 51.7 21.3 20.5 6.5 51 4.9
    GJ-409 Ⅱ类 65.5 12.9 18.7 2.9 50 4.0
    GJ-314 Ⅲ类 66.9 14.3 16.5 2.3 68 4.8
    GJ-197 Ⅲ类 56.7 16.5 20.8 6.0 55 5.8
    GJ-204 Ⅳ类 43.2 27.8 23.4 5.6 54 4.7
    GJ-206 Ⅳ类 22.3 53.6 15.2 8.9 78 7.5
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